1. CERTIFIED CLEAN ROOM Particle Measuring Technique Co.,Ltd.
2. Organizational Chart
3. Standard Clean Room Federal Standard 209E ( FS – 209E )
ISO Standard ( ISO 14644 – 1 )
4. Federal Standard 209E (FS-209E)
5. ISO Standard ( ISO 14644 – 1 )
6. Test Description Airborne Particle Count Test
Airflow Velocity Test Under
Temperature Test
Relative Humidity Test
Room Pressurization Test
Scan Leak Test
Light Intensity Level Test
Sound Pressure Level Test
Airflow Parallelism Test
Flooring Resistance Test
Flooring Vibration Test
Wall Conductivity Test
7. Type of Condition AS BUILT
The condition where the installation is complete with all services connected and functioning but with no production equipment, materials, or personnel present
The condition where the installation is complete with equipment installed and operating in a manner agreed between the customer and supplier, but with no personnel present
The condition where the installation is functioning in the specified manner, with the specified number of personnel present and working in the manner agreed upon
8. Certify Clean room Testing
9. Clean room Mobile Sampling
10. Airborne Particle Test
11. Airflow Velocity Test
12. Temperature & Relative Humidity Test
13. Room Pressurization Test
14. Scan Leak Test
15. Instrument
16. Summary Of Acceptance Criteria
17. Reference Customer 2007 Leader Industrial
Johnson & Johnson
Epson Toyocom
Seksun Technology
18. Test Procedures
19. Procedure ForHEPA Filter Installation Leak Test Purpose : To verify the absence of bypass leakage (between filter frame and ceiling grid system) in the installation of the filters and confirm
that the installed filters are free of defects and small leaks.
Instrumentation and Equipment
PMS Lasair II / 310A counter
Airdata Electronics Micromanometer, AMD-870
Test Condition: At Rest
No additional aerosol challenge will be introduced to the upstream of the filters being tested.
Not More than 1 particle at size 0.3 micron and greater must be detected in the downstream of the filter systems
For each filter, any repair surface must not constitute more than 0.5 sq.inch.
Reference : IEST Recommended Practice, IEST-RP-CC001.3 HEPA and ULPA Filters
IEST Recommended Practice, IEST-RP-CC006.3 Testing Cleanrooms
NEBB Procedural Standard for Certified Testing Of Cleanroom
The filter’s face velocities were determined to ensure that they were within the general design range.
The upstream concentration was taken at 0.3 micron and greater. This was taken for information only.
Laser Particle Counter with a resolution of 0.3 micron was use for the leak test. The sampling flow rate of the counter was 1 ft3/min.
Rectangular particle counter probe was use to scan the filters. The probe dimension was selected to achieve iso-kinetic sampling. The scanning rate used was in accordance to the above reference.
The probe was held at 1” from the frame at filter surface during scanning. A count of 1 or more will force a sustained residence time of the probe at the location to assess the source of the detected counts.
All confirmed or suspected leaks were identified and recorded. Re-test were conducted after remedial action had been taken
When filter are beyond repair and replacement was made, record was made to reflect the replacement.
20. Procedure ForAirborne Particle Count
21. Procedure For Temperature & Relative Humidity Test
22. Procedure ForAirflow Velocity Test
23. Procedure ForRoom Pressurization Test
24. Procedure For Light Intensity Level Test