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Exploring Limericks: A Playful Poetry Form

Learn about limericks, humorous 5-line poems with rhyme schemes, through delightful examples from author N.P. Guseva. Discover the charm of these witty verses and dive into the world of creative wordplay.

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Exploring Limericks: A Playful Poetry Form

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  1. «ЛИМЕРИК-поэтическое произведение» Автор:Гусева Н.П. Должность:учитель английского языка МОУ Сыртинской СОШ.

  2. Scheme 1st line rhymes 2nd line 3rd line rhymes 4th line 5th line Adward Lear was a famous English poet.He made limericks popular in the 19th century. A limerick is a shot funny poem.It has 5 lines.The form of a limerick is always the same. What is a Limerick?

  3. Rain When the rain Pat, pat, pat- Starts its monotonous talk It s best friend I'm perfectly sure Will be out for a walk

  4. Lady of Crete There was a young Lady of Crete, Who was so exceebingli neat. When she got out of bed She stood on her head To make sure of not soiling her feet.

  5. An old lady of France There was an old lady of France, Who taught little ducklings to dance: When she said,”Tick-a tack!” They only said,”Quack!” Which grieved that old Lady of France.

  6. An old man There was one man with a beard Who said, ''It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren,Have all built their nests in my beard !

  7. There was an old person of Chile, Whose conduct was painful and silly, He sat on the stairs, Eating apples and pears, That imprudent old person of Chile. An old person of Chile

  8. Blue,green,yellow It is blue, and green And yellow. It shows rivers (Deep, not shallow). Cities, mountains, Lakes and sees- All are there For him who sees.

  9. A horse • My slender legs Are swift and fast, I gallop, or I trot, Or walk, or run- Oh, it's great fun! Let's run a race, Why not?

  10. An old man of Aosta There was an old man of Aosta,Who possessed a large cow, but he lost her,But they said: ‘‘Don’t you seeShe has rushed up a tree?You invidious old man of Aosta

  11. An old person of Dover There was an old person of Dover,Who rushed through a field of blue clover;But some very large beesStung his nose and his knees,So he very soon went back to Dover.

  12. There was an old man in Peru, Who dreamt he was eating his shoe,He woke in the night ,In a terrible fright, And found it was perfectly true. An old man in Peru

  13. A young lady of Niger There was a young lady of Niger,Who went for a ride on a tiger,They returned from the rideWith the lady insideAnd a smile on the face of the tiger.

  14. A student named Bessor There once was a student named Bessor, Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser. It at last grew so small He knew nothing at all, And today he's a college professor

  15. There was a young man from Bengal Who went to a fancy-dress ball He decided for fun To dress as a bun But a dog ate him up in the hall A man from Bengal

  16. Список источников • Mus eoconomus. • www.google.ru • ИЯШ 8/2006 • Банк педагогической информации 2004г.

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