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RECTIFICATION OF BIRTH TIME COMPILATION BY DR. L. S. RATH, BERHAMPUR, INDIA & D. SENTHIL, SEOL, SOUTH KOREA 28 th day of August 2009. Mr. M. S. Chandra requested the group to rectify his Birth time.
RECTIFICATION OF BIRTH TIMECOMPILATION BYDR. L. S. RATH, BERHAMPUR, INDIA&D. SENTHIL, SEOL, SOUTH KOREA28th day of August 2009 Mr. M. S. Chandra requested the group to rectify his Birth time. 10 participants arrived at different birth times. It originated in the mind of D. Senthil an urge to know whether it is possible to arrive at the nearest Ascendant by various astrologers at different corners of the globe by Ruling Planets at the time of judgment at their own places. He collected all the sets of Ruling Planets of the participants and wanted to justify, one and the same Birth Ascendant. The compilation work has been done through mutual cooperation and discussions off and on. It is a combined effort of D. Senthil and Dr. Rath for the interest of the group at large.
No. 1RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYYOGESH LAJMIJI • Information of Time of judgment, Place of judgment and Ruling Planets are Not Available. • Sri. Lajmiji has said that he has not used RPs for the BTR. He rectified by another method. Hence it is not possible to include in the compilation.
No. 2RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYD. SenthilSeoul, South Korea. Lat. 37 N 24; Lon 127 E 03; 10-45 Hrs; 25/07/09 FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries)) • Within the time limit provided, the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars and Saturn, the Day lord, are in mutual aspect. FIXATION OF STAR OF Ascendant (SUN) • Sun is Moon Sign Lord FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) • Sun, the Sign lord of Mon aspects Rahu • Rahu is in the constellation of Sun. 3. Birth Asc = RP Moon. So Asc. Sub should be either Venus or Rahu. Venus sub is not available for the ascendant. Hence sub should be Rahu
No. 3RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYV G RTenalli. Lat. 16 N 14; Lon 80 E 35; 22-08 Hrs; 25/07/09 FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries)) • Within the time limit provided, the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars and Saturn, the Day lord, are in mutual aspect. FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) • Sun is Moon Sign and Star Lord FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) • Moon Sign and Star lord, Sun aspects Rahu. • Rahu occupies constellation of Sun.
No. 4RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYSUJATA CHANDIGARH Lat. 30 N 44; Lon 76 E 47; 19-32 Hrs; 26/07/09 FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries)) • Within the time limit provided, the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars and Saturn, (RP) Asc. Sign Lord are in mutual aspect. FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) • Sun is Day Lord (RP) FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) 1.Mercury the Sign lord of Moon aspects Rahu.
No. 5RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYKALYANMARAPOLA; LAT. 7 N 09; LON. 80 E 02; 21-03-56 HRS; 26/07/07 FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries) 1. Within the time limit provided, the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars and Saturn, (RP) Asc. Sign Lord are in mutual aspect. FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) 1. Sun is Day Lord (RP) FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) 1. (RP)Moon Sign Lord, Mercury aspects Rahu
No. 6RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYADITHSALEM; LAT. 11 N 39; LON. 78 E 12; 22-04-10 HRS; 26/7/09. FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries) • Within the time limit provided, the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars and Saturn, (RP) Asc. Star Lord are in mutual aspect. FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) • Sun is Day Lord (RP) FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) • Day Lord Sun aspects Rahu. • (RP)Moon Sign Lord, Mercury also aspects .Mercury.
No. 7RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYDr. RathBERHAMPUR, LAT.19 N 19; LON. 84 E 48; 8-30-56 HRS; 27/7/09. FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries) • Within the time limit provided, the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars is in Sign of Venus a RP. Venus is in star of Mars. Mars throws Trine aspect on Moon (RP). FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) • Sun is Asc. Sign Lord (RP) FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) • RP, Ascendant Sing Lord Sun aspects Rahu. • RP, Moon Sign Lord Mercury aspects Rahu.
No. 8RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYAJAI PRAKASHLUCKNOW; LAT. 26 N 51; LON. 80 E 55; 21-40-25 HRS; 27/7/09. FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries) • Within the time limit provided, the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars and Saturn ruling Asc. Star Lord, are in mutual aspect. • Mars happens to be RP Moon Star Lord FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) 1. Sun is in the Star of Saturn the Asc. Star Lord an RP. The association of Sun with RPs is not very clear , that could be because he has not completed the study at that particular time of judgment. FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) 1. RP, Moon Sign Lord Mercury aspects Rahu.
No. 9RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYSATISHKAKINADA; LAT. 16 N 56; LON. 82 E 13; 11-14-58 HRS; 28/7/09. FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries) • Within the time limit provided the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars is in Sign of Venus a RP. Venus is in star of Mars. FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) Sun is not a RP. It does not have clear association with the RPS as well. So he fixes in Venus Star and Mercury sub since both of these are RPs. However Sun is found to be in constellation of Saturn the Sub of Ascendant at the time of judgment. FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) Mercury the Ascendant Sign lord (RP) aspects Rahu.
