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ERAS 2013. – the E lectronic R esidency A pplication S ervice – was created to enhance medical students’ transition to residency by reducing the amount of time spent on the residency application process. ERAS 2013.
ERAS 2013 – the Electronic Residency Application Service – was created to enhancemedical students’ transition to residencyby reducing the amount of time spenton the residency application process
ERAS 2013 Using the Internet, ERAS transmits the following documents from applicants and medical schools to residency program directors: • Residency applications • Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) • Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE -aka, your Dean’s letter) • Transcripts and • Photograph (3rd year White Coat photo)
ERAS: Who’s Who . . What’s What? ERAS is made up of four essential components: • MyERAS • Dean’s Office Workstation (DWS) • ERAS PostOffice • Program Director’s Workstation (PDWS)
ERAS: Who’s Who . . What’s What? MyERAS: YOUR ERAS account where you will login to: • Complete your Common Application Form (CAF) • Request Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) • Order your COMLEX scores • Order your USMLE scores • Select your programs and assign documents to the programs where you want to apply.
ERAS: Who’s Who . . What’s What? The Office of Student Affairs is your Dean’s Office Workstation (DWS). We will be scanning and uploading your documents as they arrive or are complete. • Your medical school transcript • Your LoRs • Your Photograph • Your MSPE (drafted and completed during the summer and fall/not released until October 15).
ERAS: Who’s Who . . What’s What? ERAS PostOffice: similar to the U.S. mail, except the ERAS PostOffice is on-line • Through the Internet, our office transmits each document to the PostOffice • The PostOffice sends your application documents to the residency programs where you have assigned them. • You can assign a specific group of LORs to a few programs and you can assign a completely different group of LORs to other programs.
ERAS: Who’s Who . . What’s What? Program Director’s Workstation (PDWS): • Used by the Residency programs where you are applying. • Application documents are downloaded for review • Application pools are sorted
An Aerial ERAS ViewNote that there is no direct connection between the schools and the programs; all transmissions are sent and received through the ERAS PostOffice
WHAT’S IT GONNA COST ME? ERAS (2011) Fees Up to 10 $85 11-20 $ 8 each 21-30 $15 each 31 or more $25 each • MyERAS automatically calculates your fees based on the number of programs applied to per specialty. • The fee for transmitting COMLEX.USMLE transcripts for U.S. and Canadian applicants to programs is $70, regardless of the number of transcripts requested.
Preparing for ERAS BY NOW: • Complete your Token Application • Curriculum Vitae • Make sure I get a copy of your CV to draft your MSPE. • You will not upload a CV to your MyERAS. You will enter the data from your CV into your Common Application Form (CAF). When downloaded by the Program Directors the format is consistent and the applicant data is easier to review.
Preparing for ERAS • Request letters of recommendation (LORs) • You cannot assign more than four (4) letters to one program • Call or e-mail The Office of Student Affairs when you want an update on how many letters (LORs) we have received for you. • Check your grades onlineregularly (MYOHIO)
Preparing for ERAS JULY 1: (Osteopathic programs can begin downloading July 15.) • Order your official medical school transcript www.ohio.edu/registrar/transcri.cfm • Finalize your personal statement • Complete your ERAS Application • Transmit to Program/s • Attempt to have these three documents prepared and finalized prior to July 15.
Your MSPE The term “Dean’s letter” is no longer used. The content of the MSPE provides an “evaluation” of the applicant’s performance during the course of his/her medical school years, relative to his/her peers. The MSPE should not act as a “predictor” of future performance but provide information about academic performance. As we finalize your MSPE, you will receive a draft copy to review (carefully) and return to the Office of Student Affairs.
Your MSPE Keep posted on ERAS information, updates and FAQs by visiting:
ERAS TIMELINES(DATES) IN PARENTHESIS AREBASED ON THE 2011-2012 DEADLINES 2012-2013DATES SHOULD BE POSTED EARLY JUNE JULY 1: • We will have your Token data entered. • You must register on the MyERAS Web site and complete your application. • Select and apply to Osteopathic programs. • Select allopathic programs; cannot apply to Allopathic programs prior to September 1.
ERAS TIMELINES, cont’d. JULY (15): Osteopathic training programs can begin downloading application materials from the ERAS PostOffice. SEPTEMBER (1): Transmit your applications to the PostOffice for allopathic residency programs. OCTOBER 1 MSPEs are released at 12:01 a.m. to Allopathic programs. OCTOBER 15 MSPEs are released at 12:01 a.m. to Osteopathic programs.
ERAS TIMELINES, cont’d. • December 2012 • Military match results are available. • February 2013 • Osteopathic Match results are available • March 11-15, 2013 MATCH WEEK (SOAP) • Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program • The Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) is a collaboration between ERAS and the NRMP to replace the "Scramble" process during Match Week.
AOA Intern/Resident Registration Program or….. The Matchhttp://www.natmatch.com/aoairp The AOA has implemented the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) for you to use to apply to programs. ERAS is a separate and distinct service from the Match. ERAS is used by students to apply to programs, while the Match determines the final placement of Students into programs.
AOA Intern/Resident Registration Program or….. The Matchhttp://www.natmatch.com/aoairp The Match is administered on behalf of the AOA by the National Matching Services Inc. (NMS). You must register directly with NMS to be eligible for participation in The Match. (see NMS Timeline) The Match provides an orderly process to help students obtain positions of their choice, and to help programs obtain students of their choice.
National Matching Service (NMS) Timelines(DATES) IN PARENTHESIS AREBASED ON THE 2011-2012 DEADLINES 2012-2013 DATES SHOULD BE POSTED EARLY JUNE http://www.natmatch.com/aoairp JULY 2012 – JANUARY 2013 • You must apply to programs Independently of the Match – you apply to programs using ERAS. • Application deadlines for programs vary; therefore, you must check with programs regarding their deadline dates.
NMS Timelines, cont’d. OCTOBER (10), 2012 • Recommended date by which you Should return your Agreements and registration fees to NMS. NOVEMBER (26), 2012 • Instructions for submitting Rank Order Lists and obtaining Match results will be provided to registered students and programs.
NMS Timelines, cont’d. JANUARY (23), 2013 • Final date for submission of student and program Rank Order Lists. No Rank Order Lists or Agreements can be accepted after this date. FEBRUARY (9), 2013 • Results of the Match are released to all participants in the Match.
Essential Information for You Keep posted on ERAS information, updates and FAQs by visiting: http://www.oucom.ohiou.edu/saffairs/ERAS/ERAS.htm Write down and learn related acronyms as there are many, many important ones DO NOT wait until the last minute to compile your documents and complete your application
Essential Information for You Molly deLaval: 740-593-2152 delaval@ohio.edu Sara Swaim: 740-593-9730 com-eras-asst@ohio.edu Holly Jacobs: 740-593-2157 jacobsh@ohio.edu