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The error BAD_POOL_HEADER can be seen in Windows when there is a problem with the physical memory within the computer. The problem with the RAM or hard drive, like the inability of processing tasks using the RAM or hard drive could create this error.<br>
01 What is the Way To Fix If BAD POOL HEADER ERROR in Window 10? https://ms-office.us.com/
05 If Bad Pool header error occurs in Window 10, then it won’t boot. In order to fix this issue, you should check and update your driver. In this blog, you will read the method to fix if BAD POOL HEADER ERROR in Window 10. For help, hit on office.com/setup.
METHOD TO FIX IF BAD POOL HEADER ERROR IN WINDOW 10: https://ms-office.us.com/myaccount/
1. Use Software to Fix your BSoD: The user can use Restoro tool as it can fix multiple PC issues by using its Windows system file database. This tool scans your PC and identifies the corrupt or missing system files and just replaces it with new ones. After this, you should choose what you wish to fix and then choose Start Repair option.
2. Uninstall Dell Sonic Global VPN: As you all know VPN software is useful, but some VPN software like Dell Sonic Global VPN has problem with Windows 10. This software results in this BAD_POOL_HEADER BSoD error. If the users have this VPN tool installed then you should remove it just to fix this error.
3. Remove your Antivirus Software: Sometimes, thiserroriscausedbyyourantivirussoftware. Inordertofixthisissue, youshouldremoveyourantivirus softwareandthenjustreinstallit. Theusersshould completelyremovetheantivirustofixtheissue. To removeantivirus, youshoulddownloadtheuninstallers’ softwarefromthecompany’swebsite. Or, theusercan switchtodifferentantivirussoftwarewhichisreliableand compatiblewithWindows10andyourdevice.
4. ReinstallyourWirelessCardDrivers: Forthis, youshouldtaponWindowsKey + X togetherandthenselectDeviceManagerfrom themenu. IftheDeviceManageropens, then youshouldlocateyourwirelessnetwork adapterandjustright-hitonit. Atlast, you shouldchooseUninstalloptionandthenjust restartyourcomputer.
5. RunBSOD Troubleshooter: TorunBSODtroubleshooter, youshould opentheSettingsappandthennavigateto Update & Securitysection. Now, youshould chooseTroubleshootoptionfromthemenu whichisontheleftside. Here, youhaveto chooseBSODfromtherightsideandthen taponRunthetroubleshooter. Atlast, just followthescreeninstructionstofinishthe troubleshooterprocess.
6. RunSFCScan: Toscantheprocess, youshouldright-tap ontheStartMenubuttonandthenopen CommandPromptasAdmin. Now, you shouldinputthefollowingcommandline andhitonEnterkey: sfc/scannow Justwaitsothattheprocesscomplete. Lastly, justclosetheCommandPrompt andthenrestartthesystem.
7. DisableFast Startup: TodisableFastStartup, youshould taponWindowsKey + Saltogether andtheninputPowerOptions. Now, youshouldselectPowerOptionsfrom themenu. IfthePowerOptionsopens uponyourscreen, thentaponthe Choosewhatpowerbuttondoes. Here, youneedtohitonChange settingsthatarecurrentlyunavailable andjustscrolldowntotheShutdown settingssection. Atlast, youshould unchecktheoptionTurnonfast startup (recommended) andthentap onSavechanges.
Withthismethod, you canfixBADPOOL HEADERErrorinWindow 10. Iftheuserwants details, thentapon www.office.com/myacco unt