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Part I SDC How-to-Note Integrating SDC's Gender Policy into Cooperation Strategy Management. Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Quality Assurance – June 2014. Contents of the how - to -note Key factors Implementation within processes.
Part ISDC How-to-NoteIntegrating SDC's Gender Policy into Cooperation Strategy Management Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFASwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDCQuality Assurance – June 2014 Contents ofthehow-to-note Key factors Implementation withinprocesses Quality Assurance and Aid Effectiveness Section
B. Key factorsforthepromotionofgenderequality (coreissues) based on the UN Convention on all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW):
Part IIGender in the Annual Reports Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFASwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDCQuality Assurance – June 2014 Resultsbased Management at SDC Gender Reporting requirements Group work on practicalexample Quality Assurance and Aid Effectiveness Section
A: Elements for improving development effectiveness Learning and Knowledge Management to learn and share experience and knowledge generated during implementation Achievingdevlopmentresults Steering Accountability to account for the results achieved with the resources allocated to the development intervention To stimulate strategic reflection and to support future decisions
A: Some distinctive features of SDC understanding of Results Based Management • Monitor and report outcome (≠impact): • Main purposeof monitoring: steering(≠accountability) • Focus on contribution (≠attribution) • Plausible resultsstatement / analysis (≠rigorous evidence) • Synthesis of results(≠aggregation) • Bottom up approachat corporatelevel (≠top-down)
Annual Report – Key Messages • AR report are focused on outcomes and outputs at both Country level and SDC/Swiss level • Challenge: establish meaningful links between results analysis, steering and planning based on results analysis • Challenge: Gender and Poverty related results: improve Gender and Poverty indicators on outcome level in Monitoring systems • Meaningful Results Statement per domain is important element: provides synthesis of results reached in the context • Meaningful results means that they refer to Baselines/Benchmarks
B: Gender Reporting requirements (Guidance Annual Report) • Why and how (if at all) is the situation of women and men changing over time due to interventions in this domain ? • Why is there (possibly) a lack of progress? • sex-disaggregated data (beneficiary/target group level) • include gender-specific statements • quantify and qualify outcomes according to sex
Instructionsfor Group Work Task Have a close look at an example of an Annual Report. Question 1: Please assess in groups of 5-6 persons the given Gender information in the Annual Report in regard of Gender as Transversal Theme with focus on: • context information, • Result statement • Outcome reporting • Steering implications (part 2d) Please indicate 2-3 good practices and improvements Question 2: What are based on your experience the difficulty in your office for reporting on gender outcomes and processes in the Annual Report? How to overcome them? Please indicate 2-3 issues and ways for improvement? Time: 40 min, Feedback to the plenary on 2 flipcharts