11-7-12 - Agenda- @fontface demo - using fonts in your DW pages- Work on splash page for OAG. *Remember - this will be your index.html page save as a gif (save for web & devices) and place into Dreamweaver page)- Other things to work on: navbar (PS/FW) and CSS (stylesheets in DW) * make sure to use external style sheets
Pages/links that should be in your nav bar:homebiographycontributioncritique (or review)gallery* resources/bibliography(can be put in as link on bio, contrib. and/or gallery page)
Remember that content is written BY YOU (do NOT copy and paste from webCritique or Review webpage details: Your review page should have 2 parts: Formal & Informal ReviewFormal Review - discuss formal art elements/principles utilized in work, may discuss how this pertains to artistic movement, history, personal life of artistInformal Review - why do YOU like this artwork