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Explore the beauty of Varna's historic Assumption Cathedral illuminated at night. Learn about its rich history and architectural details. Despite humble skills and equipment, enjoy this visual journey.
Cathedral Катедрала "Успение Божей матери"
My dear friends,this is my first night shot posting and the result of my third attempt to take it properly..:-))I hope you will excuse the quality-I had no tripod and used fir balance a huge trash bin,but hope it was it worth to stand the uncovinience,as the Varna Jawel(as I call it) is a beauty and I was very eager to show it to you,no matter my humble skills and not very high quality of photographical equipment.
However,I hope very much you will enjoy it the way I offer it to you today,as it has a significant place in Varna history too. This is the sight of Varna Assumption Cathedral,Situated in the very core of the city,lit up for the night. It was built in the First years after the liberation of the country.The honour to lay the main stone of the future temple fell to prince Alexander I Batenberg who arrived to Varna on 4th August 1880 and the official ceremony took place on 22nd August 1880.
The chosen name Uspenie Presvyatiya Bogoroditza(the Assumption) was commemorate the recently deceased all-Russian empress Maria Alexandrovna-a Bulgaria benefactress and aunt of the prince.No time was wasted and the building works started right away.It took 6 years for the temple to be completed.The project imitated the style of the Peterhoff temple in Petersburg.
The church was planned to reach the size of 35x35 metres,with a three-nave basilica,the main altar dedicated to the Assumption,the northern one-to the faithful prince St.Alexander Nevsky,the southern-to St.Nicholas the Wonder-Worker.On 15th March 1884 the committee assigned the construction to the prominent church-builder Gencho Kanev from Tryavna.The following year the temple was already erected,in September the Roofing was finished and on 30th August 1886 the first solemn mass was celebrated there.
However,the design of its interior continued throughout the following years.The bishop’s stall was placed in 1897;later on the iconostasis was also ready.The bell was supposed to weigh 1638 kg,with an inscribed text trat read:in honour of the Liberator.In 1901 the Russian czar Nicolay II presented 42 smalle and 3 bigger icons,and 1904 other 8 icons were brought to the church to be placed at the middle and northern doorways.In 1911 the church flooring was covered with multivoloured ceramic tiles4 years later the balcony was ready.
In 1941-43 the bell-tower (38 m high) and the cupolas were reconstructed to their present form,the steam-heating room was built,the roofing structure replaced.The temple was icon-painted in the years following 1949;the chandeliers were also installed at that time.
Created by: Ivanela ХII g class