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Systemic Planning and Management for Public Ministry Improvement

Explore the importance of values in perceiving the world and changing conditioning for better public ministry effectiveness and sustainability. Learn how systemic thinking can enhance cooperation networks and meet community needs for peace and development.

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Systemic Planning and Management for Public Ministry Improvement

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  1. Values, Systemic Planning and Management and Public Ministryrsmoraes@mp.rs.gov.brFiles: www.fmp.com.br/2008/img/gestao_conteudos/F

  2. 500 thousand brazilians who have participated in the survey Brasil Ponto a Ponto, sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)answered the question: “What must change in Brazil so that your life really gets better? The majority answered the theme values

  3. What are values? They are ways to perceive the world and to act based on them

  4. Perception - Through the five senses: *Vision * Hearing * Smell * Taste * Touch I like - I do not like = “Being” is conditional on I want - I do not wantexterior- senses Search forPower Approach- like/want Remove- I do not like/ I do not want I have– I do not have

  5. Cartesian Vision - Dissociates/Separates: * Spirit - Science * Mind - Body *Subject - Object *Mine- Yours = Cycle of Extremes victimizing - Punishing Individualism - Conditioning Paradigm Obscures the perception of the whole

  6. Develop the Systemic Thinking Perceiving the system as a wholethe relations /// the interconnections In order to change the cartesian focus, What should be done? To break conditionings to devellop

  7. PUBLIC EFFECTS COOPERATION NETWORKS Systemic Planning and Management (SPM) EFFECTIVENESS SUSTAINABILITY PEACE External and Internal • The Needs: • Physiological; • Psychological and • Self-realization. The Needs To Meet FAMILY Priority(ies) Focus i.e: Crack; Education; Water; etc. In the 3 axes of sustainability • In the 3 axes of • sustainability: • Economical; Social and • Environmental. Mapping and Integrating Integration of 3 sectors: Public; Private and Organized Civil Society and Community in General Integration of 3 sectors and Community in General HSD Values

  8. In General Practice – Activitiesas from the Priority Focus Mapping Integrating In a systemic way

  9. Mapping:1- Needs (Physiological, Psychological and that allows Self-Realization);2-Possibilities3- Activities+ From the three sectors and individuals from community in general =(Data Bank)

  10. IntegratingA) Meetings B) Models – Projects and Indicators C) Replication (forums, seminars, panels, internet, workshops, etc.)

  11. KINDS OF VULNERABILITY THAT DEMANDED THE SHELTER (Rio Grande – 2004 0,88% 0,44% 13,69% 6,18% Orphanhood 1,32% Abandonment Homeless Sexual Exploration Víctim of Violence 8,17% Difficulty to perform the role of a parent Others 69,32% In Rio Grande – Family Network Focus: sheltered children and teens and their families Mapping(examples) . Through judicial process - Shelter Network. . Local and amplifled Network - map of the social capital

  12. Integrating (examples). Accompaning, orientation, education and social-familiar support in local context of the families;. training the Community Agents by the Family Network and CEP-RUA Project- to estabilish partnerships with Children Councils; . Shelter Network. Site Results(examples) . Efficacy =reduction of the time of permanence of children and teenagers in institucional shelters (even though the port expansion) . Efficiency = optimization of resources (less paper - more communication) . Effectiveness = culture to act incooperation nets

  13. Family Nets: Prevention, treatment and reinsertion/repression to consumption and selling of Drugs Mapping .Information received from meetings and data provided by partners; . Elaboration of the scenery focusing districts Castelo Branco I e II; . Analysis of Report of Information System of Basic Attention (ISBA);

  14. Family Nets: Prevention, treatment and reinsertion/repression to consumption and selling of Drugs Integration(examples) . Internet –Virtual Group Fighting against Crack; . PPV – Preventing Violence Program . Group of Work Against Drugs- Social Management Committee . System of reference Results(examples) .Seminary October 15 and 16, 2009; . Assistance to crack addicts through the mental health ambulatory, CENPRE, therapeutic communities and psychosocial assistance center; . Increasing of traffic prisons; . Presentation of projects

  15. Public Notice from the Secretary of Justice and Social Development

  16. Public Notice from the Secretary of Justice and Social Development

  17. Social Management Committee(SMC)Results:Execution of the policy against Drugs Work team one – Prevention and Survey Work team two - Reduction of damage and social reinsertion Work team three – Reduction of drugs availability

  18. Social Management Committee (SMC) Execution of the policy against drugs Major actions taken / results GT-1 Prevention and Research Mapping and integration of actions and services in the municipality - inclusion of 27 entities and services so far; Construction of an instrument for mapping and availability of data for a virtual group; Beginning of distribution of 65.000 folders against the consumption of alcohol and other drugs by children and teenagers; Creation and activation of courses for trainees; Planning of cycles of lectures in schools and other centers for young people.

