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Hemodynamic monitoring with the PiCCO . Prof. Xavier MONNET Medical Intensive Care Unit Paris-‐Sud University Hospitals . Link of interest . Pulsion Medical Systems .
Hemodynamic monitoring with the PiCCO Prof. Xavier MONNET Medical Intensive Care Unit Paris-‐Sud University Hospitals
Link of interest Pulsion Medical Systems
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment In a paFent with hemodynamic failure 3 therapeuFc opFons vasopressor vasodilaFon? volume expansion hemodynamic monitoring ? volume responsiveness? inotrope impaired contracFlity?
Arterial pressure provides a lot of hemodynamic informaFon 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 115 75 diastolic AP 80 physiologically related to vasomotor tone 30 vasodilaFon vasoplegic shock → vasopressors
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment In a paFent with hemodynamic failure Hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon? ↘ cardiac output? → Do we need to measure cardiac output? diastolic AP vasopressor
228 pts receiving volume expansion 145 paFents with increase of NE ProAQT/PulsioFlex Esophageal Doppler Arterial pressure Nexfin Echo PAC PiCCO FloTrac/Vigileo
228 pts receiving volume expansion 145 paFents with increase of NE * r = 0.56 n = 228 r = 0.21 n = 145 Changes in PP induced by VE (%) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Changes in PP induced by NE (%) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -‐50 -‐50 0 -‐50 -‐50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 50 100 150 200 250 300 → Changes in CI induced by VE (%) Changes in CI induced by NE (%) We need a direct measure of cardiac output in paFents receiving vasopressors
Cardiac output monitoring 2 different techniques for measuring CO transpulmonary thermodiluFon pulse contour analysis
Cardiac output monitoring transpulmonary thermodiluFon
Cardiac output monitoring transpulmonary thermodiluFon cold bolus Blood temperature (Ts) inj Ttm
Cardiac output monitoring transpulmonary thermodiluFon precision 100 TPTD measurements in criFcally ill paFents → Least significant change in cardiac index (%) 30 20 10 0 Transpulmonary thermodiluFon is precise for measuring cardiac output 12% 40 1 2 3 4 5 number of injected cold boluses
Cardiac output monitoring 2 different techniques for measuring CO transpulmonary thermodiluFon reliable precise pulse contour analysis
Cardiac output monitoring pulse contour analysis CO 6.5 L/min
Cardiac output monitoring pulse contour analysis 120 100 80 60 The area under the systolic part of the arterial curve is proporFonal to stroke volume k is calibrated from transpulmonary thermodiluFon = k . SV 40 20 0
Cardiac output monitoring pulse contour analysis Pulse contour analysis IniFal value provided by transpulmonary diluFon AP t
Cardiac output monitoring pulse contour analysis IC C A L ◉ C A L ◉ ◉C A L t
Cardiac output monitoring pulse contour analysis → Pulse contour analysis requires a frequent recalibraFon
Cardiac output monitoring 2 different techniques for measuring CO transpulmonary thermodiluFon reliable precise pulse contour analysis conFnuous
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment In a paFent with hemodynamic failure hemodynamic monitoring ? ↘ cardiac output ? ↘ contracFle funcFon ? vasodilaFon ? volume responsiveness ? PPV, SVV…
PredicFon of volume responsiveness mmHg 110 PPmax PPmin 90 70 PPV = 32 % 50 PPmax -‐ PPmin (PPmax + PPmin) / 2 PPV = Cannot be used in case of : spontaneous breathing acFvity cardiac arrhythmias ARDS with low Vt / lung compliance 3 frequent situaFons in the ICU
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon ? volume expansion? ↘ contracFle funcFon? When to administer fluid? arrhythmias, spontaneous breathing, ARDS ? no PPV, SVV EEO test yes EEO test
How to predict fluid responsiveness? end-‐expiratory occlusion test ↗ systemic venous return
How to predict fluid responsiveness? end-‐expiratory occlusion test Easier with a conFnuous measurement of cardiac output
Assessment of volume responsiveness end-‐expiratory occlusion test 34 paFents with acute circulatory failure monitored by PiCCO device Effects of end-‐expiratory pause on conFnuous cardiac index increase ≥ 5% Se = 91% Sp = 100 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 -‐10 NR R
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon? volume expansion ? ↘ contracFle funcFon ? When to administer fluid? arrhythmias, spontaneous breathing, ARDS ? no PPV, SVV EEO test PLR test yes EEO test PLR test
Assessment of volume responsiveness passive leg raising → PLR is like a " self-‐volume challenge "
Assessment of volume responsiveness passive leg raising EsoDoppler PiCCO EsoDoppler echo echo echo bioreactance PiCCO echoandarterialflow USCOM Flotrac/vigileo
Assessment of volume responsiveness passive leg raising PLR-‐induced changes in arterial pulse pressure 80 60 → We need a real-‐Fme measurement of cardiac output for assessing the effects of the PLR test 40 20 0 * False-‐negaFve cases -‐20 -‐40 NR R
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon? volume expansion ? ↘ contracFle funcFon ? when to stop fluid? When to administer fluid? arrhythmias, spontaneous breathing, ARDS ? no PPV, SVV EEO test PLR test yes EEO test PLR test
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasopdilaFon? volume expansion ? ↘ contracFle funcFon ? when to administer fluid? when to stop fluid? NegaFve indices of tests of fluid responsiveness Lung water ?
