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Vehicle servicing and maintenance is very vital, since it ensures smooth and trouble free running of your vehicle. Choose us and get a Life time Assurance, commitment and worry free experience. Choose Garage Onsite Now.<br><br>#1 car service. Free Pickup & Drop. Genuine Spare Parts! Highly Equipped Workshops. 6 Months Warranty And Same Day Delivery. Book Now! <br>
GOS G A R a G E O N S I T E P V T L T D . Y O U D R I V E I T , W E F I X I T
C O N T E N T S Our Story Our Mission and Vision Who are we Challenges Our Services Our Operations What we do Where we are OFFLINE ONLINE
OUR STORY Garage Onsite was born in July 2017 because of the ongoing issue and hassle faced by almost everyone who owns a Vehicle or as we call it AUTO ANXIETY. GOS was also inspired by the latest trends and developments where everything is available on your fingertips, we realized we can streamline and simplify this complicated and confusing issue of Vehicle maintenance and hence end Auto Anxiety.
OUR MISSION ItistheMissionofGOStoprovidevehicleownersAnd enthusiAStswiththebestAVAilAbleservice,vehicle relAtedproductsAndknowledgethAtfulfilltheirwAnts AndneedsAtthe rightprice.Our friendly, knowledgeAbleAndprofessionAlstAffAreAlwAysmore thAnwillingtohelpinspire,educAteAndproblemsolve for our customersAndstAkeholders. OUR VISION "TobeAbletoserveAndprovide roundtheclockAnd completesolutionstoAllvehicleownersAndToprovide totAlsAtisfActionthroughproductsAndservicesofhighest quAlityAnd reliAbility"
C H A L L E N G E S During this short span of services provided by us to several organizations and individuals we have noted the following common setbacks; • Motor Vehicles driven long distances with cost implications in terms of fuel, wear and tear, driver allowances and time lost. • Motor vehicles serviced / repaired in multiple garages by unqualified mechanics and fitted with non-genuine spares affecting performance and vehicle lifespan. • Limited user knowledge on cost implications of non-genuine parts and delayed service. • Poor record keeping due to shifting motor vehicles from garage to garage resulting into botched diagnosis due to limited historical data.
O U R F O R T E ANYTHING and Everything related to Vehicle, complete solution and spectrum of services, You Can RELY on US C A R / B I K E S E R V I C E S ANYTIME, let it be a festival or a holiday. If you need us we will be there, You can COUNT on US. 2 4 H O U R S , 3 6 5 D A Y S ANYONE, Can avail our service. we won’t burn hole in your pocket, You can rest assured and TRUST US W A L L E T F R I E N D L Y ANYPLACE, We can pick up and drop without. You can relax and leave the HARD WORK on US. D O O R S T E P
S E R V I C E S WeAtGArAgeonsiteStriveon100%Customer SAtisfAction.WehAVeASpectrumof services. A completeendtoendSolutionfor your vehicle. AnythingAndeverything relAted toyour Vehicle,weAreAtyour Fingertips.ThemostexcitingpArt,wework24hoursAnd 365dAyssothAtyoucAnspendyour VAluAbletimedoingwhAtyouloveinsteAdof wAStingonsomethingAScomplex yetsimple[for us;)]ASyour vehicleService.YouDrive it,Wefixit. TheySAyTurnyour PASSionintoyour work.WE ARE PASSIONATE AboutcArsAndBikesAnd thAtdefinitelyshowsinour work. TimeandMONEYAreAlwAysinscArcity,commutingtodAyisoneofthemostimportAnt, timetAkingAndANexpensivetASkofthedAy. AccordingtoASurveyAnAVerAgeOfficegoingpersonnelspendsApproximAtely2-4hours inAdAyor 10-20hoursAWeek,AndthisArejustthePrivAteVehicleOwners,The commerciAlVehiclestrAVelAlmost10-12hoursADAy. ThetrAVellingtimeisfurther extendedifyour VehiclebreAksdownor isunder repAir. BASedonour pAStexperienceswenoticedthAtunlessthevehiclehASbeenintoAmAjor Accidentor needsAmAjor repAir,AnAVerAgevehiclewith regulAr MAintenAncecAnnot onlysAVeyouloAdsoftimebutAlsobuttloAdsofmoney,Andwhodoesn’twAntthose coupleofextrAbucksintheir pockets?ThAt’swhAtGOSdoesfor you,SAVESYOURMONEY ANDYOURTIME AndwedoitWithoutyoubreAkingASWeAt. .