  19. Social Management Committee (SMC)Execution of the policy against main Drugs Actions taken / results GT-2 DR and Social Reinsertion Inauguration of a psychosocial care center for children (CAPS-I); Inauguration of a psychosocial care center for alcohol and other drugs addicts (CAPS-AD); Regulation of vacancies in therapeutic communities by CAPS AD; Hiring of five therapeutic communities ; Partnership with the State for 20 vacancies in hospital beds Full integration between institutions and people;

  20. Social Management Committee (SMC): Execution of the policy against DrugsActions taken / results GT-3 Drugs Reduction Three integrated operation– with participation of Organs of Public Security (Civil Police, Military Brigade and Federal Police), Public Ministry, Children and Teenagers Counselors, City Hall Financial Secretaries, City Hall Transportation and Traffic Secretaries; After operation - joint evaluations and large publicity; Another integrated operations programmed for 2010 ;

  21. 1-Mapping(examples) Participant Institutions: Coordinator of Social Management Committee (SMC) State Public Ministry (public prosecutor actuating in health and with children and teenagers) Municipal Health Secretary (secretary, pharmaceutical and technical personnel) State Public Defender (public defender actuating with children and teenagers and civil action) State Judiciary (judge actuating with children and teenagers and civil actions Federal Public Ministry (federal public prosecutor actuating in health and with children and teenagers) -etc. In Rio Grande - SPM focused on Health – Optimizing the network for Medicine supply

  22. 2- Integration(examples) 2.1 – CRITERIA FOR INITIAL ATTENDANCE: 2.1.1 Unified form with medical justification in order to use non standard medicine, either in administrative or judicial ambit; 2.1.2 Contact the person of reference in the network to solve problems; etc. 2.1.3 Etc. In Rio Grande - SPM focused on Health – Optimizing the network for Medicine supply

  23. 2- Integrate(examples) 2.2 – CRITERIA FOR JUDICIALIZATION 2.2.1 contact with Public Municipal and State Drugstores to make sure the medicine is not available, before blockage of the money; 2.2.2 after the blockage, communication to the State Drugstores about the fact and blockage deadline; 2.2.3 intimation of judicial decision via fax; 2.2.4 etc.

  24. 3 – RESULT OBTAINED (EXAMPLES) 3.1 – organization of the network focused on health with special attention to medicine; 3.2 – reduction of around 80% in commencing actions (actions that would be commenced by Public Ministry and Public Defender); 3.3 - reduction of time the patient has to wait to receive the medicine; In Rio Grande - SPM focused on Health – Optimizing the network for Medicine supply

  25. 3 – RESULTS OBTAINED (EXAMPLES) 3.4 – integration of health professionals, with consequent reduction of bureaucracy between network members; 3.5 - reduction of numbers of judicial blockage; 3.6 – impossibility for the citizen to receive the medicine from public drugstore and obtain simultaneous blockage; 3.7- In the State of Rio Grande do Sul – signature of a cooperation term among Public Ministry, Supreme Court, Public Defender, Wealth Secretary, Federal Attorney Office, State Attorney Office, Federation of Association of Municipalities and Regional Medicine Council – for replication in other municipalities.

