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Java Persistence: Object Relationship Mapping

Explore how to map relationships between classes to the database using annotations. Learn the concepts of owning and inverse sides, relationship types, and more. Java Persistence Relationships explained with examples and annotations.

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Java Persistence: Object Relationship Mapping

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  1. Java Persistence: Relationships Java Persistence:Object RelationshipMapping

  2. Java Persistence: Relationships Goals • Be able to map a relationships between classes to the database using class annotations • coverage of ORM descriptors can be found in text or JPA Spec • Be able to navigate relationships between objects persisted to the database using get/set API calls instead of SQL

  3. Java Persistence: Relationships Objectives • Relationship Sides (owning and inverse) • Relationship Types • OneToOne • ManyToOne • OneToMany • ManyToMany • Relationship Directions • uni-directional • bi-directional • Collection Types • FetchType • CascadeType

  4. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne • Uni-directional • Bi-Directional

  5. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne • Uni-directional • only one class (“owner”) knows of the relationship • uses @OneToOne annotation • this class defines the mapping to the database • may use @JoinColumn or @JoinTable annotation • Bi-Directional • both classes know of the relationship • use @OneToOne annotation • one class (“owner”) defines the mapping to the database • may use @JoinColumn or @JoinTable annotation • the other class (“inverse side”) names the owner's property that defines the relationship • uses @OneToOne(mappedBy=”remote property”)

  6. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne Uni-directional: Example DB Schema create table ORMREL_PHOTO (PHOTO_ID bigint generated by default as identity (..., image longvarbinary, primary key (PHOTO_ID)) create table ORMREL_PERSON (PERSON_ID bigint generated by default as identity (..., firstName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255), phone varchar(255), PERSON_PHOTO bigint, primary key (PERSON_ID)) alter table ORMREL_PERSON add constraint FK14D7C425DCCB1C0D foreign key (PERSON_PHOTO) references ORMREL_PHOTO

  7. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne Uni-directional: Example Java Mapping @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_PHOTO") public class Photo { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="PHOTO_ID") private long id; @Lob private byte[] image; @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_PERSON") public class Person { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="PERSON_ID") private long id; private String firstName; private String lastName; private String phone; @OneToOne(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="PERSON_PHOTO") private Photo photo; * There is no inverse relationship definition for uni-directional relationships * Owning side uses a JoinColumn to name the foreign key column for the relationship

  8. Java Persistence: Relationships @OneToOne Annotation public interface OneToOne extends ... { • Class targetEntity() default void.class • entity class related to • can usually be determined by property type • CascadeType[] cascade() default {} • defines which persistence operations to cascade to related object • FetchType fetch() default EAGER • hint to provider as to whether related object necessary • boolean optional() default true • states whether value of relationship can be null • String mappedBy() default “” • only used in bi-directional relationships on the inverse side • names remote property in owning class that defines mapping to DB

  9. Java Persistence: Relationships FetchType (*hint) • EAGER • related object is always instantiated from the database when this object is instantiated • LAZY • related object not instantiated from database when this object is instantiated • proxy is acting as a place-holder • undefined implementation by spec • byte code manipulation of entity class* required option of Java EE environment • post-compilation step* option for Java SE environment • dynamic proxy classes • object is fetched and instantiated when proxy accessed and object is still attached to the persistence context • exception thrown (undefined by spec) if proxy accessed after object is detached from persistence context

  10. Java Persistence: Relationships @JoinColumn Annotation public interface JoinColumn extends ...{ • very similar to @Column annotation • String name() default “” • name of database column for foreign key • String referencedColumnName() default “” (=PK column of related object) • used to reference a non-primary key field in related object • must be unique value in OneToOne relationship • boolean unique() default false • is foreign key unique within table • boolean nullable() default true • is foreign key allowed to be null • boolean insertable() default true • is foreign key present on create • boolean updatable() default true • is foreign key included in updates • String columnDefinition() default “” • exact DDL for column type • String table() default “” • used for multi-table mappings

  11. Java Persistence: Relationships @JoinColumns Annotation public interface JoinColumns extends ... { • public abstract JoinColumn[] value(); • defines array of foreign key columns for composite keys Example Usage: @OneToOne @JoinColumns({ @JoinColumn(...), @JoinColumn(...) })

  12. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne Uni-directional: Example Usage //create owning side ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.Person person = new Person(); person.setFirstName("john"); person.setLastName("doe"); person.setPhone("410-555-1212"); //create the inverse side ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.Photo photo = new Photo(); photo.setImage(image); //add photo to person anytime person.setPhoto(photo); //will set the FK in person //write person to DB; persist configured to cascade to photo em.persist(person); //verify what we can get from DB em.flush(); //FK physically written at this point em.clear(); Person person2 = em.find(Person.class, person.getId()); assertNotNull(person2); assertNotNull(person2.getPhoto());

