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Yoshikoder. Rachel Campbell, Shawna Jackson, and Lisa Tselebidis. Yoshikoder: The Basics. Created by Will Lowe at Harvard’s Department of Government Can provide a word count, custom dictionary word count, and concordances (KWIC) Available for free at www.yoshikoder.org

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Yoshikoder Rachel Campbell, Shawna Jackson, and Lisa Tselebidis

  2. Yoshikoder: The Basics • Created by Will Lowe at Harvard’s Department of Government • Can provide a word count, custom dictionary word count, and concordances (KWIC) • Available for free at www.yoshikoder.org • Some “standard” dictionaries also available at website

  3. Yoshikoder: Building Dictionaries • Dictionaries contain categories and patterns • Categories are general terms that patterns fall under • Patterns are the words that are actually searched when performing a word count • Wildcards are allowed • Employ* will search for “employ,” “employment,” “employed,” etc. • The name of the category must be included as a pattern if the user wishes for it be searched

  4. Yoshikoder: Rationale • Our purpose was to analyze news reports on the Republican primary debate that occurred on 9/22/11 • Transcript of the debate was compared with three other news sources • Cleveland Plain Dealer • San Jose Mercury News • CNN • Specific rationale was to compare the issues reported on by each outlet to all the issues presented at the actual debate

  5. Yoshikoder: Getting Started Yoshikoder Screen

  6. Yoshikoder: New Project Creating a new project

  7. Yoshikoder: New Project Naming a new project

  8. Yoshikoder: Adding Documents Add a document in the system’s default encoding (needs to be a txt-file)

  9. Yoshikoder: Adding Documents Highlight the file or…

  10. Yoshikoder: Adding Documents … the files you want to analyze and open it/them.

  11. Yoshikoder: Adding Documents Chosen files are being uploaded. Text of highlighted file is visible in the middle.

  12. Yoshikoder: Adding Dictionaries Import external dictionary or…

  13. Yoshikoder: Creating Dictionaries … create custom dictionary. 1st Step 2nd Step 3rd Step 4th Step

  14. Yoshikoder: Creating Dictionaries Name of the dictionary Category Patterns • Important to know: • First highlight the category/pattern you want to add to by clicking on it • Yoshikoder includes wildcards (*) in its search

  15. Yoshikoder: Highlighting

  16. Yoshikoder: Highlighting Highlights words in the selected document matching the currently selected pattern (can also select a category).

  17. Yoshikoder: Concordance

  18. Yoshikoder: Concordance (also called KWIC) Makes a concordance in the selected document for words matching the currently selected pattern (can also select a category).

  19. Yoshikoder: Analysis Types of analyses: Document Word Frequencies: Shows frequencies for each word in the currently selected document. All Word Frequencies: Shows word frequencies for each document in the project. Unified Word Frequencies: Shows word frequencies for all documents together. (all documents need to be highlighted all at once) Dictionary Report: Applies the dictionary to the current selected document. Document Comparison: Applies the dictionary to two documents and compares the results. Statistical Comparison Report: Compares risk ratios for category proportion differences in two documents.

  20. Yoshikoder: Analysis • Comparison of a Republican primary debate with its news coverage. Three different sources of coverage: • CNN (national) • San Jose Mercury News (local) • Cleveland Plain Dealer (local) • Looking for differences regarding the coverage of issues being debated.

  21. Yoshikoder: Analysis– Document Word Frequencies

  22. Yoshikoder: Analysis– All Word Frequencies

  23. Yoshikoder: Analysis– Unified Word Frequencies

  24. Yoshikoder: Analysis – Dictionary Report

  25. Yoshikoder: Analysis – Document Comparison

  26. Yoshikoder: Analysis – Statistical Comparison Report

  27. Yoshikoder: Analysis

  28. Yoshikoder: Analysis

  29. Yoshikoder: Analysis • Results • CNN report covered each of the seven issues (or categories) • Plain Dealer did not include Health or Education • Mercury News did not include War) • Top issues in CNN report were Immigration and Social Security • Top issue in Mercury News report was Social Security • Top issue in Plain Dealer report was Economy • No media outlet perfectly mirrors coverage of issues in debate

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