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Torrington Public Schools Board of Education Budget. 2010-2011 BOARD OF EDUCATION MARCH 17, 2010. Recommended Budget 2010-2011. “It isn't sufficient just to want - you've got to ask yourself what you are going to do to get the things you want.”
Torrington Public SchoolsBoard of Education Budget 2010-2011 BOARD OF EDUCATION MARCH 17, 2010
Recommended Budget 2010-2011 “It isn't sufficient just to want - you've got to ask yourself what you are going to do to get the things you want.” -United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Goals • The goal of the 2010-2011 Torrington Public Schools budget is to • Provide stability to our children • Provide the needs that will lead to academic progress during an economic recession • Understand that we can want many things, we need some things, BUT we can’t afford everything • Understand that we must at all times in the future practice fiscal responsibility • Provide a transparent process
The Process • The process used during the creation of the 2010-2011 Torrington Public Schools budget was as follows: • Allow each school leader to work with their parents, submit requests, hold a dialog with administration, and view wants vs. needs. • Create an accurate projection of revenues, enrollment, and expenses. • Determine what were fixed costs and what could be deferred. • Maintain a sense of reality in hard economic times. • Protect positions that maintain class sizes
Despite everything we must make assumptions… • Insurance/Benefit costs are projected at $1.8M+ • Insurance Surplus is projected at $1.0M • Transportation Costs are held flat • Educational Cost Sharing (ECS) revenue is held flat • Special Education costs and Excess Cost Revenue show a decrease
Torrington Public SchoolsBoard of Education Budget 2010-2011 Who ARE WE?
Torrington Public SchoolsBoard of Education Budget 2010-2011 STAFFING RECCOMENDATIONS MARCH 17, 2010
2010 – 2011 ~ Instruction • In 2010, Curriculum should be visible and online. • We should have a continuum that spans K-12 and transition from elementary through middle school and onto high school. We are not there! • If we continue with the same model we will get the same results. • Creation of 6-12 Literacy Coordinator and 6-12 Math Coordinator to develop and implement curriculum • Comprehensive Professional Development Plan with less consultants. (Savings $25K)
2010 – 2011 ~ Instruction • After a review of needs there is a recommended reorganization of resources: • 3.5 FTE teaching reduction at THS which includes consolidation of Instructional Area Leaders (IAL); and changes based on enrollment decreases; projected section need per THS. • The IAL was a .6 teaching / .4 IAL position. This change will increase instructional time, course offerings, and provide some savings in low interest areas. • We must closely monitor enrollment and classes at THS • Implement Grade 3 of K-5 reading program for 2010-2011 (Savings of $100K). Wait for data to substantiate the rest of the program. • Continued transformation of TMS – Teaming / Revision of APL program.
2010 – 2011 ~ Special Education • Retirement of Director effective July 1, 2010. • Reorganization of the department to include creation of Out of District Special Education Coordinator. • After a review of needs with Special Education Department there is a recommended reduction of: • -14.0 FTE Special Education Para-Professionals. This is coupled with revised scheduling procedures at schools. • -2.0 FTE Special Education Teachers at THS based on numbers.
2010 – 2011 ~ Special Education • Restructure Psychologist positions from 6.0 FTE to 4.0 FTE (Reduction of 2.0 FTE). Share positions across the district. • Continue to reach agreements with providers to consolidate and lower associated costs. • Continue to open programs at our schools where there is space and appropriate setting. • Realize that an “out-placement” is not a “forever placement.”
2010 – 2011 Staffing ~ ELL • ELL population is projected to increase by 27 students for 2010-2011. This is approximately a 7.8% increase. • Recommended increases of services at the following schools: • TMS (.2 FTE) • East (.2 FTE) • Vogel (.4 FTE) • Partner with ASPIRA on a national grant to provide additional services at TMS (TPS cost $15K) • Establish tutoring for ELL students at THS / TMS to provide for certified tutoring on site, after school, or as needed. ($20K) • Establish certified tutoring for Elementary students as needed (Grant Based)
2010 – 2011 ~ TAG / Enrichment • Continue to provide the necessary (and IEP required) services and best utilize resources for all students. • Provide enrichment to more students at more levels. • Recommended reduction of TAG Elementary Teacher (-1.0 FTE) for an estimated savings of $60K; The reduction has no impact on current services for identified TAG students. TPS will still provide six hours per week per school. • Creation of $60K enrichment fund to be utilized for all students at five elementary schools (Per pupil allocation)
2010 – 2011 ~ Guidance • The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) calls for guidance levels to be at 250:1 meanwhile the national average is 467:1. For 2009-2010 TPS was near 230:1 and held a 4-year 15% drop-out percentage . • Decreased enrollment at THS yet have kept same staff levels. • Recommended creation of Drop Out Prevention Specialist for grades 7-12 (1.0 FTE) to handle 300 at risk students • Recommended restructuring of Guidance in TPS: • 2.0 FTE reduction at THS. Case load for 10-11 is approx 300:1 • 1.0 FTE reduction at TMS. (7th and 8th grade focus) • Increased use of Home-School Liaison at TMS.
