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Virginia Alternate Assessment Program Collection of Evidence

Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications. Virginia Alternate Assessment Program. The Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) is designed to evaluate performance of students with significant cognitive disabilities.. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications. Virginia Alternate Assessment Prog

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Virginia Alternate Assessment Program Collection of Evidence

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    1. Virginia Alternate Assessment Program Collection of Evidence Virginia Department of Education 2007-2008 Alternate Assessment Administrators’ Update Workshop September 2007

    2. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Virginia Alternate Assessment Program The Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) is designed to evaluate performance of students with significant cognitive disabilities.

    3. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Virginia Alternate Assessment Program The VAAP is available to students in grades 3 through 8 and students in grade 11 who are working on academic standards that have been reduced in complexity and depth.

    4. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Beginning the Collection Process Teachers must have a clear knowledge and understanding of the Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL) being assessed. Use the curriculum framework as resource for the essential skills and knowledge required in each standard. This resource is located at: http://www.ttaconline.com/staff/assessment/vaap_res_asol.asp

    5. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Various Types of Evidence Various forms of evidence can be demonstrated under the direct supervision of a teacher or other school personnel.

    6. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Various Types of Evidence Evidence may consist of, but is not limited to: Work Samples Audiotape Videotape Anecdotal Records Interviews Charts/Graphs Captioned Photographs

    7. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Work Samples Should demonstrate that the student was able to complete the work independently May include worksheets, tests, quizzes, etc Should address all the concepts stated in the ASOL

    8. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Videotape/Audiotape Should contain only student- generated work. Teachers or other school personnel are permitted to be on the videotape/audiotape to ask questions or support the student, but responses should be the student’s alone.

    9. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Safeguards for Media Videotape A signed release form that grants permission to use students’ photographs and record their images is required before including a video in the collection of evidence. If a video is used for multiple standards, include a list using the counter. For Example: Math ASOL E-RW1 – 001-030 Math ASOL E-RC1 – 045-100

    10. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Safeguards for Media Audiotape Audiotapes containing more than one voice should indicate the segments for which belongs to the student. State the ASOL number and description on the tape prior to the portion of the tape with the student evidence. If the audiotape is used for multiple standards include a brief list using the counter. For Example: Mathematics ASOL M-NS3 – 001-005 Mathematics ASOL M- CE1 – 020-050

    11. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Anecdotal Records Are on-going logs of student performance. Should state exactly in objective and measurable terms the level of achievement demonstrated by the students for the given ASOL.

    12. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Anecdotal Records Include the date of performance, a description of the observed skill or procedure, and the student’s level of achievement.

    13. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Anecdotal Records Observation should be carefully planned to ensure that the student has the best opportunity to demonstrate his or her skill and knowledge Confirmation of student accuracy or performance

    14. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Interviews Format should be precise and concise in design to afford the student the best opportunity to demonstrate what he/she understands about the ASOL addressed. Interview questions should be prepared in advance to ensure that the ASOL content is completely addressed.

    15. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Interviews Interviews may be videotaped or submitted as a written document. Confirmation of accuracy by teacher/school personnel.

    16. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Charts/Graphs Must contain specific information relating to the students skills and knowledge. Caution: a chart or graph that simply indicates a student’s level of progress on a specific skill may not provide enough information to rate the student’s knowledge of the skill.

    17. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Captioned Photographs Captioned statements should explain the knowledge and/or skill demonstrated in the photograph. Clearly indicate the student addressing the ASOL.

    18. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Submission of Evidence All the evidence submitted for the VAAP must be solely that of the student Evidence submitted should be appropriate to the specific ASOL being assessed. Evidence is rated on Quality -based evidence and not Quantity-based

    19. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Collection of Evidence Components Collection of Evidence must contain the following components: An Affidavit of Student Performance All locally required documentation ASOL Cover Sheet Evidence that demonstrates student performance

    20. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Questions For further information, contact Lora Price 693-1438 Lisa Palmer 693-3257

    21. Lessons Learned: Topics for VAAP Teacher Training 2007-2008 Administrators’ Update Workshops Virginia Department of Education Fall 2007

    22. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Things to Look Out For! This portion describes most commonly made … Mistakes Omissions Trouble Areas Helpful for teachers, and more importantly, for V-Team monitors who are assisting.

    23. Created by VDOE with GCPS modifications Division Responsibilities Include… Designing and delivering division-wide staff training and technical assistance Providing staff with manuals, Aligned Standard of Learning (ASOL) Crosswalks and other materials (SEI tags, forms) Developing division-wide timelines and due dates Designing and implementing effective monitoring and pre-scoring activities

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