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Expert Strategies for Effective Business Writing and Management Papers

This comprehensive guide covers tips for business writing, case study analysis, in-class essays, business law, management papers, long-term research papers, and citing sources. It provides practical advice and techniques to enhance your business communication skills.

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Expert Strategies for Effective Business Writing and Management Papers

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  1. Saint Louis University The Complete Writer’s Guide to Business Management

  2. TABLE OF CONENTS • Tips for Business Writing in General • Case Study Analysis • In Class Essays • Business Law • 400-level Management • Long Term Paper • Sources • Works Cited

  3. Tips for Business Writing • Cut to the chase. • Write to your audience in a positive tone. • Use the active voice. • Write in third person for formal reports. • Be clear, concise, and readable. • Keep your ideas to one per paragraph. • Always be mindful of your audience. (Huseman, Lahiff, and Penrose 301)

  4. Case Study Analysis • Stay Calm! • Avoid summarizing the case. • The material given to you is sufficient unless your professor recommends outside sources. • Look for the major issues within the case. • Answer the case prompts. • There might be more than one possible solution. (Narula)

  5. In Class Essays • Good Reference Website: http://writingcenter.gmu.edu/resources-template.php?id=42 • Follow prompt • Answer it thoroughly and clearly. • Budget your time! (make your point and move on) ("Writing Center")

  6. Business Law(essay question test) • Usually have essay question tests. • Essay question tests based on analyzing a case from a legal perspective. • The more knowledge presented the better. • “Play with the law” explain how this case would be different under other circumstances. (Boone)

  7. Business Law(Research Paper) • At SLU, one long research paper is due at the end of the semester. • Prompt involves finding a current (within 6 months from present date) periodical and researching the periodical from a legal perspective. • The periodical will be the primary source and secondary sources will be anything used to enhance understanding of the periodical. • For the primary source the date should be recent, for secondary sources the date doesn’t matter as much. • For secondary sources, the medium can be more varied.

  8. Excerpt from Business Law Paper

  9. 400-level Management Papers • Professor gives specific information about format and guidelines. • Grammar and spelling are VERY important. • A variety of sources is encouraged (Census Bureau is recommended for collecting data) • Outlines are highly recommended. (Mintze)

  10. 400-level Management Final Project • Group case study of a specific company • Effective use of white space is important (for example, try to fill a whole page or space the text evenly across two rather than have stray lines on a single page) • The project should read and flow like a book. • Appendixes are strongly encouraged. • Usually about 15 pages including background information, mission statement, CEO information, financial information, etc. (Mintze)

  11. Management Peer Grading Rubric

  12. Long Term Paper • Typically assigned in upper level management courses. • Sources can be varied-need at least some current sources. • Given a problem and asked to pose a researched solution or alternatives. • Typically APA style • At least 10 pages usually (Safranski)

  13. Sources • MLA citation for books: Author. Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. • APA citation for books: Author. Year. Title. City of Publication: Publishing Company. For citing other sources, check out this website: http://library.duke.edu/research/citing/workscited/index.html

  14. Works Cited Boone, Laurel. Personal Interview by Theresa Edattukaren. 3/16/10. Huseman, Richard, James Lahiff, and John Penrose. Business Communication Strategies and Skills. 3rd ed. New York: Dryden Press, 1988. 301. Print. Narula, Avinash. "How to Analyze." Indian Management Case Studies. Merx Equity Marketing & Advertising Pvt. Ltd., 2010. Web. 17 Mar 2010. http://www.management-casestudies.com/how-to-analyze.php Mintze, Elouise. Personal Interview by Kelly Fiala. 4/2/10. "Taking In-Class Essay Exam." The Writing Center. George Mason University, n.d. Web. 17 Mar 2010. <http://writingcenter.gmu.edu/resources-template.php?id=42>. “Assembling a List of Works Cited in Your Paper.” Duke University Libraries. Duke University. Wed 17 2010. http://library.duke.edu/research/citing/workscited/index.html

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