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The “New” New Normal: Global Mobility as a Strategic Advisor

The “New” New Normal: Global Mobility as a Strategic Advisor. Presenter: A ndrew P. Walker Principal, Mercer. The New Normal 1.0. The 2008 Turning P oint. G lo bal financial downturn pushed mobility to adapt. Improved efficiencies. Reduced costs. Aligned policies.

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The “New” New Normal: Global Mobility as a Strategic Advisor

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The “New” New Normal:Global Mobility as a Strategic Advisor

  2. Presenter:Andrew P. WalkerPrincipal, Mercer

  3. The New Normal 1.0

  4. The 2008 Turning Point • Global financial downturn pushed mobility to adapt Improved efficiencies Reduced costs Aligned policies Operational excellence as the core competence

  5. New Normal 1.0 • More proactive supplier management • Leveraged global purchasing power • Increased service levels • Added policy options • Alternatives to the traditional / “full” package • Rationalized use of assignments • Mobility functional alignment with business • Rash of repatriations • Clearer understanding of “why”

  6. The New Normal 2.0

  7. The Age of Enlightenment • “Talent Mobility” Right people for right reasons Right policies for right cost Alignment with Talent

  8. An Integrated Strategy

  9. Business value Segmented Talent Pools High Emerging, high-potential talent Strategic business leadership Development Value Career-building volunteers Seasoned technical experts Low High

  10. Aligned Policies High Reduced terms “Mutual benefit” Full terms plus “Inducement” Development Value Minimum “Compliance” Full terms “Comprehensive” Business value Low High

  11. Lots of Momentum… But! 23% It’s happening 46% Thinking about it 23% Know they should 8% Don’t care Source: Mercer Consumer Products Industry Talent Mobility Survey 2011

  12. Where to Start? Mobility Context Change Management Business Context Assignment Policy Internal Roadmap Determine Global Mobility Purpose and Strategy Assess Current Program Develop Tiered Approach to Compensation & Benefits Document Decision Points for HR & Line Management Implement & Communicate How well is it working? Policies to best support desired outcomes Policy decision & governance framework Why mobility happens Rolling it out & bedding it down

  13. Making the Business Case For Change Metrics Organizational development Competitive practice Mobility as a portfolio investment

  14. Where This Takes The Mobility Leader • Mobility managers are focused on strategy improvements, consistent standards, cost savings and, increasingly, talent management • Evolving into strategic advisors • Aligning principles and policies • Collaborating with Reward to achieve a consistent design • Helping the business to understand why they use mobility and howthey can do so more effectively

  15. Where This Takes The Mobility Leader • Gaining and maintaining consistency in mobility practices • Identifying talent and selecting assignees • Establishing the assignment business case • Managing the end-to-end experience (versus end-to-end process) • Saving costs; increasing value • Linking with Talent: becoming a talent agent

  16. Meanwhile… • Business leaders have faced unparalleled challenges over the past two years • Paradox: Cut costs and expand • New emphasis on reaching across markets to create new opportunities and execute business strategies • Leadership talent is required to have a strong global mindset and international experience

  17. Leadership Development • Clear alignment with leadership priorities and opportunities presented by well-run mobility program • Number 1 focus in HR’s leadership field: Global Leaders

  18. Globalization of Business and Talent – Warning Signs Fortune 500 2,000 Managers Lack global leaders Don’t have necessary skills Source: DDI, Bersin, 2010 Source: Muczyk & Holt, 2008

  19. 25,000,000 45,000,000 12.5% Workforce Crisis On The Horizon 25,000,000 45,000,000 12.5% 40%

  20. The New Normal 3.0

  21. Further evolution required Global Mobility must continue to respond The “New” New Normal “More than ever, mobility functions are under pressure to create efficiencies, add value, and operate strategically while continuing to improve its operation effectiveness” “Confronting and Mastering Global Mobility” by JosyKoumans and Mike Piker, 2011

  22. 2 3 4 5 1 Critical Talent and Roles Strategic Workforce Planning Targeted Employee Value Propositions Outcome Analysis and Modeling Connect and Engage! Five Critical Principles

  23. Supply Demand Current and Projected internal and external supply of critical talent Future workforce needs based on multi-year strategic business scenarios Value risks costs timing Strategic Workforce Planning

  24. Putting the Pieces Together Driving Business Outcomes DrivingSuccess Synergy Workforce Leadership Strategic Alignment Effective Talent Management Practices Strategy Clarity Compliance Operational Excellence Consistency

  25. The New New Normal Workforce strategy Global Mobility 3.0 Driving successful business outcomes Talent Mobility Operational excellence

  26. Thank you!

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