No. 10RULING PLANETS OBTAINED BYM. S. BohraJODHPUR; LAT. 26 N 17; LON. 73 E 01; 17-34 HRS; 30/7/09 FIXATION OF SIGN OF ASCENDANT (Aries) • Within the time limit provided the Ascendant falls in Aries only. • Mars is in Sign of Venus a RP. Venus is in star of Mars. FIXATION OF STAR OF ASCENDANT (SUN) • Subs available in the time period are Kethu, Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu. Since Kethu is not an RP he excludes Venus Star and fixes in Sun Star in Mars Sub. Any way he has fixed in Sun Star. • Moon Sub lord is Rahu and Sun aspects Rahu too. • Rahu represents Sun being in its constellation. FIXATION OF SUB OF ASCENDANT (RAHU) Moon is in the sub of Rahu.
LIFE EVENT VERIFICATIONRBT FIXED BY DR. RATH16-29-35 Hrs / 30th Nov. 1976CHILD BIRTH Date of Child Birth : 8th March 2007 Sub lord of 5th cusp is Rahu. It is in Libra ruled by Venus Lord of 2 and 7. Rahu is in own sub. Child was born during Mercury-Saturn-Sun-Venus on 8th March 2007. MERCURY : Jupiter, Governor of progeny aspects Mercury. Jupiter is in constellation of Sun Lord of V. SATURN : It is Lord of 10 and XI. It is in the constellation of Mercury the Dasa Lord. SUN : Sun itself is Lord of V. Jupiter, Governor of progeny aspects Sun. Sun is in constellation of Saturn Lord of XI. Sun is in sub of Jupiter. Sun and Jupiter are in mutual aspect. VENUS : Venus is Lord of II. It is in own constellation and in sub of Mercury. Week Day = Thursday ruled Jupiter that is in constellation of lord of V. Nakshyatra = Swati ruled by Rahu agent of Venus. Rahu is also sub lord of V cusp. DATE OF BIRTH OF CHILD IS JUSTIFIED
LIFE EVENT VERIFICATIONRBT FIXED BY DR. RATH16-29-35 Hrs / 30th Nov. 1976MARRIAGE Date of Marriage : 10th November 2005. Sub Lord of 7th cusp is Venus, the Governor for marriage. Venus is lord of 2 and 7. It is posited in 9. It is in own constellation and no other planet occupies its stars. Hence marriage is promised. Marriage was celebrated during Mercury-Saturn-Saturn-Venus-Mars. MERCURY : Jupiter and Mercury are in mutual aspect while Jupiter is in star of Sun lord of V. Mercury is in the sub of same Jupiter. Mercury aspects 2nd cusp. On the date of marriage it transited in 7th Bhava. SATURN : Saturn is Lord of XI. It is in the constellation of Mercury, Dasa lord. It is in the sub of Mars Lord of 8th. Mars is in 7 conjoined with Sun lord of 5. Saturn transits in constellation of Mercury VENUS : Venus is Lord of 2 and 7 and is a self-strength planet. Venus is in sub of Mercury. Venus transits in star of Kethu an agent of Mars. MARS : It is lord of 8 posited in 7, conjoined with Sun Lord of 5. It is in the constellation of Saturn the Bhukti and Antara Lord. Mars is in sub of Rahu occupant of 5. On date of marriage it transits in constellation of Venus. DATE OF MARRIAGE IS JUSTIFIED
S U M M E R Y 10 Astrologers participated for rectifying the Birth Time of M.S.Chandra. The astrologers were located at various sites from South Korea to Sri Lanka. 9 out of 10 provided their set of Ruling Planets, time and place of judgment and most of them also submitted their analysis. Keeping in mind the time interval given by Mr. Chandra the Ascendant was fixed in Aries with justifications in Slide No. 2 to 10. Most of the particpants fixed the Nakshyatra ruled by Sun. An attempt was made to justify if the Ascendant could be fixed in Kritika. The participants fixed the Ascendant in various Subs from Sun to Rahu as these 4 were available. An attempt was made if the sub could be fixed in Rahu Sub. Justification can be seen in the Slides No. 2 to 10. It was rather difficult in last 3 cases. But it was not imposible. Two participants D. Senthil and Dr. Rath fixed the Ascendant in Rahu Sub. RBT by D. Senthil : 16-30-07 Hrs. RBT by Dr. Rath : 16-29-35 Hrs Birth Chart was cast for 16-29-35 Hrs / 30th November 1976 / at Hanamkonda. Latitude : 18 N 10; Longitude : 79 E 46; NKPA : 23-26-40
LIFE EVENT ANALYSIS Mr. M. S. Chandra had provided some of his life events in his original message. I was not possible to study each and every event for justification. Only two important events were selected for justification. • Date of Child Birth • Date of Marriage. BOTH EVENTS COULD SUCCESSFULLY BE JUSTIFIED To conclude it can be said that it is not impossible to arrive at same RBT by different astrologers sitting at various location in various countries. It is up to the members as regards justifications put forth in the previous slides. WE OWE OUR THANKFULNESS TO ALL THE PARTICIPANTS THANK YOU ALL