  13. Java Persistence: Relationships Primary Key Join: Example DB Schema create table ORMREL_BORROWER (BORROWER_ID bigint not null, startDate date, endDate date, primary key (BORROWER_ID)) create table ORMREL_PERSON (PERSON_ID bigint generated by default as identity (..., firstName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255), phone varchar(255), PERSON_PHOTO bigint, primary key (PERSON_ID)) alter table ORMREL_BORROWER add constraint FKA0973E32F113D9BA foreign key (BORROWER_ID) references ORMREL_PERSON;

  14. Java Persistence: Relationships Primary Key Join public interface PrimaryKeyJoinColumn extends ...{ • used instead of JoinColumn to define a primary key join between this and referenced object • String name() default “” • used when this class defines a composite primary key • names primary key column in this class' table that references related object • String referencedColumnName() default “” • used to specify column foreign key is referencing • will default to PK field for related object's table • String columnDefinition() default “” • specific DDL for column definition

  15. Java Persistence: Relationships Primary Key Join: Example Java Mapping @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_BORROWER") public class Borrower { @Id @Column(name="BORROWER_ID") private long id; @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, optional=false, cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.MERGE}) @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn private Person identity; @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_PERSON") public class Person { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="PERSON_ID") private long id;

  16. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne Bi-directional: Example DB Schema create table ORMREL_BORROWER (BORROWER_ID bigint not null, startDate date, endDate date, primary key (BORROWER_ID)) create table ORMREL_APPLICANT (id bigint generated by default as identity, APP_PERSON bigint not null, APP_BORROWER bigint, primary key (id), unique (APP_PERSON)) alter table ORMREL_APPLICANT add constraint FKD186081242E2AFD5 foreign key (APP_PERSON) references ORMREL_PERSON * RDBMSes are insensitive to direction. Therefore once a foreign key is defined on one side or the other, it can be used from either direction

  17. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne Bi-directional: Example Java Mapping @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_BORROWER") public class Borrower { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Borrower.class); @Id @Column(name="BORROWER_ID") private long id; @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, optional=true, mappedBy="borrower") private Applicant application; @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_APPLICANT") public class Applicant { @Id @GeneratedValue private long id; @OneToOne(optional=true) @JoinColumn(name="APP_BORROWER") private Borrower borrower; * Inverse-side of relationship defines remote property that defines the database mapping * Owning side uses a JoinColumn to name the foreign key column for the relationship

  18. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToOne Bi-directional: Example Usage Applicant applicant2 = em.find(Applicant.class, applicantId); Borrower borrower2 = em.find(Borrower.class, borrowerId); //form relationship borrower2.setApplication(applicant2); //set inverse side applicant2.setBorrower(borrower2); //set owning side em.flush(); em.clear(); //locate them from DB Applicant applicant3 = em.find(Applicant.class, applicantId); Borrower borrower3 = em.find(Borrower.class, borrowerId); assertEquals(applicant3.getId(), borrower3.getApplication().getId()); assertEquals(borrower3.getId(), applicant3.getBorrower().getId()); * Must manually set both sides of a bi-directional relationship

  19. Java Persistence: Relationships Bi-directional Relationships and Ownership • Only changes made to owning side impact database • persist • update • remove • Actions taken on owning side not automatically propagated to inverse side • must either • manually update inverse side • design classes to handle propogation • refresh object if proper state in database

  20. Java Persistence: Relationships Bi-directional Relationships and Ownership Example Borrower borrower = em.find(Borrower.class, borrowerId); Applicant applicant = em.find(Applicant.class, applicantId); assertNull("borrower has unexpected applicant:" + borrower.getApplication(), borrower.getApplication()); assertNull("applicant has unexpected borrower:" + applicant.getBorrower(), applicant.getBorrower()); //set ONLY the inverse side of the relationship borrower.setApplication(applicant); assertNotNull("borrower does not have applicant", borrower.getApplication()); assertNull("applicant has unexpected borrower:" + applicant.getBorrower(), applicant.getBorrower()); Not setting owning side will cause no later change to DB Set on either side does NOT get automatically propagated to other side

  21. Java Persistence: Relationships Bi-directional Relationships and Ownership Example (cont.) em.getTransaction().commit(); em.clear(); assertFalse("borrower was managed", em.contains(borrower)); assertFalse("application was managed", em.contains(applicant)); borrower = em.find(Borrower.class, borrowerId); applicant = em.find(Applicant.class, applicantId); //verify that relationship from cache never written to DB assertNull("borrower has unexpected applicant:" + borrower.getApplication(), borrower.getApplication()); assertNull("applicant has unexpected borrower:" + applicant.getBorrower(), applicant.getBorrower()); Not setting owning side caused change to be lost on next refresh

