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FIRST EPISODE PSYCHOSIS: three year review at a Psychiatry Service of a general hospital. Margarida Duarte, Joana Maia, Joana Melim , Ana Batista, Filipe Malheiro , Andreia Tarelho , Cláudio Laureano margarida.ines.duarte@gmail.com Centro Hospitalar de Leiria , Portugal May 2014.
FIRST EPISODE PSYCHOSIS: three year review at a Psychiatry Service of a general hospital Margarida Duarte, Joana Maia, Joana Melim, Ana Batista, Filipe Malheiro, AndreiaTarelho, CláudioLaureano margarida.ines.duarte@gmail.com Centro Hospitalar de Leiria, Portugal May 2014
Introduction • First episode psychosis (FEP) is a unique opportunity on the therapeutic intervention of psychotic disorders and delay in seeking treatment has a fundamental influence on the patient prognosis. It’s nowadays widely accepted that the FEP must be treated incisively and effectively in order to minimize the risk of an unfavorable evolution. • The first step in the clinical management of the FEP is the initial evaluation, including differential diagnosis: • organic psychotic disorders • substance induced psychosis • affective psychosis (mania or depression) • acute transient psychosis. The initial diagnosis should be temporary, considering the various negative consequences of a diagnosis in a too early stage, such as false expectations, stigma and little individualized treatment programs.
Introduction • Objective: To know the demographic and clinical data of the population of patients with psychotic symptoms covered under the jurisdiction of the Psychiatry Service of the Leiria Hospital Center, Portugal. • Method: Retrospective analysis of the discharge notes of all hospital admissions between 01/01/2011 and 31/12/2013into the Psychiatry Service of the CHL. • Statistical description of the gathered socio-demographic and clinical data of all patients with at least one hospitalization with the presence of psychotic symptoms.
Results Over these 3 years: 1649 hospitalizations (total of 1296 patients) • From the total, 36% of patientshad at least one hospitalization with psychotic symptoms • 45% femalevs55% male; age: 18 - 92 yearsold, average: 47 Diagnosis (total patients with psychotic symptoms)
Results 31% of these patients had FEP • 54% male vs 46% female • Age: 18 (femaleand male) - 80 (female: 80 vs male: 77) Average:44 (female: 49 vs male: 39) • 32% of patients with FEP had records of substance use (mainly cannabis and alcohol) • FEP with substance use: 87% of male patients and a reduction in the average age from 50 (without consumption) to 32 years old when there was consumption of psychoactive substances.
Results Gender Diagnosis (FEP) Age (yearsold)
Discussion/ conclusion • There is a high incidence of patients with psychotic symptomsin the hospital area under analysis, being worth notice the number of FEP. • The high age for the FEP may be related to the heterogeneity of the clinical episodes included in the analysis. • Substance use, more frequent in men, may have a very important role, since consumers present the FEP at an earlier age. • The high percentage of Psychosis NOS diagnostic may reflect the difficulty in making the differential diagnosis when facing a FEP, and also the practitioner’s attention while writing out the diagnosis, knowing the important impact it may have in the future. • More studies are needed, in particular to understand the clinical evolution, diagnostic stability and monitoring of these patients, particularly those identified with FEP.
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