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USC Real Estate Development Seminar & Field Workshop

Join USC experts for an in-depth seminar on real estate market dynamics, investment strategies, and development processes. Learn from top professionals in the field and gain valuable insights into the real estate industry.

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USC Real Estate Development Seminar & Field Workshop

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  1. http://edu.mk.co.kr 매경 USC(남가주대) 해외부동산 전문가과정 Real Estate Development Seminar & Field Workshop (강사 및 참여업체 안내) Maeil Business Education 매경교육센터는 사례중심의 교육과 참여형 학습을 통해 기업이 필요로 하는 최적의프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다.

  2. 프로그램 일정 • Welcome Address (Prof. Bostic) • USC Real Estate Program Introduction (Prof. Bostic) • US Real Estate Market, Capital Market & Macro-economy Review • (Dr. Conway) 6월 25일(月) 오 전 - USC MRED(Master of Real Estate Development) Director - 하버드대 심리학, 경제학, 스태포드 경제학 박사 - 미 연방준비제도이사회(FRB) 근무 - 지역 재투자가 Lender 및 신용시장에 끼치는 영향 등 다수 연구 - 2000년 SAA(Special Achievement Award) 수상 Raphael Bostic Delores Ann Conway - USC 마샬 비즈니스스쿨 부교수, 법통계학, 재무, 부동산경제 연구 - 미국통계학협회 회원 및 기업 경제 기사 편집일원, 다수 기업의 통계지원 산업 지원 등 컨설팅 - 1998년 미 대학 협회 교수상 및 USC 최고 공로상 수상

  3. [영문 프로필] Raphael Bostic Dr. Bostic joins USC's faculty after spending six years on the staff at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. He enjoyed a very successful tenure at the Fed, having quickly attained the rank of Senior Economist and having received a Special Achievement Award in 2000 for his work supporting a Congressional mandate. Mr. Bostic has done extensive research on consumer banking issues, with a particular focus on mortgage and small business lending, bank branching patterns, and credit scoring and automated underwriting. While at the Fed, he was particularly responsible for studying and advising on fair lending and discrimination issues. He is currently conducting research on the ways in which the Community Reinvestment Act has influenced the behavior of lenders and credit markets. His broad research interests include financial markets and institutions, with a particular focus on banks in community development, the role and effects of regulation in banking, housing and homeownership, urban economic growth, wage and earnings profiles, and policy analysis generally. Mr. Bostic received his B.A. in psychology and economics from Harvard University in 1987 and his Ph.D. in economics from Stanford in 1995.

  4. [영문 프로필] Delores Ann Conway Delores A. Conway is an Associate Professor of Statistics. Her research areas include multivariate methods, legal statistics, financial models and real estate economics. She has published a series of articles on statistical methods for legal cases involving employment discrimination. She serves on two national committees of the American Statistical Association. She was an associate editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association for three years and also served as an associate editor for the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics for ten years. In 1997, she was elected a fellow of the American Statistical Association. She won the 1998 University Associates award for excellence in teaching, USC's highest honor for career achievements in teaching. The provost appointed her Faculty Fellow for USC's Center for Excellence in Teaching for academic years 1999-2001. She has consulted with companies on the application of statistics to medical care, security options, information products, environmental pollution, and statistical evidence in legal cases.

  5. 프로그램 일정 • Real Estate Capital Market ( (Prof. Bostic) • Introduction on Development Process (Kiyoul Ryu) 6월 25일(月) 오 후 Kiyoul Ryu - The Martin Group 사업개발 담당이사 - USC MRED 졸업 - 고급 주택, 주거, 빌딩 등 다수의 프로젝트 개발 참여 ※ 본 프로그램 현지 진행 The Martin Group - 1984년 설립된 캘리포니아 일대 부동산 매입/개발/운영 전문 회사 - 전체 사업 포트폴리오 규모는 3조원이며 개발면적은 42만평 이상임 - 캘리포니아 연금조합을 비롯한 기관투자자그룹, 금융기관, 정부기관 등이 주요 파트너임

  6. [영문 프로필] Kiyoul Ryu Director of Development, joined The Martin Group in 2004 and is responsible for development activities in Southern California. Prior to The Martin Group, Mr. Ryu began his career in 1991 with K. Young development where he oversaw many projects including housing, retail and office development in various locations. Later, Mr. Ryu was a project manager for Gilmore Associate in Los Angeles where he was responsible for managing projects entailing conversion of historic buildings to residential and office uses. Most recently, Mr. Ryu was managing director of Pactera, Inc., developing high-end residential projects in Southern California.

