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Day 1 (General) 1A Overview 1B Technology Evolution. Day 2 (Technical Challenges) 2 Roadmap Overview 2A Substrates, Buffers and Epitaxy 2B Physics, Processing and Devices 2C Lamps, Luminaires and Systems. OUTLINE OF TOPICS (DAYS 1 & 2).
Day 1 (General) 1A Overview 1B Technology Evolution Day 2 (Technical Challenges) 2 Roadmap Overview 2A Substrates, Buffers and Epitaxy 2B Physics, Processing and Devices 2C Lamps, Luminaires and Systems OUTLINE OF TOPICS (DAYS 1 & 2) Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000
1A Overview • History of Luminous Efficacy • The Grand Vision of SSL • U.S. SSL Roadmap
0.25% History of Lighting Technology
Applications for Colored LEDs Red Traffic Light NASDAQ’s Giant Video Display in Times Square, New York (Jeff Tsao) Programmable Lights on Ben Franklin Bridge, Philadelphia (Color Kinetics) Rear Combination Lamp (LumiLeds)
Lighting the Earth Earth at Night (courtesy of NASA)
Projected Energy and Carbon Savings ~3x ~5x Adapted from M. Kendall and M. Scholand, “Energy Savings Potential of SSL in General Lighting Applications” (U.S. DOE-OBT study by Arthur D. Little, 2001), and EIA Statistics.
Human Visual Experience Joseph Wright (1768) "An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump“
SSL-LED Roadmap Targets Targets based on raw economic performance (not human factors) Incandescence in 5 years Fluorescence in 10 years Ownership Cost = Operating Cost + Capital Cost 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01 SSL-LED 2002 Incandescent SSL-LED 2007 Capital Cost [$/(Mlm-hr)] SSL-LED 2012 Fluorescent SSL-LED 2020 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100 Operating Cost [$/(Mlm-hr)]
SSL Science and Technology Taxonomy 0 General 1 Substrates, Buffers and Epitaxy 1.1 Substrates 1.2 Buffers 1.3 Epitaxy Tools 1.4 Epitaxy Processes 2 Physics, Processing and Devices 2.1 Semiconductor Physics 2.2 Device Processing 2.3 LEDs and Integrated LEDs 2.4 Directional Emitters 3 Lamps, Luminaires and Systems 3.1 Phosphors and Encapsulants 3.2 Lamps and Electronics 3.3 Luminaires 3.4 Lighting Systems
Sandia’s SSL Website Semiconductor light emitting devices, once limited to a narrow range of colors, now span nearly the entire visible spectrum. Someday, they may be bright, efficient and inexpensive enough to replace vacuum tubes for white lighting. Energy consumption and environmental pollution would be reduced, and the quality of the human visual experience would be enhanced, dramatically. Yet, enormous challenges lie ahead. This web-site aims to provide a comprehensive portal to the emerging knowledge that will enable the promise of solid-state lighting. http://lighting.sandia.gov/
1B Technology Evolution • Traditional vs SSL Technologies • Evolution of SSL Technology • Evolution of SSL Markets
Traditional Lighting Standard Incandescent Linear Fluorescent Color Rendering Index (CRI) Metal Halide & High-Pressure Sodium Ownership Cost ($/Mlmh)
RYGB White RG Phosphors Blue LED RYGB White Mixing Optics RYGB LEDs Solid-State Lighting Phosphor Down- Conversion Color Rendering Index (CRI) Color Mixing Ownership Cost ($/Mlmh)
SSL Evolution Ownership (40x) lm/W (9x) $/W (4.5x) Costs: Ownership = Operating + Capital Electricity Color Rendering Index (CRI) Power Delivery Cost Luminous Efficacy Lifetime Ownership Cost ($/Mlmh)
SSL Evolution(DraftProjections) Impact on Industry Revenue Impact on Energy Consumption Technology Diffusion (Market Penetration) Technology Evolution
Semiconductor Industry and SSL (Draft Data) Silicon 2004 ~US$218B Projected SSL 2015 ~US$50B Compound Semiconductors 2004 ~US$7.3B High-Speed Electronics CD Lasers Blue/Green/White LEDs Telecom Lasers/Receivers DVD Lasers Energy Conversion, Imaging, Sensing Red LEDs HD-DVD Lasers High-Power Lasers Ultra-High-Speed Electronics High-Power Electronics AlN GaN AlP AlAs GaP AlSb InP GaAs GaSb InN InSb InAs
Day 1 (General) 1A Overview 1B Technology Evolution Day 2 (Technical Challenges) 2 Roadmap Subtargets/Decisions 2A Substrates, Buffers and Epitaxy 2B Physics, Processing and Devices 2C Lamps, Luminaires and Systems OUTLINE OF TOPICS (DAYS 1 & 2) Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000
