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Helping You Navigate ARPA-E’s Invoice Process

Detailed overview of ARPA-E's and Performer's responsibilities in the invoice process, financial assistance awards, and cost terminology. Learn about invoice review approach, helpful hints, and invoice preparation process.

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Helping You Navigate ARPA-E’s Invoice Process

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  1. Helping You Navigate ARPA-E’s Invoice Process

  2. Table of Contents

  3. Overview ARPA-E’s Responsibilities • Review all incurred costs for: Reasonableness, Allowability, and Allocability • Be available to answer questions and communicate with Performers • Maintain accountability for the expenditure of public funds • Ensure that claimed amounts are used to meet project objectives and goals • Explain problems or discrepancies with invoice submissions • Approve the reimbursement for allowable costs within 30 days Performer’s Responsibilities • Submit invoices for incurred costs related to the project SOPO, within the award period of performance, and in accordance with the applicable federal regulations • Submit the necessary supporting documentation to allow ARPA-E to determine: Reasonableness, Allowability, and Allocability of invoiced costs • Submit an invoice that is mathematically correct • Respond to questions from ARPA-E within the timeframe provided

  4. Financial Assistance Awards Cost Terminology Background Overview of Cost Terms

  5. Financial assistance awards • Grant • Transfers of a thing of value from a federal agency to a recipient to carry out a public purpose without substantial involvement by ARPA-E. • Cooperative Agreement • Transfers of a thing of value from a federal agency to a recipient to carry out a public purpose withsubstantial involvement by ARPA-E. • Substantial Involvement • Refers to the degree of ARPA-E participation in project decision making, including stage-gate approvals at various times in the project.

  6. Cost terminology • Reasonable Costs • Costs that, in its nature and amount, does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person in the conduct of competitive business. • Allocable Costs • Costs that are assignable to the Federal award or other cost objectives in accordance with relative benefits received. • Must be necessary and reasonable for performance • Must be allocable per the cost principles • Must conform to any limitations identified in the award or cost principles • Must be consistent with the Recipient’s practice • Must be afforded consistent treatment • Must be determined in accordance with GAAP • Must be adequately documented • Allowable Costs • Those charges to a Federal award that are determined to be unallowable in accordance with applicable Federal statues, regulations, or the terms of the Federal award. • Disallowed Costs • Any cost that lacks sufficient documentation to enable a definitive conclusion • Unsupported Costs • Cost Share • Percentage of the total allowable project costs to be provided by the Prime Recipient.

  7. Invoices are Linked to Project Objectives Invoice Review Approach ARPA-E’s Invoicing Approach

  8. Invoicing is linked to project objectives Invoices provide additional understanding of a project’s financial performance in relation to task/milestone/deliverable status

  9. ARPA-E’s Invoice Review Approach The invoice form (SF-270) states, “I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the data on the reverse are correct and that all outlays were made in accordance with grant conditions or other agreement and that payment is due and has not been previously requested.” Invoice submissions are subject to the terms of the False Claims Act (FCA). Performers in violation of the FCA may be subject to criminal and civil penalties.

  10. Invoice 30-day Timeline Actions ARPA-E will Take on an Invoice Preparing an Invoice Submission Supporting Documentation Helpful Invoice Preparation Hints Preparing an ARPA-E Invoice

  11. Invoice 30-day timeline ARPA-E will work to meet this notional timeline; we ask Performer teams to partner with us to achieve it.

  12. Actions ARPA-E will take on invoices

  13. Preparing an invoice submission SF-270 federal and cost share amounts must tie to the invoice supporting documents submitted. If they do not, ARPA-E may reject the invoice.

  14. Supporting documentation Performers are required to submit a signed SF-270 which can be found at the following link:https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/sf270(6).pdf Make sure the amount requested on the SF-270 matches the amount requested in VIPERS ANDthe supporting documentation submitted …or the invoice will be rejected Sign AND date beforesubmitting the SF-270 to VIPERS and ARPA-E

  15. Supporting documentation (continued) Travel: An expense report/ summary that indicates the business purpose and itinerary for each trip and receipts for all travel expenses over $75 Other Direct Costs: Receipts/invoices for all large dollar ODCs and documentation to justify any business meal expenses Technology Transfer and Outreach: Supporting documentation broken out by Personnel, Travel, Supplies, Equipment, Contractual, and ODCs using the same criteria as above Additional information can be found in Attachment 1 of the Cooperative Agreement.

  16. Helpful invoice preparation hints

  17. Helpful invoice preparation hints (continued) Examples of travel-related expenses disallowed by ARPA-E

  18. Helpful invoice preparation hints (continued) Other costs that ARPA-E has disallowed and may notbe claimed

  19. Tracking Invoices Staff Who Can Help Key Contacts Guideline Links Contacts and Information Links

  20. How do I track my invoice? Click on Electronic Invoice Instructions (overview)to see how to submit an invoice in VIPERS Click: Click on Electronic Invoice Instruction (detailed) for detailed instructions

  21. Staff who can help Works to inform, connect, and advocate in support of the commercial success of projectsonce a Project Team has identified a commercialization strategy

  22. Key contacts ARPA-E Procurement Director and Contracting Officer (CO) Bart Bridwell E-mail: Bart.Bridwell@hq.doe.gov Phone: 202-287-1015 ARPA-E Associate Director for Finance Hai Duong E-mail: Hai.Duong@hq.doe.gov Phone: 202-287-6583 ARPA-E Contracting general e-mail: ARPA-E-CO@hq.doe.gov If questions arise, please direct them to the ARPA-E support team before submitting an invoice.

  23. Guideline links FAQs : https://arpa-e.energy.gov/?q=faq/general-questions • For Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Non-Profit Organizations (Does not apply to colleges and universities) made prior to 26-Dec-2014, please refer to 2 CFR Part 230 (formerly OMB Circular A-122) http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/granule/CFR-2012-title2-vol1/CFR-2012-title2-vol1-part230/content-detail.html • For Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Educational Institutions made prior to 26-Dec-2014, please refer to 2 CFR Part 220 (formerly OMB Circular A-21) http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/granule/CFR-2012-title2-vol1/CFR-2012-title2-vol1-part220/content-detail.html • For Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments made prior to 26-Dec-2014, please refer to 2 CFR Part 225 (formerly OMB Circular A-87) https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/CFR-2012-title2-vol1/CFR-2012-title2-vol1-part225

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