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Course Computer Communications Study Period 2. EDA343, DIT 420. Course Aims. Study topics: data communication and computer networks After completion of this course, the student should be able to distinguish network services, related protocols and layers
Course Computer CommunicationsStudy Period 2 EDA343, DIT 420
Course Aims • Study topics: data communication and computer networks • After completion of this course, the student should be able to • distinguish network services, related protocols and layers • understand possibilities and constraints in the existing solutions • build and configure a working network and have an understanding of computer configuration and routing issues in networks • Through course assignments students will be trained in • solving network-related problems/ implementing simple network protocols • building up a small network from scratch • Some advice: to be able to put things in perspective: • come to classes; try to ask questions; • study on-line (don't wait until last weeks); • do the labs in time (don't wait until last weeks); • Keep in mind: practice makes perfect: practice on exercises, questions, use the companion site of book meant for student-resources; experiment with protocols following the hints in the book.
Course Homepage http://www.cse.chalmers.se/edu/course/EDA343 (pleaserevisit/reloadfrequently)
Course Support team • Examiner :Marina Papatriantafilou • Tutors :Zhang FuBapiChatterjeeAras AtalarAljoshaLautenbachGuestLecturers : Zhang FuElad Micheal Schiller
Course organization • 13 Lectures, 2 tutorials, 5 Excercisessessions • Cf ”Lectures and Excercises” @ web page • 3 lab/assignments • Cf ”Assignmets and Exam” @ web page • 1. (a) wireshark or (b)http • 2. configure a network • 3. take.home-questions/overviewstudy • Writtenexam
TODOs, especially for Assignments • Registerfor the course: thiswillgiveyouaccess to pingpongas needed • check yourpingpongaccounts and ifyoucannotsee the coursecontact the peopleresponsible for the labs, providingname, personal number, email • Contact BapiChatterjee <bapic@chalmers.se>; Aras Atalar (aras.atalar@gmail.com); AljoschaLautenbach <aljoscha@chalmers.se> • Log-in ping-pongby theend ofthisweek • Form teams of 2, register team/group in pingpong • Watch the instructionsofwhatto do for assignments and submission; in summary: • Choose 1 outof 2 options for Assignment 1: (youwill get an email afterregistering in a group in pingpong) • http implementation : programming at home, booktime, ask and show here, submitcode (timesavailable: cf webpage) • or wireshark: submitpreassignment, booktime , carryoutlab@Lindholmen, submitreport(timesavailable: cf webpage) • Get informed for Assignment2: settingup a network: booktime, submitpreassignment, carryoutlab@Lindholmen (timesavailable: cf webpage) • Assignment3: answerquestions, submitreport • Book labhourswhere relevant • Make sure thatyounotice all due dates for booking, delivering, etc • Labs not ready afterreportingof the results (Jan 11), willneedto be repeated–the complete set(study period 4 ofthisacademicin Swedish, or nextacademicyear)
Student representatives • for the course EDA343 Computer communication the following students have been randomly selected to be student representatives: Being a student representative means that you are responsible for evaluating the course together with the examiner/course responsible and the program board of the program that gives the course. The evaluation process consists of three parts: 1. The student representatives and the examiner/course responsible are to have two informal meetings during the course. The first one should be in the second study week, the second one after approximately half the course. The first meeting is mostly for you to get acquainted, the second one is for the student representatives to give feedback to the teacher on the progress of the course. 2. After the course an evaluation questionnaire is sent out. The examiner will get an opportunity to add extra questions to the standard questionnaire. 3. After the course, in the middle of the next study period, there will be an evaluation meeting where the student representatives and the examiner/course responsible for the course meet the program board of the program who gives the course, discussing the course’s advantages and potential for improvement. For participating in the final evaluation meeting the student representatives get a gift certificate of 200 SEK valid at Cremona.