  22. Java Persistence: Relationships Bi-directional Relationships and Ownership Example Borrower borrower = em.find(Borrower.class, borrowerId); Applicant applicant = em.find(Applicant.class, applicantId); assertNull("borrower has unexpected applicant:" + borrower.getApplication(), borrower.getApplication()); assertNull("applicant has unexpected borrower:" + applicant.getBorrower(), applicant.getBorrower()); //set ONLY the owning side of the relationship applicant.setBorrower(borrower); assertNull("borrower has unexpected applicant", borrower.getApplication()); assertNotNull("applicant does not have borrower:" + applicant.getBorrower(), applicant.getBorrower()); Not setting inverse side – no impact to DB Set on owning side will take care of updating DB

  23. Java Persistence: Relationships Bi-directional Relationships and Ownership Example (cont.) em.getTransaction().commit(); em.clear(); assertFalse("borrower was managed", em.contains(borrower)); assertFalse("application was managed", em.contains(applicant)); borrower = em.find(Borrower.class, borrowerId); applicant = em.find(Applicant.class, applicantId); //verify that relationship from cache written to DB assertNotNull("borrower did not have applicant:" + borrower.getApplication(), borrower.getApplication()); assertNotNull("applicant did not have borrower:" + applicant.getBorrower(), applicant.getBorrower()); Changes now correctly reflected in DB

  24. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne • Uni-directional • Many side is only class (“owner”) that knows of the relationship • uses @ManyToOne annotation • this class defines the mapping to the database • may use @JoinColumn or @JoinTable annotation • Bi-directional • Many side required to own relationship • One side (“inverse side”) names the owner's property that defines the relationship • may use @OneToMany(mappedBy=”remote property”)

  25. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne • Uni-directional • Bi-Directional

  26. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Uni-directional: Example DB Schema create table ORMREL_MEDIA (MEDIA_ID bigint generated by default as identity, title varchar(255), primary key (MEDIA_ID)) create table ORMREL_MEDIACOPY (COPY_NO integer not null, MEDIACOPY_MID bigint not null, primary key (COPY_NO, MEDIACOPY_MID)) alter table ORMREL_MEDIACOPY add constraint FKCDB47669F152B359 foreign key (MEDIACOPY_MID) references ORMREL_MEDIA * Many side defines foreign key to one side * In this case, foreign key is part of primary key

  27. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Uni-directional: Example Java Mapping * There is no inverse relationship definition for uni-directional relationships @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_MEDIA") public class Media { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="MEDIA_ID") private long id; @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_MEDIACOPY") @IdClass(MediaCopyPK.class) public class MediaCopy { //use m2o to have media automatically associated @ManyToOne(optional=false) @JoinColumn( name="MEDIACOPY_MID", nullable=false, updatable=false) public Media getMedia() { return media; } private void setMedia(Media media) { this.media = media; * Owning side uses a JoinColumn to name the foreign key column for the relationship

  28. Java Persistence: Relationships @ManyToOne Annotation public interface ManyToOne extends ...{ • Class targetEntity() default void.class • entity type to map target of relation • can be determined by provider from property type • CascadeType[] cascade() default “” • defines which persistence operations will also apply to related object • FetchType fetch() default EAGER • hint to provider whether related object is necessary • boolean optional() default true • is foreign key allowed to be null

  29. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Uni-directional: Example Usage //create one (inverse side) ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.Media media = new Media(); media.setTitle("EJB3"); em.persist(media); assertTrue(media.getId() != 0); //create some copies (owning side) for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.MediaCopy mc = new MediaCopy(media, i); assertNotNull(mc.getMedia()); assertEquals(i, mc.getCopyNo()); //must manually persist since no cascade defined from Media em.persist(mc); log.info("created copy:" + mc); } * Owning side property set in ctor()

  30. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Uni-directional: Example Usage (cont.) em.flush(); em.clear(); //verify media copy from database provides media object for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { //media copy uses a composite primary key ejava.examples.orm.rel.MediaCopyPK pk = new MediaCopyPK(media.getId(), i); MediaCopy mc = em.find(MediaCopy.class, pk); assertNotNull("media copy not found:" + pk, mc); assertEquals("unexpected mediaId:" + mc.getMediaId(), mc.getMediaId(), media.getId()); assertEquals("unexpected copyNo:" + mc.getCopyNo(), mc.getCopyNo(), i); assertNotNull("no media resolved", mc.getMedia()); }

