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Vocabulary. Unit 8. The deep animosity between the Montagues and Capulets could not prevent Romeo and Juliet from falling in love. animosity (noun)- strong dislike synonym: hostility. These days more and more young people are voting rather than showing apathy toward our elections.

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  1. Vocabulary Unit 8

  2. The deep animosity between the Montagues and Capulets could not prevent Romeo and Juliet from falling in love.

  3. animosity (noun)- strong dislikesynonym: hostility

  4. These days more and more young people are voting rather than showing apathy toward our elections.

  5. apathy (noun)- a lack of interest or feelingSynonym: indifference

  6. Even though I had practiced driving for many hours, I was apprehensiveabout taking my driver’s test

  7. apprehensive (adj)- fearful or anxious, especially about the futuresynonym: worried, nervous

  8. Work hard in shop, and your teachers may commend you as a Keefe Tech student of the term!!

  9. commend (verb) to praisesynonym: to express approval

  10. Apple products do not support Flash; therefore, Flash is not compatiblewith the iphone or ipad.

  11. compatible (adjective)- able to get along/ capable of use with some other model or systemsynonym: harmonious, like minded

  12. You can buy condolence cards at many stores.

  13. condolence (noun)- an expression of sympathy synonym-: solace

  14. Abraham Lincoln said that brave men had consecrated the ground at Gettysburg, PA when they died there during the Civil War. “(t)he brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated this ground through their service and sacrifice…”

  15. consecrate (verb)- to have a special ceremony that makes a place or building holysynonym: to dedicate .

  16. The decrepit house had shutters falling off and three shades of peeling paint on the walls.

  17. decrepit (adjective)- old and feeble; worn outsynonym: broken down

  18. You should know better than to deride Ms. T’s favorite book, TheLord of the Rings .

  19. deride (verb)- to ridiculesynonym: to mock

  20. .. With an ingenuous look on her face, my daughter claimed she did not eat all the cookies.

  21. ingenuous (adjective)- innocentsynonym: sincere

  22. Keefe Tech offers multifarious shop choices and after school activities.

  23. multifarious (adjective)- having a great a varietysynonym: varied

  24. The use of the 8-track sound player has become obsolete.

  25. obsolete (adjective)- out of datesynonym: no longer in use

  26. We, as humans, are omnivorous mammals.

  27. omnivorous (adjective)- eating every kind of foodsynonym: taking in everything

  28. Uncle Scrooge is a very parsimonious character.

  29. parsimonious (adjective)stingy; cheap synonym: miserly, frugal

  30. She was in a quandary over whether to go to FHS or come to Keefe Tech.

  31. quandary (noun)- unable to decide what to do about a difficult problem or situation Synonym: confusion, dilemma, predicament

  32. The criminal was charged with being recalcitrant to arrest, among other charges.

  33. recalcitrant (adj)- stubbornly disobedientsynonym: unruly

  34. After I punched the bully, I turned and ran with fear of what would be his reprisal.

  35. reprisal (noun)- an injury done in return for injury Synonym: retaliation Getting even at work can can lead to reprisals lki like a lawsuit.

  36. After her first day on tour, the rock star reveled in the glory of stardom.

  37. revel (verb)(noun)- to take great pleasure in / a wild celebration • Synonym: to enjoy very much • Revel in this New Year of of 2012!!!

  38. Very hot weather can stultify people’s bodies and spirits.

  39. stultify (verb)- to make ineffective or useless • Synonym: stifle • The cold weather did not stultify her efforts to exercise; she just put on warm clothes for running.

  40. My normally suave manner disappears when I have to talk on the telephone with customer service.

  41. suave (adj)-agreeable; polite; confident and relaxed but often in a way that’s not sinceresynonym: sophisticated

  42. Remember! Spelling Quiz Friday on words 1-10. Be glad “Recalcitrant” isn’t on it.

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