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Fukushima Japan TEPCO Public Safety Disaster By: Red WoLF CuT JeSuS Marie American Indian Tribe 11 11/10/2014 – Draft Only, Uncut, Unedited. Fukushima Japan TEPCO Public Safety Disaster. “Prevent Another Enron…Tyco…” EBRC…XBRL Public Statements
Fukushima Japan TEPCO Public Safety DisasterBy: Red WoLF CuTJeSuS Marie American Indian Tribe 1111/10/2014 – Draft Only, Uncut, Unedited
Fukushima Japan TEPCO Public Safety Disaster “Prevent Another Enron…Tyco…” EBRC…XBRL Public Statements Bubblism – 3 Cycles (Dot Com; 2008 Financial Crisis; Next TBD- $700 trillion derivative valuation unsustainable) New Economics is Irrational & Unfunded Per Se Not for Profits undermined entire economic infrastructure, left massive TARP debts, concentration/redistribution of wealth Failed to adequately address white paper H20 unsustainable energy crisis- resulted in TEPCO paper tiger and nuclear disaster (still uncontained and completely uncontrollable- public safety disaster)
Dot Com Bust Root Cause- Derivative Based- pseudo-Special Purpose Entity’s (SPE’s & all variants or derivatives- tied to toxic assets, real estate, or valueless IPO’s)) sold as “New Finance” look to future cash flows for valuations even if never realizable; • Explosion of hedge Funds- Derivatives, options, indices, risk metrics, CDO’s/SCDO’s/SPE’s/QSPE’s, etc.; Unequal Access; Unfair Market Barriers to Avg. Traders, ETF’s explosion; • Broker Commissions & Placement Fees- Conflicted and Lack of Independence (see footnotes); • Uncertified Algo's- Not ‘proprietary assets’ per se, not ‘valuable information’ protected under securities laws, non-standard valuation models/complex codes, and not ‘sufficiently publicly disseminated’ prior to trades creates unequal access or market favoritism; • XBRL Real Time Speed Trader networks focused on markets like Australia, Australian ETF: EXAMPLE: June 2013 Aii S&P/ASX 200 Energy (ASX code: ENY), Valuestream is the responsible entity of the Aii ETFs. Market Vectors Australia is the investment manager. The decision to terminate the Aii ETFs was driven by the low level of funds under management. To continue operating the Aii ETFs we would have needed to significantly increase the management costs charged to the Investors which would have decreased the value of your investment. We consider that the decision to terminate the Aii ETFs is in the best interests of Investors. For further information, refer to the ASX announcement released on Wednesday 5 June 2013. We acknowledge the decision to terminate without any prior notice to Investors is a departure from the intention to give three months’ notice as stated in the Aii ETF product disclosure statement. We formed the view that in the current circumstances it is in the best interest of Investors as a whole to immediately suspend trading, sell down the assets and return money to Investors as soon as possibleWe acknowledge the decision to terminate without any prior notice to Investors is a departure from the intention to give three months’ notice as stated in the Aii ETF product disclosure statement. We formed the view that in the current circumstances it is in the best interest of Investors as a whole to immediately suspend trading, sell down the assets and return money to Investors as soon as possible The Aii ETFs were suspended from trading on 5 June 2013 and removed from official quotation on the ASX on 12 June 2013. We continued to manage each Aii ETF in line with its stated investment objective up until Wednesday 12 June 2013, the Termination Date. We commenced selling the assets of each Aii ETF on the Termination Date. We ceased charging management costs on the Termination Date and we will bear the costs associated with winding up the Aii ETFs, including brokerage on the sale of the assets. We made a first payment to Investors during the week of 24 June 2013 representing the majority of the final value of their investment. Investors in Aii S&P/ASX 200 Financials (ASX code: FIN), Aii S&P/ASX 200 Financials x-A-REIT (ASX code: FIX) and Aii S&P/ASX 200 Industrials (ASX code: IDD) received a second and final payment on 22 July 2013.
Trading Patterns- Derivatives & ETF’sAugust 2013 v. August 2012 • Derivatives # contracts traded # of contracts Aug. 2013 = 1 584 bn + 2 % v. Aug. 2012 • In August 2013, the total number of derivatives contracts traded slightly surged by 1.3% on a YTD basis [stock index derivatives, ETFs options number of traded contracts were among the most successful products] • ETFs volumes : Turnover Aug. 2013 = USD 0.9 tr + 20.6% vs. Aug. 2012 • In August 2013, ETFs trading value significantly increased by 21% compared to August 2012 and by 7% on a year-to-date basis. This relatively strong surge was mainly fuelled by Asian Pacific exchanges, although their volumes are still behind US and EAME exchanges ones. Data shows that trading volumes doubled compared to last year at HKEX, Japan Exchanges, KRX or Thailand SE, for example. However, the bulk of the ETF business is mainly located in the US which concentrates 88% of total ETF trading activity.
