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Jubilee Year of Mercy: A Journey of Forgiveness

Experience the grace of forgiveness and mercy through a spiritual journey inspired by the Extraordinary Jubilee announced by Pope Francis, centered on God's infinite mercy and the parable of the Prodigal Son.

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Jubilee Year of Mercy: A Journey of Forgiveness

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  1. Jubilee Year of Mercy Mercy that Forgives

  2. During his homily for a Lenten penitential service, Pope Francis announced an extraordinary Jubilee to start at the end of the year, which will be dedicated to a theme close to the pontiff’s heart: mercy. “It's a journey that starts with a spiritual conversion. For this reason I have decided to declare an Extraordinary Jubilee that has the mercy of God at its center.”

  3. Opening Song Father I Have Sinned ~Eugene O’Reilly (CBW II #687) Come Back to Me (Hosea) ~Gregory Norbet (CBW II #686) I Will Sweep Away Your Transgressions ~Laure Salo (CBW II #622) Lay Your Hands ~Carey Landry (G&P #32)

  4. Sign of Faith

  5. Opening Prayer Heavenly Father, thank You for adopting us as Your daughters and sons. Please forgive us for the times we sin and run away from You. Always welcome us back, and help us welcome other people who come to You also. We pray in Jesus’ name. +Amen

  6. Scripture The Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32 Leader: A reading from the gospel according to Luke, “Because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found.” Leader: The Gospel of the Lord. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

  7. Reflection • Why is this parable more about the forgiving father than the son?

  8. Closing Prayer O God, You are our Creator.You are good and Your mercy knows no bounds.To You arises the praise of every creature.O God, You have given us an inner law by which we must live.To do Your will is our task.To follow Your ways is to know peace of heart.To You we offer our homage.Guide us on all the paths we travel upon this earth.Free us from all the evil tendencies which lead our hearts away from Your will.Never allow us to stray from You.

  9. Closing Prayer continued… O God, judge of all humankind, help us to be included among Your chosen ones on the last day.O God, Author of peace and justice, give us true joy and authentic love, and a lasting solidarity among peoples.Give us Your everlasting gifts. +Amen.

  10. Sign of Faith

  11. Closing Song Ashes ~Tom Conry (G&P #84) Grant to Us, O Lord ~Lucien Deiss (CBW II #621) Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive ~Rosamond Herkots (CBW II #620) O My People, Turn to Me ~Marie Post (CBW II #623)

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