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Explore mortality and morbidity from external causes in Chile from 1968 to 2003, examining rates by sex and ICD codes evolution. Learn about stages of death statistics production and advancements in health statistics recovery. Detailed analysis on transport accidents, suicide, homicide, and undetermined intent. Examine hospital discharge rates by external causes in Chile in 2002.
Mortality and morbidity from external causes, Chile 1968-2003
External cause mortality by sex, Chile rate male Both sexes female
ICD-7: N800-N999, E800-E999 (1958-1967). ICD-8: N800-N999, E800-E999 (1968-1979). ICD-9: 800-999, E800-E999 (1980-1996). ICD-10: V01-Y98 (1997- …).
Stages of cause of death statistics production in Chile • 1843-1951: Office of Statistics • 1952-1978: National Institute of Statistics y Dept of Statistics for National Health Service (2 publications). • 1979-2000: National Institute of Statistics and Ministry of Health (in legal agreement since 1982). Civil Registry, 1884
1979-2000: • There is no counterpart specialist in the health statistics agency nor an ICD expert in the Ministry of Health • Instruction/education of technical personnel in Health Statistics agency was suspended, as was education of ICD coders
Health Statistics Recovery • The Department of Health Statistics and Information is reborn (12/10/2000, resolution? 2164)." • Two courses on cause-of-death coding are taught for 40 coders nationwide (PAHO - Health Ministry of Cuba). • Rules and procedures on coding and updating/revising incorrectly coded certificates are implemented • Information is verified / corrected through matching against other sources of information, especially through querying the certifying physician.
ICD-10 ICD-8 ICD-9
Transport accidents: N-XVII: N800-N999 + E800-E845, ICD-8; XVII: 800-999 + E800-E848, ICD-9; V01-V99, ICD-10. Suicide: N-XVII + E950-E959, CIE-8; XVII + E950-E959, ICD-9; X60-X84 + Y87.0, ICD-10. Homicide: N-XVII + E960-E969, CIE-8; XVII + E960-E969, ICD-9; X85-Y09 + Y87.1, ICD-10.
Undetermined intent: N-XVII + E980-E989, ICD-8; XVII + E980-E989, ICD-9; Y10-Y34 + Y87.2, ICD-10. Note: The few deaths coded as sequelae of legal intervention have been added as homicides
Relative difference between external cause death ratesaccording to mechanism and intent: Chile, 1997-2000 & 2001-2003 All Falls Firearm Transport Cut/pierce Poisoning Other specified Fire/Hot objects Unspecified Drowning Suffocation