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GrADS Station Data Model

GrADS Station Data Model. Used for in situ observational data Individual reports may be located anywhere in space and time Required metadata for each report: Station Identifier (8-character string) Longitude Latitude Level (for level-dependent variables) Time

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GrADS Station Data Model

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GrADS Station Data Model Used for in situ observational data Individual reports may be located anywhere in space and time Required metadata for each report: Station Identifier (8-character string) Longitude Latitude Level (for level-dependent variables) Time Linear time axis is used to organize reports

  2. Visualization in GrADS Display options include:Contour (lines or shaded) Grid fill (colors or numbers) Bar graph (with error bars) Scatter plot Winds: Vectors, Barbs, or Streamlines Output options include:Images Vector Graphics (e.g. Postscript) ASCII Binary or NetCDF file GIS-Compatible Formats  new!

  3. Data Analysis in GrADS GrADS expressions are formulas that contain:Operands (variables, functions, or constants)Operators (add, subtract, multiply, divide)Parentheses (to control the order of operation) Expression handling is recursive, so an expression may be embedded within another. Some examples: temp*9/5+32 aave((temp*9/5+32),global) hgt(lev=500)-hgt(lev=1000) ave(uwnd,lon=0,lon=360) sum(precip,t+0,t+24)

  4. QuikSCAT Winds (HDF), Surface Obs (BUFR), and ETA Model SLP (GRIB) 00z 6 Dec 2003

  5. Analysis of Surface METAR Observations with Radar 18z 29 May 2009

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