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Cherishing Life: From Conception to Natural Death

Discover the importance of respecting life from conception to natural death, exploring pro-life beliefs and the Culture of Life. Learn about related issues and ways to promote a society that values and celebrates life at all stages.

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Cherishing Life: From Conception to Natural Death

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chris Davis: State Life Director Tim Hebling: Special Olympics Tommy Ruemker: MDF/St. Mary’s Ralph Comeaux: Sports/cookoffs Bill McCrossen: Disaster Relief KCLS 2019

  2. Chris Davis: State Life Director Peter and EdnamaeSahuc: Culture of Life Couple Culture of Life KCLS 2019From Conception to Natural Death !

  3. My story… “Life should be respected, loved, and cherished from Conception to natural death!” Why are YOU pro-life?

  4. Abortion >900,000 womb Suicide 44,000 self Murder 7,000 others Euthanasia/ 200 Terminally ill assisted suicide 5) Capital 14 prisoners punishment What is the Culture of Death?

  5. Secondary Life Issues • What moral issues are covered under the Culture of Life? • Abortion • Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research • Human Cloning • Contraception • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) • Surrogacy • Redefinition of Marriage • Euthanasia • Pre- or extra-marital sex • Transgenderization

  6. How are these culture of life issues related? Pope Francis in the Holy Land said: “Every child needs to be accepted and protected…children need to be welcomed and defended, from the moment of their conception.” “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” Pope Saint John Paul II

  7. “O God, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Wonderful are your works.” (Psalm ???) “Human life is sacred and inviolable at every moment of existence, …. God who searches them and knows them, … forms them and knits them together with his own hands” (St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 61).

  8. “Conception is the beginning of human life. From the time that an ovum is fertilized a new life begins that is neither that of the father nor of the mother. It is rather the life of a new human being with his own growth. It would never become human if it were not human already.” Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on Procured Abortion, 1974

  9. State Grading Form

  10. State Grading Form

  11. Purpose: to lead the community in the spiritual battle for life Novena for Life

  12. Nine day Novena for Life/ 40 Days for Life! kofc.org/novena Prayer for Life cards (#4665) Home On the sidewalk 9 days for one hour as a whole council 9 hours in a row for the whole council Novena for Life

  13. March for Life 40 Days for Life Ultrasound Initiative Pro-life Wrestling Major Pro-life Activity

  14. Louisiana Life March March for Life in DC Marches for Life

  15. Show public support for life at Local, state, or national march 50 or more people for full credit Resources: Marchforlife.org Choos life sign (#9341) Marches for Life https://www.kofc.org/un/en/resources/service/culture-of-life/9341-18-11x17.pdf

  16. Pilot program in Louisiana! Goal: to reach people who previous pro-life efforts may not reach

  17. Purpose: save persecuted Christians facing genocide all over the world (Mainly Middle East, but also other places like Nigeria) Christian Refugee Relief

  18. Solidarity Crosses Submit all funds to the designated fund at Supreme Resources: Order kit online Order solidarity crosses online Christian Refugee Relief

  19. Purpose: share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life Resources: kofc.org/silverrose Vicen Alvarez 226-266-3165 Silver Rose

  20. talk to your pastor Rosary Mass Reception Promote it with other councils Order Silver Rose Prayer Service Booklet #4841 Silver Rose

  21. Purpose: welcome people who might not usually feel welcomed Physical, mental, Emotional, Cognitive difficulties Mass for People with Special Needs

  22. Baby bottle campaign Support banquet Donation, volunteering Pregnancy Center Support

  23. Baby bottle campaign Educational event Banquets Letter writing/email campaign Brainstorm! Culture of Life Activity

  24. Mary’ House Marksville New Iberia Ultrasound Initiative

  25. Action Plan • Promote a broad Culture of Life by showing respect, love, and cherishment of our lives and the lives of others from conception to natural death • Focus on ending abortion by continuing to promote life-affirming grassroots activities • Set an example in our state for the entire country to follow • Ora et labora: Through prayer and work we can make this country Queen in a Sisterhood of countries that respect, love, and cherish life from conception to natural death VIVAT JESUS!

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