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External Applications Menu

Welcome to GSA’s Vendor and Customer Self Service (VCSS) course Section 8: External Applications Navigation This presentation is compliant with section 508 standards. This version was last updated on January 12, 2012. External Applications Menu.

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External Applications Menu

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  1. Welcome to GSA’s Vendor and Customer Self Service (VCSS) courseSection 8: External Applications NavigationThis presentation is compliant with section 508 standards.This version was last updated on January 12, 2012.

  2. External Applications Menu • If you need to access an application outside of VCSS, select one of these External Applications menu options. • From the menu bar, select External Applications, then the external application.

  3. Launch an External Application • When you select an External Applications menu option, VCSS displays a confirmation message to confirm that you are about to launch an application in a new window. • Select the OK button to confirm you are launching an external application. • Select the Cancel button to go back to the previous page.

  4. External Applications The following are Treasury applications: • Pay.gov is a Treasury website that provides a suite of services to obtain and process collections electronically using credit card and Automated Clearinghouse (ACH). • Selecting this option launches http://pay.gov in a new window. • IPAC is the Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System, a Treasury application that facilitates the intra-governmental transfer of funds, with descriptive data from one Federal Program Agency (FPA) to another. • Selecting this option launches http://www.ipac.fms.treas.gov in a new window.

  5. External Applications (Continued) The following are GSA Applications: • ROW is Rent on the Web, a GSA Public Buildings Service (PBS) website for the review of rent monthly bills and invoice history. • Selecting this option launches https://www.pbs-billing.gsa.gov/ROW/ in a new window. • WebBill is a GSA Federal Acquisition Service website where Global Supply and Fleet customers can view billing information, generate reports and download information. • Selecting this option launches http://finance-kc.gsa.gov/webbill in a new window. • RWA is eRETA, which is External Reimbursable Work Authorization (RWA) Entry and Tracking Application. eRETA is a PBS Customer Portal for accessing real-time RWA information and documents. • Selecting this option launches http://www.gsa.gov/rwa in a new window.

  6. External Applications (Continued) The following are GSA Applications: • MORRIS is Monthly On-Line Records and Reports, a GSA FAS website for Federal Technology Service (FTS) 2000/2001 billing and inventory under the Wide Area Network (WAN) business line. • Selecting this option launches https://morris.ftsbilling.gsa.gov/ in a new window. • TOPS is Telecommunications Ordering and Pricing System, a GSA FAS system for online ordering and consolidated billing of GSA local services contracts under the WAN business line. • Selecting this option launches https://topsbill.ftsbilling.gsa.gov/pls/tops/tops.home in a new window. • EMORRIS is Enhanced Monthly On-Line Records and Reports, a GSA FAS website for Networx billing and inventory management under the WAN business line. • Selecting this option launches https://emorris.fasbilling.gsa.gov in a new window.

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