How to avoid excessive fluid loading? lung water Cold bolus extravascular lung water PiCCO
How to avoid excessive fluid loading? lung water 30 pts EVLW measured by TPTD and by postmortem gravimetry First validaFon of EVLW-‐TPTD evaluaFon in humans → Validated in humans
How to avoid excessive fluid loading? lung water Extra-‐vascular lung water and pulmonary vascular permeability index are independent prognosFc factors in paFents with acute respiratory distress syndrome or acute lung injury Jozwiak M, Silva S, Persichini R, Anguel N, Osman D, Richard C, Teboul JL, Monnet X Crit Care Med in press 200 pts with ARDS EVLW measured by PiCCO device Day-‐28 mortality (%) 100 80 60 p = 0.0001 70% 40 20 0 42% EVLWImax > 21 mL/kg EVLWImax ≤ 21 mL/kg Lung water measured by transpulmonary thermodiluFon has a real physiological significance →
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon ? volume expansion ? ↘ contracFle funcFon ? When to administer fluid? when to stop fluid? NegaFve indices of tests of fluid responsiveness PAOP ? water ↗ lung
How to esFmate the risk of fluid administraFon ? lung water 101 ARDS paFents randomized to EVLW-‐guided management vs. PAOP-‐guided management Cumulativefluidbalance(L) 7 5 3 * * * PAOP group * 1 -1 -3 -5 EVLW group *p<0.0001vstime0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Time(hours)
How to esFmate the risk of fluid administraFon ? lung water 101 ARDS paFents randomized to EVLW-‐guided management vs. PAOP-‐guided management 25 20 15 10 5 Managementof fluidtherapywith: PAOP Group EVLW Group * * 0 → Lung ays VenFlaFon days ICU dwater may guide fluid therapy during ARDS
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon? volume expansion ? ↘ contracFle funcFon ? when to administer fluid? when to stop fluid? NegaFve indices of tests of fluid responsiveness ↗ lung water ↗ lung permeability
How to avoid excessive fluid loading? lung water pulmonary blood volume Pulmonary vascular permeability index PVPI = Coldbolus PiCCO
When to stop volume expansion? PVPI 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 48 paFents with pulmonary edema inflammatory vs. hydrostaFc discriminated by experts PVPI by the PiCCO device Cut-‐off : 3 Se = 85 % Sp = 100 % 3 2 1 * 0 ALI/ARDS HydrostaFc pulmonary edema
When to stop volume expansion? ARDS AP = 90 / 40 mmHg Cardiac index = 2.0 L/min/m2 PaO2/FiO2 = 180 mmHg PLR test : posiFve PVPI = 4 volume expansion PVPI = 7 volume expansion? vasopressor ?
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon? volume expansion ? ↘ contracFle funcFon ? when to administer fluid? when to stop fluid? negaFve tests of fluid responsiveness ↗ lung water ↗ lung permeability
Arterial pressure Nexfin Echo PAC PiCCO FloTrac/Vigileo ProAQT/PulsioFlex Esophageal Doppler
How to assess the contracFle funcFon? Echocardiography is the gold standard LVEF but requires a skilled operator does not allow conFnuous monitoring cardiogenic shock at 1st day How many echos? We need a more conFnuous esFmaFon of the LV systolic funcFon
How to assess the contracFle funcFon? cardiac index stroke volume global LV end-‐diastolic volume cardiac funcFon index LVEF = CFI cold bolus
How to assess the contracFle funcFon? 60 pts Monitoring with PiCCO and TTE 100 80 60 40 3.2 min-‐1 SensiFvity CFI for detecFng LVEF ≤ 35% 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 100 -‐ specificity → CFI allows detecFng a low LVEF
Hemodynamic monitoring to guide treatment hemodynamic monitoring ? vasodilaFon? volume expansion? ↘ contracFle funcFon? fluid administraFon? when to stop fluid? DAP ↘ CFI arrhythmias, sp. breath., ARDS? ↗ PAOP ↗ lung water no PPV, SVV… PLR test EEO test yes PLR test EEO test
Invasive techniques transpulmonary thermodiluFon PiCCO device Percentage error = 2SD/mean ≈ 16%, < 30% COTP thermo -‐ COPA thermo (L/min) + 2SD + 1.92 -‐ 2SD -‐ 0.56 (COTP thermo + COPA thermo) / 2 (L/min) COTP thermo COPA thermo (L/min)
PredicFon of volume responsiveness PPV, SVV… Meta-‐analysis 29 studies 685 paFents → A large base of evidence