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THE FIRST RENEWABLE ENERGY TRIPLE HYBRID GENERATION SYSTEM IN THE WORLD. Yasuyuki NEMOTO (Ashikaga Inst. of Tech.) Yoshifumi NISHIZAWA (Ashikaga Inst. of Tech.) Izumi USHIYAMA (Ashikaga Inst. of Tech.). Introduction.

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  1. THE FIRST RENEWABLE ENERGY TRIPLE HYBRID GENERATION SYSTEM IN THE WORLD Yasuyuki NEMOTO (Ashikaga Inst. of Tech.) Yoshifumi NISHIZAWA (Ashikaga Inst. of Tech.) Izumi USHIYAMA (Ashikaga Inst. of Tech.)

  2. Introduction Because of the need to prevent problems such as global warming, The importance of renewable energy with low impact on the environment has been increasing in recent years. However, the actual introduction of these systems has been hindered because the power source of renewable energy is unstable.

  3. Purpose In order to stabilize the power source, Wind and Solarenergy which depend on weather conditions Biomass energy which can be stored and its input regulated Triple hybrid renewable energy generation system Triple hybrid renewable energy generation system Triple hybrid renewable energy generation system A. I. T has carried out the demonstrative study of this system.

  4. Triple Hybrid Renewable Energy Generation System

  5. Overview of the system Biomass Generation System Wind Turbine Generator PV System

  6. Wind turbine generator (SUBARU 15/40) WTG System Specifications of the WTG

  7. PV module (HIT-190B2) PV System Specifications of the PV module

  8. Biomass Generation System Principle Biomass -> Gasification by partial combustion -> Flammable gas (main component = CO) -> Combined with air and sent to the IC engine -> Output from engine generator Characteristic - High efficiency - Compact system

  9. Biomass Generation System

  10. Simulation for the Expected Power Production 6000 4,939kWh PV 5000 4000 Expected energy production[kWh] 3000 2000 1000 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D (WTG & PV) Wind

  11. Power Production (Target) 6,000 Wind PV Biomass 5,000 4,000 [kWh] 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 4,939kWh/Monthly

  12. System History This system was 2004/ 3Established 2004/ 4has been operating since last April (The data has been collected. )

  13. Power Production (2004 - 2005)

  14. Est. Output and Act. Output of WTG 3,000 2,500 Act. Output 2,000 風力発電実績 Est. Output 風力発電予想 Output[kW] 1,500 発電量[kWh] 1,000 500 0 M J J A S O N D J F M A 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月 4月 (May 2004 ~Apr. 2005)

  15. Output and Wind Velocity (May 2004 ~July 2005)

  16. Power Curve of WTG (Apr. 2004 ~June 2005)

  17. Power Curve of WTG Control Program was changed in July 2005

  18. Est. Output and Act. Output of PVC Act. Output Est. Output (May 2004 ~July 2005) Output[kW] M J J A S O N D J F M J

  19. Manage to Vibration and Noise Problems WTG Remodel the Generator

  20. Repair work for the Generator WTG

  21. Failure of the coupling by Excessive Torque Biomass G

  22. Effect of Unsuitable Combustion Biomass G Deformation of fuel Clinker (about 1200℃) Tar sticking (low temp.) Choking of Furnace (high temp.)

  23. Concluding Remarks • The proof examination of the triple hybrid generation system has gone smoothly, however some problems have occurred. • We are working on improvements or a re-design to solve these problems. • We are planning to construct a system that can supply electricity consistentlythroughout the year in the future.

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