  31. Java Persistence: Relationships Issues Mapping Composite Key Column public class MediaCopyPK implements Serializable { @Column(name="COPY_NO") private int copyNo; @Column(name="MEDIACOPY_MID") private long mediaId; @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_MEDIACOPY") @IdClass(MediaCopyPK.class) public class MediaCopy { @Id private int copyNo; @Id private long mediaId; * Provider requires a separate property to map entire foreign key. • create table ORMREL_MEDIACOPY (COPY_NO integer not null, MEDIACOPY_MID bigint not null, primary key (COPY_NO, MEDIACOPY_MID))

  32. Java Persistence: Relationships Issues Mapping Composite Key Column (JPA 1.0) @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="MEDIACOPY_MID") private Media media; javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.MappingException: Repeated column in mapping for entity: ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.MediaCopy column: MEDIACOPY_MID (should be mapped with insert="false" update="false") @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="MEDIACOPY_MID", insertable=false,updatable=false) private Media media; * Foreign key for the relationship is mapped to same column as primary key • alter table ORMREL_MEDIACOPY • add constraint FKCDB47669F152B359 • foreign key (MEDIACOPY_MID) • references ORMREL_MEDIA; * Now updates to the media property do not attempt to update the FK column, which is also a PK column.

  33. Java Persistence: Relationships JPA 2.0 Adds @MapsId public class MediaCopy2 implements Serializable { @Id //mapped to COPY_NO by IdClass private intcopyNo; @Id //mapped to MEDIACOPY_MID by IdClass private long mediaId; @ManyToOne @MapsId("mediaId") //maps mediaId property //to relationship column @JoinColumn(name="MEDIACOPY_MID") private Media media;

  34. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Bi-directional: Example DB Schema create table ORMREL_BORROWER (BORROWER_ID bigint not null, startDate date, endDate date, primary key (BORROWER_ID)) create table ORMREL_CHECKOUT (CHECKOUT_ID bigint generated by default as identity, outDate date, returnDate date, CHECKOUT_BID bigint not null, primary key (CHECKOUT_ID)) alter table ORMREL_CHECKOUT add constraint FK7F287E16C07B41F3 foreign key (CHECKOUT_BID) references ORMREL_BORROWER * Many side defines foreign key to one side

  35. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Bi-directional: Example Java Mapping @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_BORROWER") public class Borrower { @Id @Column(name="BORROWER_ID") private long id; @OneToMany(mappedBy="borrower", fetch=FetchType.LAZY) private Collection<Checkout> checkouts = new ArrayList<Checkout>(); @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_CHECKOUT") public class Checkout { private static long CHECKOUT_DAYS = 1000*60*60*24*14; @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="CHECKOUT_ID") private long id; @ManyToOne(optional=false) @JoinColumn(name="CHECKOUT_BID") private Borrower borrower; * Inverse-side of relationship defines remote property that defines the database mapping * Owning side uses a JoinColumn to name the foreign key column for the relationship

  36. Java Persistence: Relationships @OneToMany Annotation public interface OneToMany extends ...{ • Class targetEntity() default void.class • defines mapped type of related object • provider can determine value from property type • CascadeType[] cascade() default “” • defines which persistence operations propagate to related object • FetchType fetch() default EAGER • hint to provider whether related object is always necessary • String mappedBy() default “” • names property in related object that defines mapping to database

  37. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Bi-directional: Example Usage //get a borrower ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.Borrower borrower = em.find(Borrower.class, borrowerId); assertNotNull(borrower); assertTrue(borrower.getCheckouts().size() == 0); //create 1st checkout ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.Checkout checkout = new Checkout(new Date()); checkout.setBorrower(borrower); //set owning side borrower.addCheckout(checkout); //set inverse side //above is a wrapper around // borrower.getCheckouts().add(checkout) em.persist(checkout); //persist owning side of the relation

  38. Java Persistence: Relationships ManyToOne Bi-directional: Example Usage (cont.) //create a couple more for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { Checkout co = new Checkout(new Date()); co.setBorrower(borrower); //set owning side borrower.addCheckout(co); //set inverse side //above is a wrapper around // borrower.getCheckouts().add(checkout) em.persist(co); //persist owning side of the relation } log.info("done populating borrower"); em.flush(); em.clear(); Borrower borrower2 = em.find(Borrower.class, borrower.getId()); assertEquals(6, borrower2.getCheckouts().size());

