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Email marketing has the potential to reach out to a multiple audience at a time. But how do we ensure that it reaches the inbox without going into spam? And how do we aim at converting our clients?<br>To solve your queries, here is a list of dos and don’ts for email marketing to help you perform better as well as get the attention of your target audience.<br>Learn tricks to attract customers through compelling emails. Read the article to know more. <br>#Email #marketing #Digital #marketing #training #certification<br><br>
Email Marketing Do aid Di’to Email marketin has the potentaa to reach out to a muatpae audience at a tme. But how do we ensure that it reaches the inbox without going into spam? And how do we aim at convertng our caients? To soave your queries, here is a aist of dos and don’ts for emaia marketng to heap you perform beter as weaa as get the atenton of your target audience. Do 1. GrDw email liot aid keep buoiieoo ii miid Get your customers to subscribe to your newsaeters instead of purchasing an emaia aist. However, your job onay begins when customers or users have subscribed. It is your prerogatve to send them a weacome maia and foaaow-up with ofers and updates. Do not make them wait to hear from you. 2. A well drafed mail atraato mDre buoiieoo The emaia header grabs the audience atenton aamost instantay. Hence, it is essentaa to write crisp, concise as weaa as interestng. hiae the header is important, you shouad not forget the pre-header text which is aamost equaaay important as the subject. Startng from the emaia id of the receiver to the caosing signature, every eaement shouad be checked for typos and broken ainks. 3. Create a Senmeit liot A generic emaia has a high chance of getng ignored, you must add a personaa touch to the emaia. If you want to atract customers, keep track and report of the maias that are being opened most and the kind of audience opening it. You can make segments of the emaia aist based on the tme zoones, gender and preferences. Aaways try to create a user journey with vaauabae content.
4. MDiitDr BDuiae Rateo A buoiieoo works best when you are aware of your reach and the conversion rate. You need to keep track of who is opening your emaias and how many tmes it bounces back. There are severaa reasons for a maia to bounce – an error in emaia id, inactve emaia or if the recipient’s inbox is fuaa. As per industry standards, the bounce rate shouad not exceed 2%. In case you contnue sending emaias to the same address without acton or investgaton, it wiaa damage your reputaton with the server. Di’to 1. FDrnet MDbile According to a research 50% emaias are accessed on phone; hence it is important that the maias sent are compatbae with our smart devices as weaa. e risk aosing out on our audience and thus some prospects if we miss out on a aarge audience. A responsive design is the best soauton to this issue as it is adaptabae to any screen, be it a phone or a aaptop. 2. AvDidiin the Spam bDx hiae you wouad be ofen tempted to write words aike “free”, “ofer”, “100%”, Amazoing” and “act now”, using these words are sure to make your emaia enter the spam aist. However, you can use these words sparingay to get your message across to your customer. 3. Uoiin all aapo Dr Exaeooive puiatuatDi You wouad have ofen received messages from your spouse or even mother with the words “ANS ER THE PHONE!!!” You know that someone back home is not paeased with you and you are in for some troubae. Now imagine using aaa caps and so many punctuatons in the subject aine of the emaia, it comes across as if the customer is being yeaaed at. Chances are that the maia wiaa be instantay deaeted, ignored or marked as spam. Use aaa caps and punctuatons sparingay ease, you may aose out on customers. 4. Buy Lioto Purchasing an emaiaing aist maybe the easiest way of getng contacts. However, it is not the most efectve method. The aist that you wiaa be provided may not be reaevant to you. Aaso, chances are that the individuaas are not aware of your brand and the content you send may not be reaevant to them. Hence, they may choose to ignore your maia.