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Shipwrecked!. Shipwrecked!. Scarcity Choice Opportunity Costs Factors of Production Income distribution Standard of Living. National Income Consumer Goods Capital Goods. Shipwrecked!. You have been shipwrecked with the other members of your group.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shipwrecked!

  2. Shipwrecked! • Scarcity • Choice • Opportunity Costs • Factors of Production • Income distribution • Standard of Living. • National Income • Consumer Goods • Capital Goods

  3. Shipwrecked! • You have been shipwrecked with the other members of your group. • You have all been washed up on the beach of a small uninhabited island. • Your first priority is survival. • You must assume that you may be here a long, long time. • As you walk along the beach you find a small box that looks like it came from the ship. • Inside the box you find….

  4. Shipwrecked! • A spool of thread. • A sewing needle • 2 Safety pins • 3 buttons • A large yellow plastic bead • A map of this island.

  5. Shipwrecked! • Apart from what is in the box, all you have are the jeans and t-shirt you were wearing when the ship went down. • It is late September, the weather is getting cooler and black clouds are forming overhead. • Daytime and nighttime are about equal, so it starts getting dark around 6 pm • There are other islands near enough to see, but too far to swim to.

  6. Shipwrecked! • What is your plan to survive? • You need food, water, clothing, shelter. • How are you going to get it? • Create • 1. an hour by hour plan for the first 24 hours. • Is everyone going to do everything or are you going to divide the jobs? Why? How will you decide who does what? • 2. a plan broken into 4 hour increments for the first week. • 3. a long range plan that will include…

  7. Shipwrecked! • A. who does what • B. how does each get paid • C. what kind of living space is there • D. is trade a possibility. ( you can see other islands) • If yes, what will you trade?

  8. Shipwrecked! • Oh My! • A BIG second box has washed up on shore. • It contains… • A VHS tape of Finding Nemo • A bag of cotton balls • 50 feet of garden hose • An empty 2 liter Coke bottle. • A rusty hammer • 3 pennies, a dime and a Chuckie Cheese token • A boy scout knife. • 7 Dora the Explorer Band-Aids

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