S E R V I C E S WAtchingAmovie,workinginoffice,shoppingAtAmAll,Ingym,or just relAxing Athome,bASicAllyifyouArenotdrivingAndyour belovedcAr isideAlAnd pArkedevenfor coupleofhourswegetitservicedAnd/or cleAned ANYTIME ANYPLACE. CAr needsAWASh,mAybesomewAxingor polishing,howAboutsomedeep interior cleAning,mAybeyouArenotsurewhichinsurAncetotAkeor forgotto renew,CAr Brokedowninmiddleofnowhere,howcAnweforgetAboutthose sneAkyscrewswhichpuncturesAndscrewsupwithyour tiresAndyour dAy,or mAybeyoudecidetochillonAhotdAyAndsuddenlyyour CAR ACthinks otherwiseAndmAnysuchunforeseencircumstAnceswhichleAVesyouhAting your Vehicle.PleASeDON’THATEyour vehiclebecAuseweLoveitAndwewill mAkesureitnever letsyoudown. WeAreASmAllteAmofdedicAtedprofessionAlswhohAVefAcedthe Auto AnxietyAndwebelievethAtAlongwithour stillgrowing ARMYof300+ GArAgesAllAcrossThebeAutifulCityofBengAluruwecAnEND AUTO ANXIETYAndmAkecAr AndbikeserviceshASSlefreeAndAbreezethrough.
A B I T M O R E A B O U T U S A N D O U R S E R V I C E S Garage Onsite, is an indigenous online App Based company, operates alongside with well-equipped Motor Vehicle repair workshops and genuine as well as OEM spare parts shops. We have been maintaining and repairing a wide range of vehicles. Our specialty is in Cars with diesel or petrol engines, we cater to Motor Bikes as well. We carry out routine Engine service, body repairs, electrical wiring, engine overhauling, Break down Services and insurance. We have established ourselves in the market as the affordable alternative to specialized manufacturers’ agents owing to the competitive prices of our SERVICES. All our Workshops are highly rated among the best-equipped workshops in Bengaluru with modern tools and equipment. We also own Mobile workshop in form of service vans which is sufficiently equipped to handle out all small to medium repairs. OUR ESTEEMED STAFF: Our technical staff have vast experience and skills to meet the varying customer requirements that is galvanized to handle challenging jobs. This has made us a preferred partner of over 300 Garages across Bengaluru. Our abled staff have been specifically trained to operate out of station without compromising quality of output Genuine Parts: Garage Onsite has been the leading crusader in the city on fitting of genuine parts. All our spare parts are genuine and carry the manufactures warranty. Our prices remain below the market average. At Garage Onsite, we carry out extraordinary repairs and maintenance that facilitate robust vehicle performance including routine engine/body servicing and electrical repairs. We also give routine expert reports regarding vehicle performance and evaluation as per customer standards. Our technicians and mechanics carry out periodic conditions assessment of all motor vehicles and make recommendations for immediate repairs. However, Garage Onsite furthermore provides ancillary services as may be required by the customer. Out of station servicing: Our experienced staff is capable of responding to emergencies in case of break downs or accidents. Post service support: Provide post service / repair support to users and customer, information sharing and follow- up. To add the customer on the Garage Onsite database for tracking the individual vehicle performance and shall offer vehicle specific technical support.
A B I T M O R E A B O U T U S A N D O U R S E R V I C E S Condition assessments: Carry out periodic and random assessments on vehicles to determine condition and effect remedial / safety actions well in time. Garage Onsite takes great precautions to ensure that only quality output is realized from the auto workshop and of such, not only have we employed the best technicians but also put in controls that ensure clients are contented. Garage Onsite ? eet management electronic database captures maintenance cost and individual vehicle performance for all customers. For easy access we also keep Up-to-date online repair logbooks for each vehicle detailing on spot repair history. We also ensure that only genuine, patented parts are used on clients' vehicles and of such we offer warranties on all jobs that are done in our workshop. Cars are tested by our quality control personnel before they are returned and full diagnosis carried out, in case of any other discrepancies beyond what the vehicle was brought in for, the owner is noticed and advised accordingly. Our work is guaranteed and therefore clients are encouraged to return the vehicle for further scrutiny, should they feel a problem still persists. Garage Onsite offers periodic car condition assessment and reports for its client and make recommendations for immediate repairs or reply Garage Onsite comments. Since one may never know when or how a vehicle may break down, Garage Onsite offers a mobile workshop with several service vans and sufficiently manned and equipped to handle out of station repairs. The auto workshop and administration block are fully insured should there be any unexpected occurrence. Fire extinguishers are also available in the service bays as well as a high pressure hydrant in case of ? re. Security is further boosted with 24hour security guards who are rotated after every 12 hours. This ensures that customers' vehicles are returned not only in better condition than they were brought, but with all personal effects intact. With over 2 years of experience in the motor vehicle industry, we can only make every effort to reach greater heights and we shall strive to ensure our customers get only the best service at Garage Onsite.