  39. Java Persistence: Relationships Changing a Collection • Wrong! • don't replace the collection from the managed object with a transient one Collection<Checkout> newCheckouts = ... borrower.setCheckouts(newCheckouts); //WRONG! • Correct! • update the existing collection within the managed object Collection<Checkout> newCheckouts = ... borrower.getCheckouts().addAll(newCheckouts);

  40. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToMany • Uni-directional

  41. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToMany • Uni-directional • One side (“owner”) is only class that knows of relationship • uses @OneToMany annotation • This class defines mapping to database using a Join (or “link”) table • must use a @JoinTable • Bi-directional • same as ManyToOne bi-directional

  42. Java Persistence: Relationships Link/Join Table

  43. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToMany Uni-directional: Example DB Schema create table ORMREL_INVENTORY (id bigint generated by default as identity, name varchar(255), primary key (id)) create table ORMREL_INVENTORY_MEDIA (ORMREL_INVENTORY_id bigint not null, media_MEDIA_ID bigint not null, unique (media_MEDIA_ID)) create table ORMREL_MEDIA (MEDIA_ID bigint generated by default as identity, title varchar(255), primary key (MEDIA_ID)) alter table ORMREL_INVENTORY_MEDIA add constraint FKF6FA5C317DD5E49D foreign key (ORMREL_INVENTORY_id) references ORMREL_INVENTORY alter table ORMREL_INVENTORY_MEDIA add constraint FKF6FA5C31A70D4E48 foreign key (media_MEDIA_ID) references ORMREL_MEDIA * Link table declares foreign keys to form relationships * Unique media ID guards against a single media being mapped to multiple inventories

  44. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToMany Uni-directional: Example Java Mapping * Inverse-side of relationship defines nothing for uni-directional relationships @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_MEDIA") public class Media { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="MEDIA_ID") private long id; @Entity @Table(name="ORMREL_INVENTORY") public class Inventory { private long id; private String name; private Collection<Media> media = new ArrayList<Media>(); @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}) @JoinTable(name="ORMREL_INVENTORY_MEDIA") public Collection<Media> getMedia() { return media; } public void setMedia(Collection<Media> media) { this.media = media; } * Owning side of OneToManyuni-directional must define a link table to hold relationship

  45. Java Persistence: Relationships @JoinTable Annotation public interface JoinTable extends ... { • very similar to @Table annotation • String name() default “” • table name for join table • String catalog() default “” • catalog name for join table • String schema() default “” • schema name for join table • JoinColumn[] joinColumns() default {} • array of columns defining foreign key to this object • JoinColumn[] inverseJoinColumns() default {} • array of columns defining foreign key to related object • UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints()

  46. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToMany Uni-directional: Example Usage //create owning side ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.Inventory inventory1 = new Inventory(); inventory1.setName("testLinkFind"); em.persist(inventory1); //create and relate inverse side for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { ejava.examples.orm.rel.annotated.Media media = new Media(); em.persist(media); log.info("created media:" + media); //relation defined to cascade perists inventory1.getMedia().add(media); }

  47. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToMany Uni-directional: Example Usage (cont.) em.getTransaction().commit(); em.clear(); em.getTransaction().begin(); //get new copy of inventory from DB assertFalse("inventory still managed",em.contains(inventory1)); Inventory inventory2 = em.find(Inventory.class, inventory1.getId()); assertNotNull("inventory not found", inventory2); assertNotSame(inventory1, inventory2); assertNotNull("media null", inventory2.getMedia()); assertEquals("unexpected media count:" + inventory2.getMedia().size(), inventory1.getMedia().size(), inventory2.getMedia().size());

  48. Java Persistence: Relationships Using FK in uni-directional OneToMany create table ORMO2M_CHILD ( CHILDID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1), name varchar(255), PARENT_ID bigint, primary key (CHILDID) ); create table ORMO2M_PARENT ( PARENTID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1), name varchar(255), primary key (PARENTID) ); alter table ORMO2M_CHILD add constraint FK257187DDF37CA975 foreign key (PARENT_ID) references ORMO2M_PARENT;

  49. Java Persistence: Relationships Using FK in uni-directional OneToMany @Entity(name="O2MChild") @Table(name="ORMO2M_CHILD") public class OneManyChild { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="CHILDID") public long getId() { return id; } @Entity(name="O2MOwningParent") @Table(name="ORMO2M_PARENT") public class OneManyOwningParent { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="PARENTID") public long getId() { return id; } @OneToMany @JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID") //@JoinTable( // joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID")) public Collection<OneManyChild> getChildren() { return children; }

  50. Java Persistence: Relationships OneToMany bi-directional • The same as ManyToOne bi-directional • Spec requires @ManyToOne side of a bi-directional relationship be the owner

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