ETF Bubble-Mania An ETF is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) traded on the various stock markets. An ETF commodity is a purchased share in a pool of related securities. For example you may buy into an ETF that combines the futures of several different oil and gas companies [TEPCO; ENRON; Toyota Toshu; QSPE; SPE; ENY]. As those companies stock values change the value of your ETF commodity also changes. ETF Commodities can be bought and sold on a stock exchange in the same manner that company stocks are. Each ETF commodity is very similar to a mutual funds which amalgamates the returns and values from several different companies. The very first ETF commodity options were designed and created to track important stock market indices including the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ 500. In today's stock market culture there are hundreds of ETF commodities to choose from thus giving the average investor access to trading areas including futures, corporate bonds, and global stock exchanges. Exchange-traded funds are not as regulated and managed as are mutual funds mainly because they follow very closely with the stock prices associated with the firms within the ETF. Pricing of the funds may fluctuate however the market sets the value of the funds over time. Source: http://alotfinance.com/investing/understanding-exchange-traded-fund-etf-commodity--778
An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a relatively new type of fund which is similar to a mutual fund that can be traded over an exchange similar to stocks. These are techniques [unaudited] created for the purpose of tracking underlying security. In fact, ETF may now track almost every type of security from a commodity or group of assets to index. ETFs also allow a small investor to engage in trading ETF commodity options. These options are a good way to invest in industries like gold and currency without exposing your portfolio to too much risk. For example if you buy a call option on an ETF then you reserve the right to buy that ETF at a set price and profit if the commodity price rises over that call price. ETF commodity options also allow you to sell a call option which basically means you are shorting the ETF commodity. You can also place Put calls against ETF Commodities. Placing a Put call against the fund is another way to invest in a market segment without investing in a specific stock in that industry. Electronic FundsTransfer (system) (EFT) is not same as ETF: dualism folks would state TARP is in fact an ETF EFT, see patterns in slide?)
Top 10 Exchanges at end of August 2013 By EOB share trading value for the period Jan. / Aug. 2013
Top 10 Exchanges at end of August 2013 By EOB trades for the period Jan. / Aug. 2013
Top 10 Exchanges at end of August 2013 By domestic market capitalization at end of August 2013
Congressional Inquiry: Bubblism • ENRON- Special Purpose Entity (linked to conflicted hedge funds or market insiders; EBRC/XBRL speed trader networks/founders); • TEPCO- Tokyo Electric Power Company (QSPE) partner Qatargas (Saudi Arabian); • Toyota Toshu/Toyota (QSPE + TARP payment $4.6 billion is taxpayer funded- root cause SCEBR/EBRC/XBRL pay to play not-for-profit cross-sold in secret, w/o full disclosure or transparency as publicly promoted- Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Duty of Loyalty, Duty of Care); • Special Committee of Enhanced Business Reporting Consortium (SCEBR) was supervised by Securities and Exchange Commission as a result of “Dot Com Bust” (Bubble One)- Susan M. Hinds was appointed by Toyota; • Transition to Enhanced Business Reporting Consortium (EBRC); • Strategically merged with eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) • EBRC/XBRL Speed Trader Networks was a root cause of 2008 financial crisis (Bubble Two); • Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a derivative of EBRC/XBRL quasi-regulated capital market solution, enabled and funded by SEC, led by Co-Founders of EBRC/XBRL, Mike Starr appointed to SEC Deputy Chief Accountant: conflicted.
SEC Failure- Abuse of Authority • Interrelation between TEPCO, Toyota, Enron, EBRC/XBRL founders/networks, et al (options contracts, swaps, futures, derivatives, etc) some under SEC 102(e) censure; • SCEBR purpose to ‘prevent another Enron’ • EBRC/XBRL enabled SPE’s/CDO’s implosion • Failure to ‘Restore Public Trust’ as espoused • Failure to address ‘Critical Success Factors’ in auto industry or energy sectors- resulted in serious bodily injury, death, or destruction of property & environment [i.e. War on Warranty- w/scienter of serious market defects; Intent to stockpile mass amounts of toxic materials (nuclear capable waste) or expand nuclear power plans without ‘complete transparency’ as espoused in EBRC/XBRL or @Real Time Speed Project (SMH llcbusiness plan)]
Mission Failures: Public Safety & Trust Publicly Expressed Mission Statements • SCEBR • EBRC • XBRL • ERM • COSO • TEPCO: Environmental Laws: Clean Air Act; Clean Water Act, et al. (Nuclear Waste/Disaster is a strict liability case, suppression of press/critical facts, Anti-Social Policy –Suppression of Speech (1rst Amendment)
EBRC/XBRL & SEC Abuse of Power Lack of Independence; Conflicts of Interest • EBRC/XBRL pay to play created unnecessary regulation (Dodd-Frank Act) not less as espoused; • EBRC/XBRL created ‘new market entry barriers’ or unequal access to capital markets; • EBRX/XBRL is a derivative of SCEBR commissioned to ‘prevent another Enron’= TEPCO is Enron! A complete failure of mission and public safety disaster is perceived as unrecoverable based on current situation: nuclear disaster 3/11/11; • EBRC/XBRL lawyers email stated, “…take out with Strategic Nuclear Force…”- it was taken literally.
