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Hand holding and Interactive session On PLASTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT RULES, 2016 by Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board. Introduction.
Hand holding and Interactive session On PLASTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT RULES, 2016 by Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board
Introduction • The term “Plastic” means material which contains as an essential ingredient a high polymer such as polyethylene terephthalate, high density polyethylene, Vinyl, low density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene resins, multi-materials like acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, poly-phenylene oxide, polycarbonate, Polybutylene terephthalate;. • Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride & polystyrene are largely used in the manufacturing of plastics. “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
Plastic Ban In Jharkhand • Government of Jharkhand vide notification no. 3/Praya Pradu-52/2007- 3900, dated 15.09.2017 led to complete ban on manufacture & sale of single use plastic carry bags. • Containers used for packaging food material, milk and milk products and raising plants in nurseries shall not be deemed as carry bags.
Types of plastic • Based on Chemical Properties & BIS Classification (Notified under PWM Rules, 2016), there are seven categories of plastics) :- How many drops make up an ocean? Conserve water; every drop counts.
Types of plastic “When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do.”
Uses of plastic in daily life “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.”
back-ground Plastic Waste Exported to Various Countries
back-ground Generation of Plastic Waste State Wise
Back-Ground • According, to a report per capita per day production will increase by 07. kg in 2050. • Various factors on which the characteristics of waste depends are food habits, tractions, lifestyle, climate etc. • India’s plastic consumption set to cross 20 million metric tonnes by 2020 पेड़-पौधेमतकरोनष्ट,सॉंसलेनेमेंहोगाकष्ट!
Responsibilities of Brand Owners, Producers and Importers (As per Rule 9) • Producers shall work out modalities for collect back system based on EPR involving State UDD, • Primary Responsibility of collection of multilayered plastic sheet or pouches or packaging of Producers, Importers & Brand Owners. • An Action plan endorsed by Secretary-in-Charge, Urban Development Department, to be submitted to concerned SPCB/PCC while applying for consent to establish, Operate or Renewal. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Definition Extended Producer Responsibility Environmental protection strategy, Producers have been made responsible for environmentally sound management of the product until the end of its life Producer Responsibility Organisation Takes responsibility of Producers for collection and channelization of Plastic-waste generated from the ‘end –of-life’ of their products. “CYCLING GIVES HEALTH TO ONE E-RECYCLING GIVES HEALTH TO ALL.”
Responsibilities of Brand Owners, Producers and Importers (As per Rule 9) • Phase-out use of non-recyclable multi-layered plastic in two years time. • Producers within three months shall apply to SPCB/PCC for grant of registration. • No Producer on an after of expiry of six month shall manufacture or use any plastic are multi-layered packaging without registration from SPCB/PCC. “ A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.”
Responsibilities of Brand Owners, Producers and Importers (As per Rule 9) • Brand owners whose consent has been renewed before the notification of the rules - Shall submit such Action Plan within 1 year from date of notification of these Rules. - Shall implement the Action Plan within 2 years there-after. • Producers shall maintain the record of plastic used as raw material to manufacture carry bags/ sheets etc. “Water Covers 2/3 of the surface of the Earth but Only 0.002% is Drinkable. Save Water.”
Conditions ( Rule 4)Importer, manufacturer, stockiest, distributors, sale and use of plastic carry bags, sheets or like) • Minimum thickness criteria not applicable for compostable carry-bags (conforming IS/ISO: 17088:2008 & having CPCB Certificate for marketing/selling) • Minimum thickness (virgin or recycled): not < 50 micrometers. • Manufacturers of plastic carry-bags shall register with SPCB/PCC. सूखीधराकरेंएकहीपुकार, जलबचाओजीवनबचाओ
Conditions ( Rule 4)Importer, manufacturer, stockiest, distributors, sale and use of plastic carry bags, sheets or like) • Recycled carry bags not to be used for packing/storing/dispensing of food items etc. • Each carry bag shall have name, registration number of manufacturer, thickness, “recycled” mark etc. as applicable. • Plastic Sachets/Pouches ( Vinyl Acetate- Maleic Acid – Vinyl Chloride are not permitted for packing Gutkha, Pan Masala & Tobacco.