A B I T M O R E A B O U T U S A N D O U R S E R V I C E S Garage Onsite has been meeting the day to day needs of vehicle owners for quality service at an affordable rate. We understand the importance of a reliable and well maintained ? eet of vehicles. To ensure this whilst Conditioner controlling costs, we procure genuine spare parts and make strict supervision of workmanship. AUTO BODY PAINTING: Garage Onsite offers superb paint ? Finishes in our Garage Onsite that is equipped with computerized paint mixing system which provides precision and accuracy to match the original manufacturers colour code. we use the best paints and paint matching systems. sickens is the world’s leader in automotive ? Finishes with a comprehensive colour library which makes our technicians able to mix any colour for all vehicle models in the world. our paint system uses the latest in precision and advanced technology to deliver the highest quality paint ? Finishes available that continue to exceed our customer’s expectations. our process guarantees a beautiful finish and a perfect match. COMPUTERIZED WHEEL ALIGNMENT: This is a full computerized electronic wheel alignment machine capable of checking 3 dimension angles of a wheel i.e. tow in/tow-out angles, camber angles and cast angles • It can form Chassis alignment after repairs and it is installed with all vehicle manufactures’ date. COMPUTERIZED DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE: This is a stand-alone machine that does electronic diagnosis of the vehicle systems. It can do emission analysis for diesel and gasoline vehicle systems which is necessary for tune- ups. It has an engine analyzer capable of doing engine system tests i.e. compression test without opening the engine, and also deeper error analysis after the common diagnosis.
BODY STRAIGHTENING AND RE- FURBISHMENT: At Garage Onsite, we believe that accident vehicles need not show any signs of repair upon leaving the garage and that is why we have invested in tools and equipment which ensure that vehicles maintain the symmetry and original specifications required by their manufacturers, after repair. The Garage Onsite is equipped with a heavy-duty dozer jack as well as a variety of body jacks, which will restore even the most crumpled vehicle to its original shape, thereby maintaining the recommended body gaps and settings which ensure that all the ? fittings fall in place as required, giving a vehicle the accident-free look. BODY REPAIRS/REHABILITATION :Garage Onsite treasures long term relationships with its customers thus the unwavering commitment to meeting our customers' needs. The division is fully equipped with state of the art equipment and trained personnel thus offering high quality service. Our Garage Onsite is able to turn over 30 vehicles per month on major accident repairs. In addition, our turn-around period on any major accident vehicle is two weeks, a factor which has made most insurance companies and other clients prefer our workshop. The services offered in the accident section are: • Minor and major accident repairs • Panel beating • Spray painting and buffing • Jigging (chassis repair) We deal with all makes of vehicles, taking care of the entire vehicle from its body to the interior. The technicians we have are competent and experienced to handle all natures of damages on both the body and mechanicals. We restore vehicles to their original manufacturers’ specifications. Our repair systems are enhanced by the use of modern equipment. This makes us repair the vehicle to the satisfaction of the customers. Accident Repairs: With emphasis on quality and good lead time, the company has an edge over their competitors Our staff can comfortably repair 4WDs, Sports Utility Vehicles (SUV), luxury saloon cars and light/heavy commercial vehicles. On average we repair 30 accident vehicles per month and service about 60 vehicles per month. TYRE CENTRE : A tyre changing machine capable of handling alloy and steel rims. • Wheel balancing machine also capable of balancing alloy, steel rims and rims for light commercial vehicles
SERVICE CENTRE: In our service division we have invested heavily in modern equipment. We have identified Bosch as a strong and trusted brand and that is why we use their products to make sure our customers are offered the best services with a global standard. MECHANICAL REPAIRS: The motor world today is characterized by rapidly changing computerized engine controls, airbag systems, anti-lock braking systems and other electronic control systems; at Garage Onsite our technicians are fully trained and certified to handle these systems. This gives us real expertise in this area. We provide vehicle maintenance services to both corporate and individuals clients. Our expertise in maintaining all vehicle models has been the cornerstone of our success in this field. Through this program, we confidently provide Major and minor services Our staffs generate service history of all vehicles, and are able to advice the customer accordingly. After the diagnosis, we inform the customer of the defects we have noted, and we streamline the urgent ones, and as well as those that they require service at the long run. Our clients enjoy our personalized touch, and the professionalism we show in carrying our customer focused service. At Garage Onsite, we deal with all of these systems and more every day. Our certified technicians are trained on all aspects of vehicle repair. This even includes replacing window controls and motors as well as cooling systems and cruise
WHERE WE ARE ONLINE (91) 8095549700 www.Garageonsite.com info@garageonsite.com Also Find us on: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin OFFLINE CURRENTY SERVING THE WHOLE OF NAMMA BENGALURU Reaching rest of the world soon.
THANK YOU C O N N E C T W I T H U S Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin GOS S A Y H E L L O Contact@garageonsite.com G A R a G E O N S I T E P V T L T D . S U B S C R I B E Blog.garageonsite.com