Bubblism: Omega Implosion TBD XBRL SEC TARP • - Information is Commoditized • - Strategy Defines Market Premiums • - Speed of Data is not valuable information • per se nor sufficiently publicly disseminated • causes artificial markets, bubblism, • market manipulation, front runners, • nano-second traders (enhanced day traders) • various securities law violations or risks • - Toxic Assets, CDO’s, SCDO’s, SPE’s, etc • are ‘quantity’ not ‘quality’ trades • Leverage is Irrationally Excessive • (basis $796 trillion derivative valuation worldwide) • Risk profiles & hedge fund valuations are unaudited • linked to corporate balance sheets? See TARP • Toyota $4.6 billion payment as EBRC/XBRL promoted • Increased transparency and prevent Enron/Tyco SEC funded EBRC/XBRL Simplification Plain English Non-Std Complex Uncertified Algo's
Notice a Difference 12-13? World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), found that for the second consecutive year, the global market capitalization of WFE members has increased, rising 17.4% compared to the 2012 figure of 15.1%. The rise in global market capitalization had a significant effect on Asia Pacific, where trading volumes surged by 47% in local currency terms; however, the Americas and EAME were not as affected, increasing trading volume by only 1%.
Restore Public Trust in Capital Markets Special Committee on EBR (SCEBR) Commissioned in response to “Dot Com Bubble” – Susan M. Hinds, SCEBR member, states, • “Informationally Efficient (XBRL real time); Fundamentally Inefficient (EBRC Simplification Complexity; uncertified Algo's & KPI standards; unequal access; questionable valuations)” • Frequency/Momentum Traders create artificial markets or bubbles, trade on non-valuable information not sufficiently disseminated to public, unequal access, TARP • Quantity traders created bubbles driven by unreconciledGAAP bubbles’ for future implosion (nano-second tick millionaires- predictive investors) not protected under safe harbor rules under securities laws per se • Liquidity Crisis is certain in excessively leveraged derivatives of Toxic assets, TARP, or questionable valuation assets
Was 311 Quake/Tsunami an Act of GOD or an Act of Man? Nuclear Expansion Study: Rapid Expansion for Power 12 facilities to 56 facilities may be a cause of quakes- Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Because nuclear waste, toxic dumps & nuclear tests cause quakes, especially 9.0 magnitude (i.e. 10.0 quake would end planet as we all know it…one step away from “Omega Implosion”) PS: 56 nuclear facilities in active quake zone is war? Study Ring of Fire closer>> March 11, 2011, Japan’s NE seaboard devastated by a magnitude 9 quake… 30 minutes later, a giant tsunami as high as 20 meter's slammed ashore and wiped away hundreds of thousands of homes and close to 20 thousand lives. The tsunami triggered a nuclear crisis that kept the country on its toes. KEY: Study real root cause of Japan’s nuclear meltdown
Public Safety Risks: Sr 90 Bone Seeker In addition, materials that emit beta rays, such as strontium-90, which causes bone cancer, also shattered records with a reading of 1.2 million becquerels, the utility said of the sample… http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/10/12/national/tritium-surges-10-fold-in-groundwater-at-fukushima-nuclear-plant-typhoon-effect-suspected Strontium-90 (90Sr) is a radioactiveisotope of strontium produced by nuclear fission, with a half-life of 28.8 years. It undergoes β− decay into yttrium-90, with a decay energy of 0.546 MeV.[1] Strontium-90 has applications in medicine and industry and is an isotope of concern in fallout from nuclear weapons and nuclear accidents… Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strontium-90
Public Safety Risk: Cesium 137 • The amount of Cesium-137 leaked from the Fukushima nuclear power plant could be worse than expected, a Japanese research team has concluded…50 percent more of the radioactive material could have escaped into the atmosphere and seawater. • Original estimate of 13,600 terabecquerels was made by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of the power station…new report by Japanese researchers estimates between 17,500 and 20,500 terabecquerels Source: http://rt.com/news/158084-fukushima-nuclear-japan-cesium
Public Safety Risk: Tritium= “T” • Tritium: a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that has one proton and two neutrons in its nucleus and that has three times the mass of ordinary hydrogen —symbol T • Tritium up tenfold in Fukushima groundwater after Typhoon Phanfone Tritium is radioactive hydrogen. • It is created and released into the environment in far greater quantities from CANDU reactors than from other nuclear power reactors, such as the American “light-water” designs. Like all radioactive substances, tritium is a carcinogen, a mutagen, and a teratogen. Source; * japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/10/12/national/tritium-surges-10-fold-in-groundwater-at-fukushima-nuclear-plant-typhoon-effect-suspected * wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium
Do Not Assume Safety if information is Tightly Controlled & only leaks are toxic waste into oceans & waterways It is time to prepare for worst case… Some are not Transparent at ALL…