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IEEE Standards Principles, Standards Board, & Support

Workshop on Election Standards and Technology Washington, D.C. IEEE Standards Principles, Standards Board, & Support. Stephen Berger Chair, IEEE SCC 38 – Voting Standards & Project 1583 – Evaluation of Voting Equipment. Imperative Principles of the Standards Process.

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IEEE Standards Principles, Standards Board, & Support

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  1. Workshop on Election Standards and Technology Washington, D.C. IEEE Standards Principles, Standards Board, & Support Stephen Berger Chair, IEEE SCC 38 – Voting Standards &Project 1583 – Evaluation of Voting Equipment

  2. Imperative Principles of the Standards Process Developing standards is a: • quasi-legal • Voluntary • Consensus process

  3. Imperative Principles of the Standards Process • Due Process • Openness • Consensus • Balance • Right of Appeal

  4. Due Process Operational Definition • Develop operating procedures • Publish and make procedures available • Follow procedures

  5. Due Process The IEEE is an ANSI Accredited Standards Development Organization • ANSI approves operating procedures • ANSI reviews and provides for public comment of IEEE standards • ANSI audits IEEE process

  6. Due Process cont. Hierarchy of Documents • Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York • IEEE Constitution • IEEE Bylaws (includes IEEE Standards Association Bylaws) • IEEE Policies and Procedures • IEEE Board of Directors Resolutions • IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual

  7. Due Process cont. Hierarchy of Documents (cont.) • IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws • IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual • IEEE Standards Style Manual • IEEE Standards Companion • IEEE Sponsor Operating Procedures • Robert's Rules of Order

  8. Openness • Everyone has access to the process • Make information and actions publicly available for examination • Include all materially interested and affected parties • Avoid antitrust situations/appearance of collusion • Opportunity to participate does not necessarily mean membership or a vote

  9. Consensus • Agreement among the majority • Not unanimity • Defined in the IEEE balloting rules as at least 75% of the ballots must be returned and of those at least 75% must approve to become a standard

  10. Consensus cont’d The Challenge • Approve and publish expeditiously • Obligation to majority versus • Obligation to the minority • Attempt to resolve comments

  11. Balance • Representation from all materially interested and affected parties • Lack of dominance by any one category • Common categories: Producer, user, and general interest • Ideal to maintain balance throughout development • Encourage participation (corresponding member) • Mandatory for balloting

  12. Right of Appeal • The right to take steps to have a case heard • Follow policies and procedures • Bases of appeal can be: • Technical (within sponsor) • Procedural

  13. Standards Coordinating Committees • Reports directly to the IEEE-SA Standards Board • Comprised of standards development sponsors from broad disciplines and interests • Provides structure for liaison with non-IEEE entities • Can have liaison representation to the IEEE-SA Standards Board • Activity on Voting Equipment Standard is under this umbrella (SCC38)

  14. SCC 38 Participants • Societies responding to date • Computer • Control Systems • Reliability • Electromagnetic Compatibility • Engineering Management • Social Implications of Technology • Professional Communications

  15. IEEE Project 1583 • Scope: Develop a standard for the evaluation of election voting equipment. • Purpose: Develop an evaluation standard for election voting equipment. The standard will provide technical specifications for electronic, mechanical, and human factors that can be used by manufacturers of voting machines or by those purchasing such machines. The tests and criteria developed will assure equipment: • · Confidentiality, • · Security, • · Reliability, • · Accuracy, • · Usability, • · Accessibility.

  16. Progress • Over 100 Working Group members • 7 Countries Represented • Task groups formed • System Architecture • Security/Confidentiality • Accessibility/Usability • Reliability • Electromagnetic Compatibility Additional Task Groups to be Formed as Needed

  17. For more information • Training—Module Series for standards committees • http://standards.ieee.org/faqs/ltpres.html • SCC 38http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc38 • P1583http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc38/1583 • Contact: Stephen Berger at stephen.berger@ieee.org

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