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Explore the challenges faced by construction service companies in Indonesia and the historical development of the industry from 1950 to 1998. Learn about solutions and strategies for business growth and success in this competitive sector.
CPM IMPLEMENTATION IN INDONESIA I. CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROBLEMS IN INDONESIA. 1. Construction services company, a contractor and consultant service provider rarely can develop and survive in the long term. Even if it survives, it is rare that it can grow and develop in business, except for companies owned by the state (BUMN) because it does get special treatment. This makes us aware even though the construction work package is relatively large but the benefits obtained in the percentage are relatively small, only around 2 to 4 percent of the contract value. 2. Construction services are basically an activity that is very complicated and full of challenges, various problems that must be faced, full of risks and difficulties and always up and down depending on the leader who has advantages in his era.
3. Changes in regulations that move from year to year, especially related to procurement systems, make construction service companies must always be responsive and devote a large amount of energy to keep up with regulatory changes. It should be noted that until now the position of contractor and consultant service providers is still on the weak side of the contract that should be balanced. 4. The presence of PM and CM companies in the activities of construction services is underestimated by stakeholders, assumed to be unprofessional and considered not to help the success of a construction project. So the payment rates of PM and CM companies are relatively low compared to the tasks and functions that must be held accountable by the PM or CM company.
5. IAMPI in collaboration with CMAK and assisted by HAMKI will strive to revive the profession of PM, CM and supervision consultants with the aim of improving quality and optimization in the construction project management process so that overall construction products and processes in Indonesia are superior and competitive. 6. In order to facilitate the nomenclature between PM and CM, CPM nomenclature is proposed for efficiency and replication of certification in Indonesia.
II. CONSTRUCTION SERVICE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA. A. Period 1950-1965. 1. Starting with the takeover of Dutch companies for a moment and relatively there is no management learning process from Dutch personnel to Indonesian personnel. Because it was carried out by force in a fast time, the science and relative skills were also taken away. 2. But it was noted that the success of building the Bung Karno Stadium with technical assistance from Russia, Semanggi Bridge, Istiqlal Mosque, MPR-DPR Building (Conefo Building) and other monumental buildings.
B. Period 1966-1985 1. In 1975 the first toll road built by Jakarta Bogor was built by a Korea-Hyundai contractor with very good results. Relatively up to now is the best quality highway in Indonesia. 2. In 1979, trying to compete in the Middle East formed a consortium of Indonesian contractors, with results that were not good and even failed and suffered losses of around 200 million USD. • 3. The failure of the Indonesian consortium while competing in Saudi Arabia is due to: • Does not master and understand engineering contracts. • Weak in management of procurement of human resources, equipment and materials • Not yet familiar with project management, and MP or MK not taught in universities. Indonesian contractors usually work with the foreman system, while abroad are forced to manage man / day or people per day. • No field surveys are carried out for initial preparation and adequate initial studies related to location, for careful planning.
4. Ending with resolutions by third party liabilities, resolved by third parties and contractors risking any costs needed to complete the work carried out by third parties in this case Korean contractors. 5. Unfortunately the documentation of failure and success analysis is not done, so that the experience that is very valuable to be studied cannot be used as a reference to improve Indonesia's construction activities in the next stage.
C. Period 1986 -1998 1. Around 1988, a national company had the opportunity to build a building in Brunei, but the results were also not encouraging because cases of weakness experienced in the Middle East occurred again in the Brunei project. Failure is mainly in the management of procurement of human resources, so the project was completed by construction workers from Vietnam. Note: there are no official reports and studies related to the failure of the project to be used as learning nationally.
2. The success of constructing the CawangPriok toll road overpass from 1987 to 1990 by a consortium of local companies gave rise to the spirit of accepting overseas work. In 1990, a consortium of national companies was formed to work on toll roads in Malaysia. The result is that the quality is very good, but business is forced to lose because the definition of a lump sum contract that is not prepared, is not well studied and understood. Note: a document is also not made that records all successes related to quality and financial difficulties (cash flow) that occurred at that time to be used as learning for national interests.