2 Roadmap Overview Technology Building BlockTargetsSubtargetsDecisionsChallenges 0 Introduction to SSL7113 1 Substrates, Buffers and Epitaxy214 1.1 Substrates 3 1.2 Buffers 3 1.3 Epitaxy Tools 4 1.4 Epitaxy Processes 4 2 Physics, Processing and Devices213 2.1 Semiconductor Physics 3 2.2 Device Processing 3 2.3 LEDs and Integrated LEDs 3 2.4 Directional Emitters 4 3 Lamps, Luminaires and Systems111 3.1 Phosphors and Encapsulants 3 3.2 Lamps and Electronics 3 3.3 Luminaires 3 3.4 Lighting Systems 2 Totals711838
0 General Will the SSL-LED chip “engine” be driven at low input power densities with low cost/cm2 and Toper, or will it be driven at high input power densities at high cost/cm2 and Toper? Will SSL-LED white light production be through a wavelength conversion, color mixing, or a hybrid approach? How many colors (and in what wavelength ranges) will best balance the three constraints of pure white, high color rendering and high luminous efficacy? 1 Substrates, Buffers and Epitaxy Which semiconductor materials family will form the basis for the SSL-LED chip “engine” -- AlGaInN only, or a combination of AlGaInP and AlGaInN? *Which low-defect-density substrate or substrate+buffer combination will form the basis for epitaxial AlGaInN devices: Native GaN, Sapphire/SiC + Buffer, or Removable GaN? 2 Physics, Processing and Devices Will the SSL-LED light chip “engine” be based on spontaneous (LEDs) or stimulated (lasers) emission devices? *Will the SSL-LED light chip “engine” be a single-function generator of monochromatic light, or will it monolithically integrate other functions, such as white-light production and programmable drive electronics? 3 Lamps, Luminaires and Systems *Will SSL-LED white lighting compete with conventional lighting by emphasizing traditional attributes such as low cost-of-ownership, high efficiency and environmental friendliness, or will it compete by emphasizing new attributes such as programmability and improved interplay with building architectures and the human visual system? Roadmap Decisions
Hydride In MO In H2O Out RF coils H2O In Exhaust 1800 rpm 2A Substrates, Buffers, Epitaxy 3 Constraints on epitaxy tools and processes 2 Constraints on substrate quality 1 Constraints on semiconductor materials
Substrate Constraints 6 To get lifetimes of 50,000 hr: 5 If degradation rate is mediated by dark-line defects and scales as (rdisl) (jcurrent) e-dE/kT, and if Egawa, et al’s data (J Appl Phys 82, 5816 (1997)) is fit, then: 7 50,000 hr lifetime is a tighter constraint: rdisl < 106-108/cm2 4 Near-unity radiative efficiency is only a loose constraint: rdisl < 107-109/cm2 1 In GaN, radiative e-h recombination is quenched within 160nm? radii around dislocations 3 As temperature increases, traps become leaky 2 In InGaN, Eg fluctuations (50meV?) trap e-h pairs away from dislocations
Courtesy of Arto Nurmikko (Brown U) 2B Physics, Processing, Devices 1 Luminous Efficacy 2 Power Delivery Cost
Luminous Efficacy & Power Delivery Cost Ownership (40x) lm/W (9x) $/W (4.5x) Costs: Ownership = Operating + Capital Electricity Color Rendering Index (CRI) Power Delivery Cost Luminous Efficacy Lifetime Ownership Cost ($/Mlmh)
Power Delivery Cost 105 103 101 10-1 10-3 2002-2004 SSL Power White Hi-Power IR Lasers Lo-Power Red LEDs Lamp Cost per unit die Area ($/cm2) 2002: 3.85 $/Win 2020: 0.4 $/Win OLEDs? 10-3 10-1 101 103 105 Input Power Density (Win/cm2)
1 Lamp targets (1.5 klm/lamp, 200 lm/W, $3/lamp) imply overall chip targets (lm/chip, W/chip, W into heat sink, $/chip) Chip Size DT l 1.5klm 7.5W Gain l 75¢ Chip Heat Sink 3.75W 5 Two extremes in thermal resistance (and operating temperature) subtargets 3 Two extremes in chip areal cost (and chip area) subtargets: 4 Heat conduction physics implies inverse relationship between thermal resistance and (chip area)1/2 2 $/chip target implies inverse relationship between chip area and chip areal cost
2C Lamps, Luminares, Systems 3 System-Level SSL Driving Forces 1 Color Rendering and Luminous Efficacy 2 Approaches to White Light
Color Rendering and Luminous Efficacy Relative sensitivity for 3 types of cones Primates Mammals Vertebrates After Bruce MacEvoy http://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/color1.html After Zukauskas, et al Appl Phys Lett 80, 234 (2002)
Approaches to White Light RYGB White RYG Phosphors Blue LED RYGB White Mixing Optics RYGB LEDs Tri-color phosphor Fluorescent Lamp Spectrum Phosphor Down- Conversion Incandescence Sunlight Computer Monitor Color Mixing
SSL Driving Forces Color Rendering Index (CRI) Ownership Cost ($/Mlmh)