  26. The State - Qualification Program inPublic Management Mapping . Information received by partners: . Famurs .FMP . CDP . Banrisul . Corag Integrating Seminars that took place in all functional regions Results . Participation of hundreds of people . Requests for personnel training from 12 to 16 hours and EAD

  27. PUBLIC EFFECTS COOPERATION NETWORKS Systemic Planning and Management (SPM) EFFECTIVENESS SUSTAINABILITY PEACE External and Internal • The Needs: • Physiological; • Psychological and • Self-realization. The Needs To Meet FAMILY  CRACK In the 3 axis of sustainability • In the 3 axes of • sustainability: • Economical; Social and • Environmental. Mapping and Integrating Integration of 3 sectors: Public; Private and Organized Civil Society and Community in General Integration of 3 sectors and Comunity in General HSD Values

  28. So: 1+2+3+4 = HSD Values = Effectiveness of Human Rights and from system as a whole (implementation of HabitatAgenda) =Internal and external PEACE

  29. Article 127 from Federal Constitution 1- Unavailable individual interests = human needs (definition) 2- When aligned to a common mission = is protected by the norm 3- If aligned with priority focus for actuation = will be met (needs) with priority

  30. HUMAN RIGHTS 1st Generation = Public Liberty Individual, Civil and Political Rights 2nd Generation = Economical, Social and Cultural Rights 3rd Generation = Diffuse and Collective Rights + Fraternity and Solidarity Rights

  31. HUMAN RIGHTS DIVERGENCES – about the existence of following generation: 4th = Rights of Peoples New technologies – computer science, genetics, etc. Democracy 5th = Generation = Right to have feelings and recognize someone else’s feelings Right to permanent peace = internal and external Peace (Quality of relationship - Values - HSD)

  32. In the same sense, the first paragraph of the Habitat Agenda for Municipalities: “ ...There is a sense of great opportunity and hope that we may build a new world, in which the economical and social development and environmental protection, as components of the sustainable development, interdependent and that could acquire more strength mutually and may be accomplished through solidarity and cooperation inside and among countries through efficacious partnerships in all levels.”(Source: Agenda Habitat para Municípios/Marlene Fernandes. Rio de Janeiro: IBAM, 2003)

  33. Results from Practice - General Results In the mission - Unity Consciousness In life - Co-operation Culture Values Education  Qualified Cooperation  Common Mission = Peace In the environment - Cycle ofBalance - Harmony

  34. What is the meaning oflife?What is our commonmission? It seems that the most important thing in life is the quality of relations we have with our consciousness, living beings and objects that we interact. It seems more! It seems to us to achieve sustainability, effectiveness and peace, internal and external, it is necessary to realize this. Rodrigo (rsmoraes@mp.rs.gov.br) (Files: www.fmp.com.br/2008/img/gestao_conteudos/)

  35. You will find the extended version in the next slides

  36. Deepen the reflection … OBSERVATION: The next graphics show a comparison between Systemic and Planning Graphics and Strategic Map from Public Ministry Strategic Management using Balanced Scorecard Methodology – BSC. More explanation and files in the following electronic address: www.fmp.com.br/2008/img/gestao_conteudos/, from Public Ministry Graduate School (FMP)

  37. Stategic Map of the Rio Grande do Sul State Prosecutory Agency (Public Ministry) Environment preserved Children, teenagers and elderly protected Education of quality Full health and a better quality of life Crime and corruption reduced Democracy and juridical order guaranteed Social Impact To be recognized as an affective institution in the transformation of the social reality and in the protection of the fundamental rights Society • Partnership • Accessible • Independent • Ethic • Responsible • Acticve • Effective Aproach to the society Focus of actuation Operational efficiency To intensify the communication between the Public Ministry and society Stimulate the guarantee of quality for basic education Protect the Unified Healt System Quality the fight against organized crime and violent criminality To guarantee the protection of hidric ressources Rationalize the actuation as legis costs To improve the attention to the public Care for the regular availability of protection programs for children, teenagers and their families Care for the social inclusion of black communities, indians and deficient people Supervise the execution of criminal sanctions in order to reduce reincidence To actuate in the prevention and repression of consumer’s damage Processes Valorize the extra judicial activity Support communitary alternatives to solve conflicts Care for the regular availability of programs to execute socio-educative measures Strengthen the network to protect the elderly Qualify the combat against corruption in the administrative improbity Care for the regularity of division of the urban soil To act in cooperation networks with the public, private and third sectors People development Organizational Environment Management and technology To captive extra budget resources To improve the organic framework and administrative management To produce and display information for decision making To develop and to manage competences To improve people’s satisfaction at work To improve internal communication Recurces People and Technology To guarantee the necessary public budget ressoures and qualify its management