  7. 프로그램 일정 6월 26일(火) 오 전 • Real Estate Investment Dynamics ( Victor Cheung) • Mixed-Use Development (Kiyoul Ryu) Victor Cheung - 모건스탠리 캘리포니아 부동산 수석 애널리스트 - UC 버클리 MBA, 홍콩대 박사(Real Estate & Development) - 현재 캘리포니아에서 투자분석 및 자문활동을 하고 있음 Morgan Stanley - 1935년 설립된 세계 톱 금융/투자회사로서 총 관리자산이 693억불임 - 30개국 600여개 해외 거점을 보유하고 있으며 종업원이 55,310명임 - 매년 260억불 이상의 상업용 모기지와 1997년 이래 840억불 이상의 상업용 부동산 저당증권(CMBS) 발행

  8. [영문 프로필] Victor Cheung Dr Cheung graduated from the University of California at Berkeley in 1996 with an MBA degree focusing on finance and real estate, and received his doctoral degree from Department of Real Estate and Construction at the Univerisity of Hong Kong. His current principal business activity is to give investment analyses and advises to the investors in California.

  9. 프로그램 일정 • Office/Industrial Development ( William Cutler) • Legal aspects of US Real Estate – How to prevent mistake (Gregory Karns) • Multifamily Residential Development (Kimberly Paperin) • ※ 저녁 : USC 동문 참여 행사 6월 26일(火) 오 후 William Cutler - Council Rock Partners 창립자이자 CEO - MBA Wharton School 펜실바니아대학교 - Trammell Crow Residential 매니징 디렉터 - 남부캘리포니아 다가구주택 개발 관리, LA에서 1,250가구 이상 개발 - 2006년 완공한 LA, Savoy 건설 개발 책임 Kimberly Paperin

  10. [영문 프로필] William Cutler Council Rock is led by William E. Cutler, its founder and chief executive officer. Bill Cutler has built a successful 32 year career which has been distinguished by the quality and diversity of his portfolio of real estate investment and development properties. He has been responsible for originating, structuring and executing value-added and development investment programs for over 17 million sf of institutional grade properties with an investment basis exceeding $3 billion. Through his accomplishments, Bill has earned a reputation for the startup and building of strong investment teams and profitable businesses. Bill received a Masters in Business Administration from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1974, and graduated Tau Beta Pi with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Clarkson University in 1972. Bill is an Associate Professor of Real Estate Development at the University of Southern California, and serves on the Clarkson University School of Business Leadership Council. Bill is a Full Member of the Urban Land Institute.

  11. [영문 프로필] Kimberly Paperin Ms. Paperin joined Trammell Crow Residential in June 2001, with responsibility for creating and managing multifamily development opportunities in Southern California.  Since that time, Ms. Paperin entitled over 1250 units in Los Angeles County, and is responsible for the development and construction of the Savoy, completed in 2006, and Artisan on Second, projected to complete construction in December of this year..

  12. 프로그램 일정 6월 27일(水) 오 전 • Residential Case Study & Mixed Use Project ( Charles Lee) - 밀레니엄 엔터프라이즈 CEO, 한인1.5세 Charles Lee Millenium Enterprise - 1986년 설립되어 LA를 비롯한 캘리포니아, 애리조나, 시애틀 등을 기반으로 주거용 및 주상 복합 개발 - 한국의 신영이 LA한인타운에 40층 규모의 주상복합을 건설하는데 합작투자하기로 한 미국측파트너 (총 5천억 공사규모중 35% 지분 보유)

  13. 프로그램 일정 • Community Development ( Jimmy Kim) • Mega Retail Project / Burbank 6월 27일(水) 오 후 - SunCal Companies / Project Manager, 한인 1.5세 - USC MBA/MRED 졸업 Jimmy Kim SunCal Companies - 캘리포니아 톱5에 들어가는 시행사로 커뮤니티 단위의 대형 레지덴셜 디벨롭먼트회사임

  14. [영문 자료] SunCal Companies - History

  15. 프로그램 일정 6월 28일(木) 오 전 • CRA Presentation ( Jay Virata) • CRA Site Tour (Caroline Sin) - LA시 주택과에서 분리된 재개발 투자전문기관 - Public Fund를 기반으로 사업을 하며 헐리우드와 LA다운타운에 다수의 프로젝트를 진행함 CRA(Community Redevelopment Agency) - CRA 디렉터 - UCLA Sociology, USC MRED, 캘리포니아 주립대 공공행정 - Harbor Region 행정 담당(Regional Administrator) Jay Virata

  16. [영문 프로필] Jay Virata

  17. 프로그램 일정 6월 28일(木) 오 후 • Overall Review & Team Discussion • Team Presentation • 관광/골프 • 리조트 개발 사례 및 대형 쇼핑몰 견학 6월 29일(金) - 세계적인 아울렛으로 영국의 명문 축구 구단인 첼시구단이 소유 - 팜스프링의 첼시 아울렛은 미국내에서도 뉴욕과 더불어 가장 성공한 몰로 평가 받음 첼시 아울렛 - 팜스프링은 미국내 라스베가스와 더불어 레저 전용 도시로 개발한 곳이며 호텔, 리조트 등이 동시에 개발되어 많은 사례가 있음 팜스프링 골프장

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