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This presentation provides practical strategies for effective communication, helping individuals understand others and make themselves understood. It explores common challenges, key steps in the communication process, and offers insights for improvement.
Effective CommunicationSome Practical Strategies for Understanding Others and Making Sure They Understand You1,2A Presentation for the SOMC Physician Leadership Institute Kendall L. Stewart, MD, MBA, DFAPA September 24, 2009 1My aim is to offer practical insights you can put to use in your personal and professional lives. 2Please let me know whether I have succeeded when you complete your evaluation form.
Why is this important? • Communication is hard. • But this doesn’t keep everyone from trying. • Perfect communication is impossible—even with the people we are closest to. • Always a challenge, effective communication is much harder in the context of a limited relationship. • But there are some practical strategies that can help us become more effective communicators in all the relationships of our lives. • If you aspire to communicate more effectively, you will want to give these strategies a try—repeatedly. • After masteringthe information in this presentation, you will be able to • Identify three common challengesto effective communication in the workplace, • Describe three practical strategies for communicating more effectively • Explain why these strategies make sense, • Describe howto deploy one of these strategies in your everyday life and • Assess the effectiveness of others who are attempting to communicate with you. • Even a small improvement in the effectiveness of your communication will make a big difference in the quality of your life. 1Even highly educated people are often communication-challenged. 2An OB GYN professor asked a woman whether she “desired contraception.”
What are some of the communication challenges in the workplace? • There are too many incoming messages. • We don’t want to hear what others have to say. • We suspect that others are “spinning.” • Messages are frequently inconsistent. • People talk too much. • Folks tell us more than we want to know. • The message is not clear. • Emotions get in the way. • People forget to tell us how to do whatever it is.1,2 • And so on 1People often forget to tell us the most important things. 2My cousin instructed me on how to ride a Harley-Davidson ™ but he forgot to tell me the most important thing.
What are some of the key steps in an effective communication process?1,2 • Invite personal participation and engagement in the communication process. • Solicit feedback to confirm understanding. • Use self-deprecating humor. • Anticipate, encourage and address opposition. • Never become argumentative. • Tell people only what they need to know. • Take a problem-solving approach. • Identify the best option—tentatively. • Request a modest but meaningful commitment. • Prepare to communicate. • Build the best relationship possible. • Focus on the common ground. • Focus on others’ needs. • Listen intently. • Wait for others to pull your opinion instead of just pushing your opinion on them. • Ask permission to persuade or speak frankly. • Know your stuff. • Tell your own story. • Let your passion show. • Make a compelling case. 1Obviously, communication is a critical skill for a psychiatrist; these are some of the steps I have diligently practiced. 2When I am at my very best—and that is not very often—I think I succeed about 50-percent of the time.
What have we learned? • Communication is hard. • We usually know exactly what to do, but it’s the doing it that’s so hard. • While the communication process is complex and typically quite flawed, you own part of that process and you—and you alone—can improve your part of the process. • Adopting—and adapting—the steps outlined in this presentation can help. • While your communication process will rarely work perfectly, with communication a little improvement goes a long way.1,2 1Now I would like to demonstrate this process by telling you a very personal story. May I? 2How many of you would like to lose some weight and keep it off or know someone who would?
Where can you learn more?1 • Download the classic principles for Dale Carnegie’s classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People at http://www.dalecarnegie.com/golden_book.jsp?keycode=google06&WT.srch=1&WT.mc_id=G_Communications. 1Please visit www.KendallLStewartMD.comto download related white papers and presentations.
How can you contact me?1 Kendall L. Stewart, M.D. VPMA and Chief Medical Officer Southern Ohio Medical Center President & CEO The SOMC Medical Care Foundation, Inc. 1805 27th Street Waller Building Suite B01 Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 740.356.8153 StewartK@somc.org KendallLStewartMD@yahoo.com www.somc.org www.KendallLStewartMD.com 1Speaking and consultation fees benefit the SOMC Endowment Fund.
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