3. In 1996, one of the leading state-owned companies in the field of toll roads worked on toll highways in the Philippines. Because basically the toll road construction in the Philippines uses the sosrobahu method which is practically the same as that already done in Indonesia, then the project is well done in terms of cost, quality and time. Only because of the economic crisis in 1998, payments to contractors were paid in installments of up to about 6 years, but the contractor benefited because the contract price was calculated in US dollars and also calculated interest related to the delay in payment.
D. Period 1998-2018. 1. This period was recorded as the birth of UUJK No. 18 of 1999 to unite the common goals of reforming regulations for the advancement of the world of construction in Indonesia. 2. Also marked the birth of IAMPI in 1998 which tried to implement the management project principles consistently in order to improve the quality of construction in Indonesia. Since 2001 IAMPI has organized a management project training system and certified certification to adopt a developing system in Australia. The training participants were dominated by construction BUMN personnel. 3. Participants in management project training held by IAMPI were mostly followed by construction service providers both BUMN and Private, while CM consultant service providers especially in the field of building, training and certification were organized by HAMKI.
4. Businessly since the economic crisis in 1998, the government policy prioritizes the development of contractor service providers in SOEs. At present the government has succeeded in raising the SOE (State Owned Enterprise) contractor service provider, so that in some conditions it is easier to use SOEs Contractors to work on strategic projects to achieve the acceleration of national strategic project targets. 5. In this period it also needs to be recognized that the national ability to work on large projects by implementing a project management system is almost right and with the right procedures. 6. But especially in the field of safety there are many violations of procedures that need to be examined in depth why there have been so many construction accidents over the past 2 years. 7. Also noted the success of getting the opportunity to compete and get several work packages abroad, namely in Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Dubai and others. But once again there is no national document that records all the successes and disadvantages of Indonesian companies as learning materials for future system improvements and especially as provision for competing to create added value in the construction sector in the global era.
E. Period 2019 - 2040. 1. The time for the construction industry in Indonesia to reach its golden age, to fulfill the record of zero accidents, to obtain excellence in terms of quality, safety and construction safety. 2. IAMPI will cooperate with associations related to Construction Project Management to apply CPM rules and procedures precisely and consistently. 3. CPM rules have been tracked and an agreement between IAMPI and CMAK was made to establish a standard CPM procedure. The CPM procedure standard is expected to optimize added value in the construction process.
III. OBSERVATION OF CPM IMPLEMENTATION IN NATIONAL STRATEGIC PROJECTS 1. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Some of the problems faced in the field: 1. The audit officer / supervisor does not understand the essence and meaning of the lump sum contract. 2. General costs included in the contract, especially managerial staff are requested to be eliminated, even though the form of the contract is a lump sum.
3. The technical specifications according to the owner's request are improved according to the development of the security requirements of the structure with the new regulations, but a solution that is not beneficial for parties related to design and build contracts is basically a lump sum contract. In this case the owner also does not understand the philosophy of the lump sum contract. 4. The technical audit is carried out 3 years after the handover of the work and building construction has been used. In this case the service provider contractor is forced to issue a check and technical test fee, which is certainly not included in the project cost risk calculation. If this is indeed considered a standard procedure in the construction audit process, it should be included in the document tender that the service provider contractor must allocate the funds needed for technical audit at any time by the authorized institution up to 10 years according to the building failure according to UUJK.
2. MANAGEMENT OF STAKEHOLDERS. Observation of several problems that occur in the field: 1. Weak coordination between ministries / agencies / institutions / regions. 2. Lack of communication between projects, authorities and the community. 3. Especially for projects in cities that are densely populated, there is a lack of coordination in terms of identifying specific shelter locations that require attention and / or corrective action by the project manager.
4. Not yet maximally implemented by stake holder management, that a project must be completed according to the agreed plan. This commitment must be followed by the consistency of stakeholders related to implementing the program in accordance with agreed plans and completing the target activities in accordance with their respective functions and responsibilities. 5. Weak integration of good teams. contractors, design consultants, CM consultants or supervision consultants to determine and decide on other goods, materials and services that are in accordance with contract specifications or relevant standards, standards of implementation, other relevant international criteria or standards.
