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Learn about static methods in Java and how they can be used for scoring in a sports game. Understand the concept of information hiding and the benefits of using static methods.
Chapter 5 More About Objects and Methods Programming with Methods Static Methods and Static Variables Designing Methods Polymorphism Constructors Information Hiding Revisited Packages
Methods Calling Methods /******************************************************* * score a two point shot (regular field goal) for a given team **/ public int makeTwoPoint(String team) { int newScore = addPoints(team,2); return newScore; } • makeTwoPoint called from main • addPoints called from makeTwoPoint • Since calling for same object, don’t need object.method() • Same object is the default • In fact, we have been doing the same thing with instance variables already • Could call with this.addPoints(team,2); • where this is a keyword standing for the same object • <Show how code transfers control – maybe using debugger>
Oh, By the way – addPoints is private • “Helper Method” • Only intended to be used my other methods in Scoreboard class – not by main • More info hiding! /******************************************************* * helper function for all scoring * * Only used internally - main should go through specific types of scoring */ private int addPoints (String team, int points) { // ensure not negative points if (points <= 0) { System.out.println("ERROR - cannot add negative or zero points"); return -9; } if (team.equals(homeTeamName) || team.equalsIgnoreCase("home") ) { homeTeamPoints += points; return homeTeamPoints; } else if (team.equals(awayTeamName) || team.equalsIgnoreCase("away") ) { awayTeamPoints += points; return awayTeamPoints; } else { System.out.println("ERROR - team not found"); return -1; } }
Static Methods • Some methods have work to do, but do not need an object in order to do it • E.g. book-provided methods: • SavitchIn class defines methods for keyboard input • not automatically provided with Java • functions include readLineInt, readLineDouble, etc. • Called using SavitchIn.readLineInt() • Not called with an object, but rather a class • Such methods are called Static methods • Static methods are commonly used to provide libraries of useful and related functions • Static methods are sometimes referred to as class methods
Uses for Static Methods • More Examples: • the Math class • automatically provided with Java • functions include pow, sqrt, max, min, etc. • see the next slide for more details
The Math Class • Includes constants Math.PI (approximately 3.14159) and Math.E (base of natural logarithms which is approximately 2.72) • Includes three similar static methods: round, floor, and ceil • All three return sort-of whole numbers (although they are types long and double) • Math.round returns the long whole number nearest its argument Math.round(3.3) returns 3 and Math.round(3.7) returns 4 • Math.floor returns the nearest whole number that is equal to or less than its argument Math.floor(3.3) returns 3.0 and Math.floor(3.7) returns 3.0 • Math.ceil(short for ceiling) returns the nearest whole number that is equal to or greater than its argument Math.ceil(3.3) returns 4.0 and Math.ceil(3.7) returns 4.0 • (Must cast to int in order to assign into an int variable)
Static Methods • Declare static methods with the static modifier, for example: public static double area(double radius){ return Math.PI*radius*radius; } // Math.PI has been declared in Math class • Since a static method doesn’t need a calling object, it cannot refer to a (nonstatic) instance variable of the class. • Likewise, a static method cannot call a nonstatic method of the class (unless it creates an object of the class to use as a calling object).
