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ECE361 Engineering Practice

ECE361 Engineering Practice. Reporting. Design Process Assures Design will meet Requirements. Stage 1 – Problem Definition & Potential Solutions. Requirements Specification. Brainstorming. Trades. Preliminary Design. Requirements vs. Capabilities. Detailed Design Review.

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ECE361 Engineering Practice

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  1. ECE361Engineering Practice Reporting Page 1

  2. Design Process Assures Design will meet Requirements Stage 1 – Problem Definition & Potential Solutions Requirements Specification Brainstorming Trades Preliminary Design Requirements vs. Capabilities Detailed Design Review Stage 2 – Design Implementation Testing Reporting Stage 3 – Verification This process is part of what we call Systems Engineering Deliver = $$$ Page 2

  3. Purpose of Reporting • To tell your client what work you have completed • To document your design (permanent record) • To explain the rationale supporting your engineering decisions • To specify your conclusions and recommendations • To get a grade Page 3

  4. Final Report Outline • Executive Summary • Introduction and Overview • Design Alternatives • Methodology • Results • Conclusions • Recommendations • Supporting Materials Page 4

  5. Executive Summary • Concise summary (written for your manager) of essential points in the report • Purpose or problem • Method • Results • Conclusions • Recommendations This summary is all that may be read of your report by decision-makers and “big-bosses” – be sure it is well-written and portrays the work positively For more information, see exec summary hints Page 5

  6. Introduction & Overview • Background • Problem or need • Purpose of report • Overview • Prior work This provides background for the problem you are solving, introduces the report, and introduces the solution you are presenting Page 6

  7. Design Alternatives • Alternatives Considered • Evaluation of alternatives • Basis for design selected Show due diligence in pursuing the best solution, not just a cool technology or the best you could come up with. This shows your expertise as an engineer. Page 7

  8. Methodology • Engineering Design • Construction • Operation • Verification & Testing This section describes the process used to implement and verify your solution. The goal is to show that the solution has been produced by a sound process. Page 8

  9. Results • Test Results • Comparison with Requirements This is the “sell-off” section, where you show that your solution meets requirements and performs. This is primarily what the technical customer is interested in seeing as proof of your solution working. Page 9

  10. Conclusions • Interpretation of Results • What does it mean Explain the significance of your results. Show how your design choices were justified in better-than-required performance, for example. Indicate to the customer the value of your solution’s performance. Page 10

  11. Recommendations • Based upon system designed • Future design recommendations Expand your value to the customer by showing what else could be done with your design or future designs. Page 11

  12. Supporting Materials • Appendices for details • Technical details • Computer code • Drawings • CD Roms to support report Page 12

  13. Format of Final Report ECE Department Writing Standards are available on Angel – peruse them for more suggestions and information Page 13


  15. Assembling the Final Report I • List conclusions and recommendations; • Construct a rough outline to support your conclusions and recommendations; • Review the outline within the team; • Construct and review a topic sentence outline within the team; This is simply a suggested approach for your team… Page 15

  16. Assembling the Final Report II • Prepare a rough draft (the writing assignments may be distributed among the team); • Revise and rewrite as many times as needed (use only a single editor for final revision); • Read the last draft aloud to catch mistakes and poor wording; • Prepare final version of report. Page 16

  17. ECE 361 Assignments • INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – Executive Summary due via CPR • See description in this presentation – talk this over as a team, but prepare and submit individually • Due dates: Start: Monday, 31 Oct, 12:30 pm; Text Entry, Friday, 4 Nov, 12 am; Final, Monday, 7 Nov, 1:30 pm. • TEAM ASSIGNMENT - Prepare and submit final project report, one per team, with individual contribution assignments • See description in this presentation, follow writing guidelines • Initialed hard copy to instructor by 5 pm, Friday, 11 November • Reminder: Final Presentations are Tuesday, 15 November, • at 1 pm in O201 - Mandatory Attendance Page 17

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