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Enlightenment, Philosophers, and Scientific Revolution

Explore the key figures, ideas, and events of the Enlightenment, as well as the impact of the Scientific Revolution on society and governance. Discover the influential philosophers and their contributions, such as John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire, and learn about scientific advancements by Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton.

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Enlightenment, Philosophers, and Scientific Revolution

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  1. Jeopardy Philosophers Enlightenment Scientific Revolution Revolution and a New Govt. Enlightened Etc. Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Final Jeopardy

  2. $200 Question from Enlightenment… Philosophers, inspired by scientists, started questioning this figure’s role in society.

  3. $200 Answer from Enlightenment… God

  4. $400 Question from Enlightenment… Name one event that led to the Age of Enlightenment.

  5. $400 Answer from Enlightenment… Religious warfare in the 1600’s; Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes; The Scientific Revolution


  7. DAI LY DOUBLE!!!$600 Question from Enlightenment… Voltaire attacked the Church and the French government through this short novel.

  8. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$600 Answer from Enlightenment… Candide

  9. $800 Question from Enlightenment… The Enlightenment sparked the start of this Revolution in which manual labor was replaced through the use of new machines.

  10. $800 Answer from Enlightenment… Industrial Revolution

  11. $1000 Question from Enlightenment… Name 3 ideas that originated during the Enlightenment

  12. $1000 Answer from Enlightenment… Right to happiness Science should be practical Discrimination is wrong Separation of church and state Right to privacy Governments should not be all-powerful Freedom of speech Education and prison reforms Seeds of Democracy

  13. $200 Question from Scientific Revolution… This man developed mathematical ideas that explain the physical universe.

  14. $200 Answer from Scientific Revolution… Isaac Newton

  15. $400 Question from Scientific Revolution… Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action…

  16. $400 Answer from Scientific Revolution… There is an equal and opposite reaction

  17. $600 Question from Scientific Revolution… This scientist was the first to state that there is no need for God in science.

  18. $600 Answer from Scientific Revolution… Francis Bacon

  19. $800 Question from Scientific Revolution… Name two scientists that we have discussed that were actually knighted by the English monarchy. They both have the title Sir before their name.

  20. $800 Answer from I Have Rights… Newton; Bacon


  22. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$1000 Question from Scientific Revolution… There are 6 steps in the Scientific Method. The first step is to state a problem, the last step is to state a conclusion. What are the other 4 steps in between?

  23. DAILY DOUBLE!!!$1000 Answer from Scientific Revolution… Gather information, Form a hypothesis, perform experiments, and analyze data.

  24. $200 Question from Philosophers… John Locke was a very influential philosopher that hailed from this country.

  25. $200 Answer from Philosophers… England

  26. $400 Question from Philosophers… Jean Jacque Rousseau was very influential philosopher that hailed from this country

  27. $400 Answer from Philosophers... France

  28. $600 Question from Philosophers... This philosopher was the first to advocate the right of citizens to a fair and impartial trial.

  29. $600 Answer from Philosophers... Voltaire

  30. $800 Question from Philosophers... Adam Smith penned many of his famous economic philosophies in this famous book.

  31. $800 Answer from Philosophers... Wealth of Nations

  32. $1000 Question from Philosophers... This economic philosophy, Adam Smith proclaimed, would determine prices in every country.

  33. $1000 Answer from Philosophers... The law of supply and demand

  34. $200 Question from Revolution and a New Govt. The Social Contract influenced not only the Declaration of Independence but this document as well. It set up the United States government.

  35. $200 Answer from Revolution and a New Govt. U.S. Constitution

  36. $400 Question from Revolution and a New Govt. Why was the American revolution not really a “classic revolution”?

  37. $400 Answer from Revolution and a New Govt. Social class didn’t revolt against the one above it.

  38. $600 Question from Revolution and a New Govt. American revolutionary leaders studied Locke, but the “average patriot” probably liked this philosopher better because of their problems with taxes.

  39. $600 Answer from Revolution and a New Govt. Jean Jacque Rousseau

  40. $800 Question from Revolution and a New Govt. The American Revolution looked like an enlightened inspired revolution, but it took decades for it to fully go into effect. A perfect example is how long it took for women to receive this right.

  41. $800 Answer from Revolution and a New Govt. Right to vote

  42. $1000 Question from Revolution and a New Govt. The Declaration of Independence was a list of grievances sent to this British King.

  43. $1000 Answer from Revolution and a New Govt. George III

  44. $200 Question from Enlightened Etc.... This leader modernized the Prussian government and opened positions to people of merit instead of cronies.

  45. $200 Answer from Enlightened Etc.... Frederic the Great

  46. $400 Question from Enlightened Etc.... Frederick the great modernized his military by opening officer positions to these two social classes.

  47. $400 Answer from Enlightened Etc.... Middle and lower

  48. $600 Question from Enlightened Etc.... This person modernized the Russian army and government with enlightened principles.

  49. $600 Answer from Enlightened Etc.... Catherine the Great

  50. $800 Question from Enlightened Etc.... Catherine the Great increased her territory by attacking this weak Muslim empire stationed in Turkey

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