Wrapper Classes • Used to wrap primitive types in a class structure • All primitive types have an equivalent class • The class includes useful constants and static methods, including one to convert back to the primitive type
Wrapper class examples • Declare an Integer class variable: Integer n = new Integer(42); • Convert the value of an Integer variable to its primitive type, int: int i = n.intValue();//intValue returns an int • We have already used wrapper classes a little bit when we used GUI I/O: priceString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the price of the pizza:"); double price; price = Double.parseDouble(priceString); // static method of Double class - // converts a String to a double (primitive type) • Some useful Integer constants: • Integer.MAX_VALUE - the maximum integer value the computer can represent • Integer.MIN_VALUE - the smallest integer value the computer can represent
Wrapper Class variables contain the address of the value variable declaration example:Integer n = new Integer(); variable declaration & init: Integer n = new Integer(0); assignment: n = new Integer(5); Primitive Type variables contain the value variable declaration example:int n; variable declaration & init.:int n = 0; assignment: n = 99; Usage of wrapper classes There are some important differences in the code to use wrapper classes and that for the primitive types
Overloading • Means that the same method name has more than one definitionwithin the same class • E.g. with a String, there are more than one version of methods: compareTo, indexOf, substring, valueOf, … • Each definition must have a different signature (heading) • different argument types, a different number of arguments, or a different ordering of argument types • The return type is not part of the signature and cannot be used to distinguish between two methods with the same name and parameter types
Overloading Example – from Account Class // determine if a passed string is the correct account number for the calling object public boolean matchAcctNum(String toCompare) { if (acctNum.equals(toCompare)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // determine if a passed account has the same account number as the calling object public boolean matchAcctNum(Account toCompare) { if (acctNum.equals(toCompare.getAcctNum())) { return true; } else { return false; } }
How does it Know? • Compiler determines which method is being called based on the method heading • Some setup code useful for either version Account myAcct = new Account(); myAcct.setAcctNum(“1234”); System.out.println(“Please enter your account number”); String anotherAcctNum = SavitchIn.readLine(); • First version called: boolean match = myAcct.matchAcctNum(anotherAcctNum); • Second version called: Account anotherAcct = new Account(); anotherAcct.setAcctNum(anotherAcctNum); boolean match = myAcct.matchAcctNum(anotherAcct); • This looks like the basis for a test question
Overloading • Is actually very common • Makes it possible to make your class very flexible – friendly to the programmers that use it • We have hidden it from you so far because it is a little advanced
Constructors • A constructor is a special method designed to initialize instance variables • Automatically called when an object is created using new • Has the same name as the class • Often overloaded (more than one constructor for the same class definition) • different versions to initialize all, some, or none of the instance variables • each constructor has a different signature (a different number or sequence of argument types)
Constructors • Forte has created constructors automatically for us – constructors that initialize none of the instance variables • E.g. /** Creates new Account */ public Account() { } • E.g. /** Creates new ScoreBoard */ public ScoreBoard() { } • These basically allow the default values to be used • These actually run (doing nothing!) when we write declarations such as: Account myAcct = new Account(); // calls constructor above !!!!
Since we hadn’t covered constructors yet … • We wrote code like … Account myAcct = new Account(); // set up one initial account System.out.println("Please enter the account number to be used in this simulation"); String acctNum = SavitchIn.readLine(); myAcct.setAcctNum(acctNum); System.out.println("Please enter the 4 digit PIN to be used in this simulation"); String pin = SavitchIn.readLine(); myAcct.setPIN(pin); System.out.println("Please enter the beginning balance to be used in this simulation"); double bal = SavitchIn.readLineDouble(); myAcct.setBal(bal); System.out.println("Please enter the interest rate to be used in this simulation (NOTE 2% is written .02)"); double rate = SavitchIn.readLineDouble(); myAcct.setIntRate(rate);
But suppose we had a different constructor available? /** Creates new Account */ public Account(String acct, String pin, double amt, double rate) { acctNum = acct; PIN = pin; balance = amt; intRate = rate; }
Then instead of creating an account and asking questions later … • We could ask questions, then create an account // set up one initial account System.out.println("Please enter the account number to be used in this simulation"); String acctNum = SavitchIn.readLine(); System.out.println("Please enter the 4 digit PIN to be used in this simulation"); String pin = SavitchIn.readLine(); System.out.println("Please enter the beginning balance to be used in this simulation"); double bal = SavitchIn.readLineDouble(); System.out.println("Please enter the interest rate to be used in this simulation (NOTE 2% is written .02)"); double rate = SavitchIn.readLineDouble(); Account myAcct = new Account(acctNum,pin,bal,rate); • Admittedly, this is a small savings (9 LOC instead of 13), but gives programmer using the class flexibility!!!!
Defining Constructors • Constructor headings do not include a return type • A constructor with no parameters is called a default constructor • If no constructor is provided Java automatically creates a default constructor • If any constructor is provided, then no constructors are created automatically Programming Tip • Include a constructor that initializes all instance variables • Include a constructor that has no parameters • include your own default constructor • Forte does this for you
Using Constructors • Always use a constructor after new • For example, using the Account class, we did the following: Account myAcct = new Account(acctNum,pin,bal,rate); • this calls the Account constructor with String, String, double, double parameters • If you want to change values of instance variables after you have created an object, you must use other methods for the object • you cannot call a constructor for an object after it is created • myAcct.Account(acctNum,pin,bal,rate); // would be illegal • set methods should be provided for this purpose
Oh, about Objects / References • A constructor returns a reference to an object – that is, the memory address Account myAcct = new Account(); // returns the address of the object // hence myAcct really is a reference to the object and not // the actual object