6. CSR plans are not prepared carefully and deeply, especially in terms of financing. Projects that are located close to residential areas especially in urban areas often cause problems due to politicization, therefore the problem of communication with local residents as part of stakeholder management is a must. 7. Delays occur, among others, due to coordination among project stakeholders that still need to be improved. Contractors are expected to be more active and intensive to urge decisions so that delayed work can be carried out immediately.
3. RISK MANAGEMENT Observation of several problems that occur in the field: 1. Delay in the delivery of the field. 2. There are often delays in the clusters that must be released. 3. The Ministry of Transportation requests not to close or keep the opening of the lane needed for construction activities, so as not to obstruct traffic. 4. The existence of new regulations related to the security of construction structures.
4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Observation of weaknesses that occur: 1. Quality in the quality of workmanship, not achieving the required concrete quality. 2. Pavement thickness that does not conform to the specified specifications. 3. Errors in reinforcement design / ground talud (Retaining Wall). 4. Negligence in implementation on the field. 5. The quality of marble floors is below standard. 6. Demolition of formwork that does not follow procedures. 7. Material of steel, concrete iron, sand, stone etc. that do not meet specifications. 8. Irregular window frame anchoring.
5. SAFETY MANAGEMENT Observation of weaknesses that occur: 1. It is necessary to apply consistently the rules and regulations related to OSH (Occupational safety and health), OSH requirements and standards in the feasibility study process, preliminary / basic design, detailed engineering design, and tender documents, as well as in the implementation of construction. 2. There needs to be integration of laws and regulations so that in its implementation it does not cause inconsistencies that have an impact on accidents and losses for workers, users and service providers. 3. It is necessary to think about improving the standard of SMK3 / OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) as a requirement for consultants, contractors and subcontractors. 4. The need for the implementation of OSHA in all cycles of construction activities, as described in the scheme.
III.RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. In-depth studies need to be conducted regarding all the problems that have been faced by construction service companies in Indonesia, records of successes and failures that have occurred. Re-analyzed what, why and how to find solutions to solve all construction problems in Indonesia related to science, engineering, management and culture. This is to eliminate the possibility of the same error occurring on the same problem.
2. Strengthening the system and implementing Construction Project Management (CPM) in Indonesia, resulting in guaranteed processes and construction products in Indonesia. 3. Fostering and providing clear functions and responsibilities to CPM consulting companies to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of construction work. This will increase professionalism in the field of CPM consultants.
4. The management system that develops in each company should be improved following the development of the IT system. To control the movement of material transport and the position of project staff, especially related to safety and construction quality, GPS system technology, CCTV cameras and mobile phone cameras can be used. This technology can control every movement in the project, discipline using APD/PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) security equipment, safety net etc. and all movements that endanger security can be anticipated in real time.
5. Currently construction workers who are relatively experienced and have full-time assignment status are not optimal, even if they are utilized only as advisors whose duties and functions are unclear. Construction workers who are relatively experienced and aged around 50 to 80 years or more (depending on the physical condition of each personnel), should be recruited as CPM experts who have clear duties and functions as agreed in the construction contract.
Reference 1. CPM Tasks CMAK-IAMPI Checklist for Pasar Rumput Housing Apartment project. 2. Document reports on the Grass Market Flat Project. 3. Report document on the Jakarta - Cikampek elevated Toll Road Project. 4. Observation results of the implementation of high-level construction of SMK3 SMK3 grass market on October 23, 2018, Ir. M. Mushanif Mukti, MKKK, CSP. 5. Study of the IAMPI team on the Rumput Pasar Rusun project & the Jakarta - Cikampek elevated Toll Road Project, Ir. Soeryanto M. Diwirjo, Ir. Hoetomo DW. , Ir. Bambang Heru P., Ir Darma Tyanto S. 6. Kualanamu Airport project report document.