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1.0 INTRODUCTION Many African countries have developed development visions aspiring to be better off socially and economically in the future. In Tanzania, we have the National Development Vision 2025.The aspiration is to achieve a stronger economy which is competitive and can respond well to internal and global development challenges. In order to make a reality of our Vision, the country had to take some critical steps guided by national development strategies and plans which are medium term instruments towards the national agenda as per the Vision. All institutions of Government, develop three to five years strategic plans drawn from the National Level Strategies and Plans. In essence, the actions and activities implemented by each public entity, contribute to the achievement of national development goals.
Each sector ministry is responsible for one or more particular thematic area in our development agenda. There are many different sector specific programs and strategies which are vehicles through which sector goals are implemented as stipulated in the strategic plans. One of these programs is the Public Service Reform Program whose main goal is to increase performance and accountability of public institutions. In this brief intervention, the purpose and contribution of the Public Service Reform program towards the realization of our national development goals and the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 will be shared.
2.0 THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT VISION The National Development Vision envisions that the quality of life of the Tanzanian society will be much better. Abject poverty will be a thing of the past. In other words, it is envisioned that Tanzania will graduate from a least developed country to a middle income country with a high level of human development. The economy will be transformed from a low productivity agricultural economy to a semi-industrialized one led by modernized and highly productive agricultural activities which are effectively integrated into supportive industrial and service activities in the rural and urban areas. A solid foundation for a competitive and dynamic economy will then be achieved.
Consistent with the Vision, Tanzania of 2025 should be a nation characterized by five main attributes; • High quality livelihood. • Peace, stability and unity. • Good governance, • A well educated and learning society; and • A competitive economy capable of producing sustainable growth and shared benefits.
Vision 2025 emphasizes the importance of good governance in realizing developmental state thus: "Tanzania cherishes good governance and the rule of law in the process of creating wealth and sharing benefits in society and seeks to ensure that its people are empowered with the capacity to make leaders and public servants accountable. By 2025, good governance should have permeated the national socio-economic structure thereby ensuring a culture of accountability, rewarding good performance and effectively curbing corruption and other vices in society”.
3.0 THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR GROWTH AND REDUCTION OF POVERTY MKUKUTA II (2010/11 AND 2014/15) • MKUKUTA is a Kiswahili acronym for the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty. This strategy is the development framework for the current five year phase (2010/11-2014/15). It forms part of Tanzania’s efforts to deliver on its National Vision 2025. The focus is outcome orientated and organized around three clusters which are: Cluster 1: Growth and reduction of income poverty, • Cluster 2: Improved quality of life and social well-being, and • Cluster 3: Governance and accountability.
Here the concentration will be on Cluster III, as the implementation of Public Service Reform Program contributes to Good Governance goals. Good Governance and Accountability Cluster has several goals: Goal 1 Ensuring Systems and Structures of Governance Uphold the Rule of Law and are Democratic, Effective, Accountable, Predictable, Transparent, Inclusive and Corruption-Free at all Levels Goal 2 Improving Public Service Delivery to all, Especially to The Poor and Vulnerable Goal 3 Promoting and Protecting Human Rights for all, Particularly for Poor Women, Children, Men and the Vulnerable, Including People Living With HIV/AIDS Goal 4 Ensuring National and Personal Security and Safety of Properties Goal 5 Promoting and Preserving Culture of Patriotism, Hard Work, Moral Integrity and Self-Confidence
The realization of the above goals directly increases the possibility of achieving the attributes the National Vision 2025 envisages that Tanzania is to be described by including Good Governance, High quality livelihood, Peace, stability and unity, A well educated and learning society; and A competitive economy capable of producing sustainable growth and shared benefits. We should also remind our selves that The Charter for the Public Service whose origin can be associated with Morocco and now a continental document emphasizes Good Governance for a prosperous Africa.
4.0 PUBLIC SERVICE REFORM PROGRAM The Government started to implement the Civil Service Reform Program in 1993 as a stage setting reform, the program was a means to re-define the role of the Government in line with new realities - enabling role and not the doing role as before the 1990s. It also entailed streamlining structures resulting in reduction of ministries and the downsizing of the civil service to bring the wage bill under control, some previously centrally implemented roles were divested or decentralized to local government or executive agencies created.
The CSRP was succeeded by the Public Service Reform Program now on its second phase. PSRP I was implemented from 2000 to 2007; PSRP II is being implemented from 2008 to 2012. The goal of PSRP II is to assist Ministries, Departments and Agencies to deliver improved services (in terms of quality, timeliness and efficiency), implement relevant priority policies, and establish a predictable and well regulated environment for private sector growth and development.
Given the objectives of the reform program, it is clear that effective implementation will take Tanzania closer to its desirable future. Two key interventions through the Public Service Reform Program and their relevance and contributions to achieving the goals of MKUKUTA and our development vision will be briefly looked into. These are the introduction of the Performance Management System and the Ethics and Accountability framework. They directly address the Good governance objective and other desirable outcomes as per our National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUKUTA II) and the National Development Vision.
5.0 THE ROLE OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE REFORM PROGRAM TOWARDS NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT VISION 2025 It is accepted truth that public servants as well as systems and process within the public service institutions have to contribute to wealth creation in a sustainable manner and preserve that wealth for the future generation while ensuring equitable access to the citizenry of the present to that generated wealth. An appropriately functioning performance system complemented by a robust ethical framework is reasonable measure that wealth will first be generated, or an environment conducive to wealth generation will be created, and secondly generated wealth will be beneficial to the community and not only to some individuals.
