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Preliminar. Pages 1-21. Greetings. Introducing Yourself. Page 5, activity 5 Directions: Find out the Spanish names of five classmates. Modelo: You: ¿Cómo te llamas? Classmate: Me llamo Ana. Saying Where You Are From. Page 9, activity 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preliminar Pages 1-21

  2. Greetings

  3. Introducing Yourself • Page 5, activity 5 Directions: Find out the Spanish names of five classmates. • Modelo: You: ¿Cómo te llamas? Classmate: Me llamo Ana.

  4. Saying Where You Are From • Page 9, activity 8 Directions: You are your partner have made some new friends. Tell where they are from. Modelo; Tomás: España You: ¿De dónde es Tomás? Partner: Es de España. 1. Estefania: Panamá 2. Graciela: Cuba 3. Vicente: Costa Rica 4. Ignacio: Honduras 5. Mercedes: México 6. Alejandro: Nicaragua 7. Ivan: Puerto Rico 8. Claudia: El Savador

  5. Phone Numbers • When you ask for someone’s telephone number, say:¿cuál es tu teléfono? • Page 19, activity 3: Teléfonos Directions: You need some phone numbers. With a partner role-play conversations asking for friends’ numbers. modelo: Rosasna: 530-4401 You: Rosana,¿cuál es tu número teléfono? Rosana: cinco-tres-cero-cuatro-cuatro-cero-uno. 1. Timoteo: 927-2296 4: Emilia: 392-4100 2. Mariana: 820-3981 5: Leonardo: 758-3141 3. Cristóbal: 450-5649 6: otro(a) estudiante: ?

  6. Saying Which Day It Is • In Spanish, the days of the weeks are not capitalized. • When you ask what day it is today, you say: ¿Qué día es hoy? • Page 13, activity 15. Directions: Tell which day it is today and tomorrow. Modelo jueves; Hoy es jueves. Mañana es viernes. 1. lunes 4. martes 2. sábado 5. domingo 3. Miércoles 6. viernes • Hoy= today • Mañana=tomorrow

  7. 1-1 Pages 26-47

  8. Introducing Others • The verb ser is used to describe or explain a person. • Use the phrase me gusta+infinitive when talking about what you like to do. • To say what kind of home you live in, use the phrase: Vivo en… Formal introductionFamiliar introduction Le presento a… Te presento a…

  9. Expressing Likes • Use the phrase me gusta+infinitive when talking about what you like to do. • To say someone doesn’t like something, use no before the phrase. • Page 40, activity 18 Directions: explain what you like and don’t like to do. Modelo: escribir Me gusta escribir. 1.cantar 6.correr 2.trabajar 7.bailar 3.patinar 8.leer 4.comer 9.escribir 5.nadar 10.hablar

  10. Say Where You Live Saying where you live: • To say what kind of home you live in, use the phrase: Vivo en… • Page 41, activity 21 Directions: write about yourself. Modelo: ¡Hola! Me llama Elena. Yo soy de Miami. Vivo en un apartamento. Me gusta leer, bailar y cantar. Saying where people are from:

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