  38. THE MANAGEMENT OF STATE PROSECUTORY AGENCY(PUBLIC MINISTRY) IN THE SYSTEMICPLANNING AND MANAGEMENTINTERCONECTION Social Impact Society BSC – First Process = Translating Vision and Strategy: . First Perspective: Client + Second Perspective = Stock holder

  39. PGS: • GEMP 2022 • BSC - Second Perspective = Stock holder/Financing X Resources

  40. PGS • GEMP • BSC - Third Perspective = Internal Organizational Process

  41. PGS • GEMP • BSC - Fourth Perspective - learning and Growing/Innovation

  42. Deepen more the reflection …… OBSERVATION: The next graphics show a comparison between Systemic and Planning Graphics and Strategic Map from Public Ministry Strategic Management using Balanced Scorecard Methodology – BSC. In addition they demonstrate the link of what was before pleading with the following graphs: the cycle of extreme cycle of equilibrium / harmony and biopsychosocial implications . More explanation and files in the following electronic address: www.fmp.com.br/2008/img/gestao_conteudos/, from Public Ministry Graduate School (FMP)

  43. ABSTRACT OF THE GRAPHIC THAT WILL BE PRESENTED: The aim of the Graph Systemic Planning and Management is to allow the adoption of the methodology that makes it possible to reach effectiveness, sustainability and internal and external peace. Taking into consideration that the causes of the crescent disrespect to nature and human dignity (own and from the others) are systemic, that means, they come from interdependent and interrelated relationships among several components from the Habitat. We recommend the Systemic Planning and Management which, based on chosen priority(ies) focus (as for example, the family planning, o crack, influenza H1N1, some flooding, the building of a road, etc.) and highlighting the family context, enables the vision and the integration of multidisciplinary, intersectorial and transdisciplinary resources, which performances may affect the society, positive or negatively as a whole. In this context, we can establish what to do, how, who, where, when/why, how to map and integrate all those components. For that it is important that we become conscious of a common mission to be fulfilled through answering physiological and psychological - safety, belonging and self-esteem - needs and self-realization (different from desires), generating proportional impacts in the three axes of sustainability (economical, social - health, education, citizenship, safety) and environmental, through cooperation. This way public effects are produced, aggregating sustainable value to the developed activities.

  44. ABSTRACT OF THE GRAPHIC THAT WILL BE PRESENTED This common mission, seen as public effects, demands and favors the formation of cooperation nets for systemic actuation prioritizing the familiar nucleus and allowing the integration of the three sectors (public, private and organized civil society), and individuals from community in general. This context favours the participative and representative democracy, allowing the Harmonic and Sustainable Development (HSD) and survival of all beings. Therefore, in order to fulfill this, planning and management should produce the systemic thinking, including the mapping of needs, possibilities and activities, related to priority(ies) focus. With this we will be able to actuate in a systemic form. This way, the inclusion of people is possible, mainly in those actions they feel enthusiastic about, make the difference (“slice of heart”) in society, being, for this, remembered, recognized and valorized. So, the society members will find out they are useful in a bigger context, which increases the motivation in the search of improvement, generating sustainability in the internal and external environment. It favors consciousness of co-responsibility and understanding of the binomial obligation-right, awakening the vision of context, and dismissing immediate practices based exclusively on punishment or victimization. It develops the perceiving and acting (values) in a systemic form.

  45. ABSTRACT OF THE GRAPHIC THAT WILL BE PRESENTED In broader terms, this context allows the access to resources suitable to implement actions (volunteering, Habitat Agenda, CAIXA, BNDES - Social Nets, etc.) as well as guaranties the fulfillment of many treats, conventions, pacts, and actions plans from several United Nations Conferences (Convention about Children’s Rights, Action Plan from the World Conference of Population and Development, etc.). Besides, as the Systemic Planning and Management Methodology is based on internationally recognized management methodologies and uses tools and evaluation system, we can elaborate indicators of systemic and, even, an Index of Harmonic and Sustainable Development (IHSD), transparent and, therefore, reliable. This way, the risk of investments accomplished reduces, which attracts new national and international resources. Thus, a cycle of public effects is developed, environment where effectiveness and sustainability are reached. As a matter of fact the internal and external peace.

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