There are 59 Manufacturers of Plastic Goods in Jharkhand. Few of them are enlisted below:-
Marking & labeling • Each materials made from plastic shall bear a label or a mark “recycled” as shown and shall conform to Indian Standard: IS:14534:1998 titles as “ Guidelines for Recycling of Plastics”
Marking & labeling • Products made from plastic shall bear a label “compostable” as shown and shall conform to Indian Standard: IS: 17088:2008 titles as “Specification for Compostable Plastics”
Conditions ( Rule 4)Importer, manufacturer, stockiest, distributors, sale and use of plastic carry bags, sheets or like) • Recycled plastics shall conform the Indian Standards IS 14534:1998 titled as Guidelines for Recycling of Plastics. • Plastic sheets used for packaging, warping the commodity shall not be less than > 50 microns
Responsibilities of Waste Generators • Institutional Generators shall segregate and store the waste generated and handover the segregated waste to disposal facilities or deposition centers. • All waste generators shall pay such user fee or charge as specified in by-laws of local bodies for plastic waste management. • Every person is responsible for organizing an event in Open Space, which involves serving of food stuff in plastic or multi-layered packaging shall segregate and manage the waste generated “Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”
Responsibilities of Local Body and Gram Panchayats (Rules 5 & 6 ) • Setting up separate collection of bio-degradable (wet) and non-biodegradable (dry) waste like plastic. • Ensuring open burning of plastic waste does not take place. • Ensuring processing and disposal of plastic waste through Plastic Waste Management technologies. • Ensuring channelization of recyclable plastic waste fraction to registered recyclers. Renewable energy is not more expensive than fossil fuel when you factor in life-cycle costs.
Responsibilities of Local Body and Gram Panchayats (Rules 5 & 6 ) • Setting-up of system for plastic waste management with the assistance of producers. • Creating awareness among all stakeholders about their responsibilities. • Engaging civil societies or groups working with waste pickers. "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
Responsibilities of Local Body and Gram Panchayats (Rules 5 & 6 ) • To encourage the use of plastic waste (preferably the plastic waste which cannot be further recycled) for road construction as per Indian Road Congress guidelines or energy recovery or waste to oil etc. • To make arrangement for Thermoset plastic waste shall be processed and disposed of as per the guidelines issued from time to time by the Central Pollution Control Board. • To frame bye-laws incorporating the provisions of these rules.
Responsibilities of Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board • Shall provide a registration under the rules to the producers, recyclers and manufacturers. • To check the system for collecting back the plastic waste generated due to use of multi-layered plastic sachets or pouches or packaging by Producers, Importers and Brand Owners who introduce the products in the market. • Enforcement of the provisions under these rules relating to registration, manufacture of plastic products and multi-layered packaging, processing and disposal of plastic wastes. “Renewable energy is an essential part of our strategy of decarburization, decentralization, as well as digitalization of energy.”
Responsibilities of JSPCB • Registration of Producers & Brand owner to be submitted to JSPCB in Form-I. • Registration of Recyclers or plastic waste processors to be submitted to JSPCB Form-II. • Registration of Manufacturers (Raw Material Supplier) to be submitted to JSPCB in Form-III. • JSPCB shall not issue or renew registration until unit possess valid consent.
Responsibilities of JSPCB & UDD • JSPCB shall not issue or renew registration until unit possess valid consent. • Concerned UDD shall ensure waste collection system based on extended producers responsibility (EPR) by the producers. • Submission of Annual Report by SPCBs/PCCs in Form-VI to CPCB before July 31, each year
Requirement of JSPCB • PROs responsible for. • List of collection points/ dismantlers/recyclers with their contact details. • Details of reverse logistics partners. • Record of call log system. • Record of Deposit Refund Scheme. • EPR Plan for Jharkhand. • Awareness programme in Jharkhand. • Target for Jharkhand. • Form-1,Form-2 & Form-3.
PENALTY On NON COMPLIANCE • Penalty under The Environment Protection Act, 1986 :- - As per Section-15, sub-section-1 - As per Section-15, sub-section-2 • Environmental Compensation
Application of recycled plastic Use of Plastic Waste for Pavement Blocks :- Hyderabad
Application of recycled plastic Use of Plastic Waste in Road Construction:- Bangalore & Jamshedpur (JUSCO)
Application of recycled plastic Conversion of PET Bottle Waste into Textile Products By Reliance Industries & Adidas Sports
Application of recycled plastic Co-Processing of Plastics Waste in Cement Kiln - ACC Cement Limited (Gagal Cement Works)
Application ofrecycled plastic Go Green Initiative By Tetra Pack
Application of recycled plastic Plastic to Alternate Liquid RDF (Oil)
Ban On Plastic & Thermocolby Govt. of Maharashtra The Government of Maharashtra has notified the Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products ( Manufacture, usage, Sale, transport, Handling & Storage) Notification 2018, Dated 23rd March 2018 and amended on 11th April 2018, 30th June 2018. http://www.mpcb.gov.in/images/pdf/English_booklet.pdf
CONTACT PERSON Name:- Mr. S.K. Srivastava Contact No:- 8987790987 Email:- ranchijspcb@gmail.com Website:- www.jspcb.nic.in
Ph. No. - 0651-2400850/ 1/ 2 Mail:ranchijspcb@gmail.com