5.1 THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Performance Management System installed in the public service aims at having in place predictable, effective and efficient systems for planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The overall objectives of these interventions are to: (i) provide quality public services to the public; (ii) improve performance of public service institutions; (iii) improve accountability and responsiveness; (iv) ensure effective and efficient use of public resources; and, (v) provide standards for providing comparisons and benchmarking within the public service institutions in Tanzania as well as other public service institutions across the world for continuous improvement.
The installation of the Performance Management System in the public service institutions in Tanzania was in accordance with the Public Service Management and Employment Policy of 1999 and its reviewed version of 2008 and the Public Service Act, No. 8 of 2002 and amendments in 2008. The Policy stipulates clearly the need for a performance and results-oriented management philosophy in the public service. The Act provides an enabling legal framework for managing performance in the public service. The policy and legislation were important instruments to facilitate the gradual creation of a performance-accountability culture in the public service.
Essentially, service delivery is a logical outcome of the system when well implemented and this means a more enabling environment for private sector growth, wealth creation, and social economic development. Although there are still challenges to the effective implementation of the system such as resource constraints and capacity weaknesses, it is appreciated that most institutions are implementing several of the systems and tools while all have strategic plans, Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks, and develop annual action plans and most implement the open performance review and appraisal process.
5.2 THE ETHICS AND ACCOUNTABILITY FRAMEWORK A Singaporean politician, Syed Hussein Alatas, once commented that: “The power to achieve success or failure [in the fight against corruption] lies with the ruler. If the measuring line is true, then the wood will be straight, not because one makes a special effort, but because that which it is ruled by makes it so. In the same way if the ruler is sincere and upright, then honest officials will serve in his government and scoundrels will go into hiding, but if the ruler is not upright then evil men will have their way and loyal men will retire to seclusion” (emphasis in original) . Klitgaard, R. 1991. Controlling Corruption. University of California Press, Berkley, California
The Codes of Ethics is not just to inform and prompt those who work for government but to provide them with an instrument that will actually help them adhere to the ethics of good governance. • Therefore, when we talk of ethics for good governance we are seeking to ensure that there are safeguards, efficient sanctions and control mechanisms as well as appropriate tools for information exchange. • In the case of Tanzania the Code of Ethics and Conduct for the Public Service identifies eight (8) principles: Pursuit of Excellence in Service; Loyalty to Government; Diligence to Duty; Impartiality in Service delivery, Integrity, Courtesy to All, Respect for the Law; Proper use of Official Information
Furthermore, there is in place a Public Leadership Code of Ethics Act 13 of 1995 which provides the code of conduct applicable to all public leaders. This code includes the following provisions: • Declaring of assets and liabilities • Acquiring dishonestly any pecuniary advantage • Declaration of interest in government contracts • In terms of assets declaration, the response rate is now over 70% and noncompliance is less tolerated. Surprisingly, lower level Government leadership is less compliant!
5.3 INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE • Tanzania has also made efforts in putting in place institutional mechanisms for good governance through the reform programs. • Indeed some achievements have been made and many governments and institutions outside Tanzania acknowledge this fact. These include the following: • Decentralization by devolution to Local Government Authorities • The strengthening of the corruption prevention organ, (Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau - PCCB) • Improving record management and use of ICT • Enhanced leadership capacity including the establishment of a leadership institute • National Audit Office strengthened • The Ethics Secretariat created and strengthened • The Ethics Promotion Division created within the President’s Office, Public Service Management • The Human Rights and Good Governance Commission established
Public Service Commission as an oversight body • Recruitment Secretariat Recently created • Creation and strengthening of the Procurement regulatory agency • Increased influence of Civil society and pressure groups • Investigative journalism encouraged • Strengthening the Tanzania Revenue Authority • Introducing business process re-engineering to strengthen internal organizational systems • Undertaking Surveys to monitor anti-corruption drive successes/ failures
6.0 HOW CLOSE ARE WE TO OUR VISION 2025 ON THE GOOD GOVERNANCE AGENDA? • The Public Service Reform Program and its predecessor have been in all catalyst for change and source of inspiration for the different efforts in all sectors of the Tanzanian economy. • There is in place a very robust framework to require performance orientation and ethical conduct, both very necessary for creating a suitable environment for social economic development, private sector growth and wealth creation. • Many of the Public institutions show better performance. For example, one can apply for a passport and get one within a week or even a day. It is the same when one is seeking a title deed on land ownership. Information technology adoption and effective use through Business process reengineering is increasing efficiency in many of our institutions. • Within the Public Service, employees now can get their salaries within the same month of employment regardless of where one is deployed in the country, unthikable possibility a year a ago. These are just few examples.
It is also important to note that Tanzania is one of the countries which have made headways in achieving the millennium Development Goals in education and health. • There have been also three successive multiparty elections in the country considered free and fair and thus not jeopardized peace and stability which have ensured despite four successive changes of Government. • The corruption perception index for 2010 by Transparency International has shown that Tanzania has moved several positive points up and is now in the 116th position among 178 countries ranked. In 2009 the country was ranked 126th. • According to the African Economic Outlook by OECD of 2010 Tanzania’s annual growth averaged 7% of gross domestic product (GDP) between 2001 and 2008. GDP rose by 7.5% making Tanzania one of the fastest growing economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Given the current global situation the growth rate is averaged now at 6%.
We have on the 9th of this month celebrated our 50 years anniversary. We believe the foundations have been laid for a potential take off to a better future and to achieve Vision 2025.
Thank you very much for listening! Asanteni sana!