2010 – 2011 Staffing: Media Center • According to data provided from media specialists the library hours were reduced and book circulation decreased at three elementary schools; However, time for students to use the library decrease in all schools. Meanwhile, instructional time also decreased. • Recommended restructuring of Media Centers: • Shared Instruction at Elementary and TMS (reduction of 3.0 FTE) • Return Media Para Position at Elementary (increase of 5.0 FTE) • Increase circulation of books, protect the current instructional time, and keep libraries open so that they are used.
2010 – 2011 ~Behavior / Discipline • We have not been working to change behavior we are only disciplining problems. We must change our practice! • Recommended reduction of part time TL positions at THS (= 1.0 FTE). Creation of Behavior Intervention Specialist for grades 9-12 (1.0 FTE). • Reposition use of security to TMS and THS (no reduction) • Work with TPD to add SRO to best fit our needs at TMS. ($25,000) • Improve use of Home School Liaison / Drop Out Specialist Source: TPS Power School (2010)
2010 – 2011 ~ Technology • Move technology increases from Capital Budget to General Budget. • Improve connectivity with implementation of fiber cable for $60,000 (increase of $30K). • Machine upgrades as planned for THS ($60K) and TMS ($80K) • Lower repair budget (savings of $20K) • Restructure Technology Department and change roles to provide technology integration into classrooms , schools and central office. • Explored shared services with City of Torrington to look at savings and better use of technology. Partner with TFD and TPD on projects. • Present long term Technology Plan to BOE in Summer of 2010
2010 – 2011 ~ Administration • School size comparisons: • Based on enrollment there is a recommended reduction of an Assistant Principal at THS (-1.0 FTE) Source: October 1, 2009, PSIS (2009)
2010 – 2011 ~ Other Considerations • Recommended reduction / consolidation of secretarial staffing at Central Office (-2.0 FTE) • Creation of clerk positions at Vogel-Wetmore; Forbes and East (3.0 FTE) • No replacement of custodian retiring (-1.0 FTE) • Lower legislative advocacy by $10,000 • Reorganization of Central Office to meet needs of all schools, students, parents. • Non-Certified employees receive a 2% increase
Torrington Public SchoolsBoard of Education Budget 2010-2011 BY SCHOOL MARCH 17, 2010
East Elementary School Principal: Sue Ferguson
Forbes Elementary School Principal: Sue Lubomski
Southwest Elementary School Principal: Judy Theeb
Torringford Elementary School Principal: Cathy Todor
Vogel-Wetmore Elementary School Principal: Pam Dzurilla
Torrington High School • As of February 2010 – THS is no longer the largest school in TPS. Continued declining enrollment.
Staffing Summary Source: TPS Human Resource Office (2010)
Torrington Public SchoolsBoard of Education Budget 2010-2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND MARCH 17, 2010
Capital Fund Overview • Original plan called for $1.2M to be allocated in 2010-2011 school year. • New plan calls for a long term study of facility needs (0 - $100,000) • Revisions to the plan include delaying the following work to 2011-2012: • THS Paving @ $110,000 • THS Equipment Garage @ $175,000 • TMS Chillers @ $375,000 • Further reduction to request based upon moving technology to general budget savings of $150,000 . • Total request is for $577,000.
Torrington Public SchoolsBoard of Education Budget 2010-2011 WHAT IS THE COST? MARCH 17, 2010
Expense Projections Source: TPS Business Office (2010)
Expense Comparisons Source: TPS Business Office (2010)
Budget Points • The total budget request is for $64,971,592 - an increase to the budget of $2,106,871, or approximately $227,000 more than our projected benefit increase of $1,880,000. • The total includes capital project request of $577,000 which is .89% of the total budget. • The use of the “Projected Insurance Surplus” lowers the impact of the budget and raises revenue to offset the cost of the increase. • The City of Torrington contribution to the Board of Education is an increase of 2% while the total budget has increased at 3.35%. The cost to the city is an increase of $682,678 from the projected cost for 2009-2010. • While the total budget has increased the City of Torrington contribution has decreased from 54.32% to 53.61%.
Where does it come from? Source: TPS Business Office (2010)
A Positive Trend Source: TPS Business Office (2010)