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Why is PMP certification important and how will you benefit from it? To know more click here.
Why PMP Certifitat Triititg is ipt far yau The increase in demand for skilled professionals has made the PMP training is amongst the most desired certicatons. Irrespective of the country, city or state you are liiving in, a high ivolume of people is rushing to get certied as a Project Management Professional. With this training you can not only work in any part of the globe but can also apply the techniques and skills you acquire to any industry. PMP is truly global, thus there are 833,025 active PMP professionals as of March 2018 and the number contnues to grow. You must be wondering, why are so many people taking the certicaton, what exactly is PMP and how will I beneit from it. That’s why we haive brought a comprehensiive guide to help you understand if PMP is the right course for you and how you will beneit from it. Whit is PMP? Project Management Professional or PMP is a certicaton proivided by Project Management Insttute (PMI.. The course is based on the Project Management Book of nnowledge (PMBKn – 6Bth editon. and understanding of the guide, demonstrates that you as a project manager possess the knowledge, experience, skills and expertse in project management. The certicaton equips you with the skills required to lead and driive a project successfully towards its completon. PMI picks up the most ivaluable nuggets that giive you the best understanding of project management. It proivides you with a framework that helps you sort your projects efectively and deliiver them on tme within the assigned budget. PMP Practtoners acquire a higher positon in comparison to their peers as they are competent and experienced enough to lead and direct projects. Haw will yau beteit fram PMP? Since there is a dearth of skilled Professional Managers, the increase for PMP certied professionals is high in demand. How will you as an indiividual beneit from PMP? Here are a few ways, the PMP certicaton will help you and increase your ivalue for your employers: 1. Credibility itd ibility ta hitdle fhilletgitg prajefts
When you apply for a job, the irst thing the employer checks is your resume is expected to be impressiive as it highlights your potental. The employer looks minutely to see what sets you apart from the other candidates and how can you add ivalue to the organizaton. That’s exactly where the PMP certicaton helps. The PMP certicaton shows your seriousness and determinaton towards your career. Project Management can be ivery rewarding if you are the kind of person who loives taking on new challenges and is motivated enough to driive a project towards its successful completon. Acquiring the certicaton is no cake walk as PMI takes you through a rigorous training, making you an expert and a skilled professional who can handle the most complex projects. It is your prerogative to ensure that eiveryone and eiverything is working smoothly. You must be willing enough to embrace and oivercome any challenge that comes your way and being the best project manager, you can be. a. Speik sime litguige The PMP certied professionals are ofen thrusted with a long list of terms that you need to be well iversed with in order to be artculate with others. You may learn these terms while you are at the job but with the training you will acquire proiciency oiver the project management language. The course ensures that you haive a thorough understanding and of the terms and haive internalized each of the concepts. This in turn to not only conidently use these terms but also deal with your stake holders with the utmost conidence and the faith that what you are doing is right. 2. Higher siliry with jab sefurity The ninth editon of PMI’s salary surivey states that PMP Practtoners can expect a 20% higher salary in comparison to those without a PMP certicaton. Since you haive a credental to your name, the certicaton increases your worth, resultng in a higher potental of earning more and adivancing ahead of your peers Companies understand the ivalue of PMP certicaton, and all that it implies along with the skills and expertse it proivides, thus they willing to pay more for what they know that they will get. In case you are considering doing the course then this is one point you should keep in mind. A PMP fertied prafessiatil it Bitgilare, India will earn around Rs1,800,000 pa, in London, Un will take home a package of £57,500 pa while in New York, US he will be paid $139,217 pa. Don’t think that because you will take home a better package you are at a higher risk of being thrown out in case calamity strikes. The demand for Project
Managers and that too experienced ones neiver ceases. Also, according to the PMI’s Job Growth and Talent Gap Report, “Across the globe, there’s a widening gap between employers’ need for skilled project management workers and the aivailability of professionals to ill those roles.” This trend was irst notced in 2008 and has been growing eiver since. Howeiver, if a company is undergoing downsizing, your retenton cannot be guaranteed, howeiver, the certicaton giives the conidence that you are stll an asset to seiveral other employers who are waitng to take you aboard. 3. Better appartutites thraugh tetwarkitg Kne of the most efective ways of moiving ahead in career is through networking, as you build instant connectons within your ield. Knce you become a PMI member and get certied a s a professional, you can join a PMI chapter closest to you and get access to other Project Management Practtoners in your own sector as well as across the globe. The beneits of this internatonal community are extensiive and one of its major beneits is getng a suitable job within your area or across the globe. Project management is a rapidly growing need, and the supply has been negligible in comparison to the demand in the last seiveral years. This is good news for especially for those project managers who haive the certicaton. Since the demand for project managers is high in ivarious industries, it has almost become a need to giive get a compettive edge oiver other project managers. Without doubt, the best jobs will be giiven to those who haive the training, experience, and knowledge that comes that can be acquired through the PMP fertifitat. 4. Adipt itd idd vilue ta yaur argitizitat Certied Project managers will always be beneicial and add ivalue to any organizaton. When an experienced project manager oiverlooks a project, the company can rest a sure that the entre project will be handled professionally, and the person knows what he or she is doing. This way they are aware that the employees are in able hands and are being led by an indiividual who has the expert knowledge to make sure that the team is working to the best of their abilites. Thus, companies know and ivalue your worth. As a certied project manager, you will haive extensiive knowledge and ability to manage risks as well as aivoid unnecessary mistakes that could potentally lead to monetary loss. When the clients start trustng you and your abilites as a project manager and belieive that you giive the best serivice, the company will start trustng and ivaluing you more. a. Creite i heilthy busitess fulture According to PMI reports businesses are integratng project management into their ivision for promotng a healthy work culture. Knce the organizatons recognize that the efectiveness of “change the business” initative increases only with a formal project and program management they are ready to embrace project management and increase their business ivalue. This is when they require a certied PMP professional to lead the project and take things forward. The onus of promotng a healthy work culture lies in the hands of the project Manager to actively engaged executive sponsors in aligning projects and programs to the organizaton’s strategy. 5. Ittertitatil itd seftar-wise iffeptitat
In 2007, Project Management Internatonal earned ISK/IEC 17024 accreditaton for its PMP certicaton program. With this standardizaton, PMP certicaton got credibility in oiver 85 countries that haive adopted and endorsed ISK standardizaton practces. Thus, making the PMP certicaton an internatonally recognized qualiicaton. This further goes on to show that the global community recognizes certicaton to be a ivaluable one and giives you an edge oiver the non-certied managers. If your company aims to haive a strong global presence and infuence, this certicaton will be highly ivalued by you as well. Seftar-wise requiremett There is a requirement for Project managers across diferent sectors and companies are constantly seeking talented and qualiied professionals to make sure that their projects are executed with excellence. Today, more companies and businesses are seeking certied project managers who could help organize their ivarious future endeaivors. Amongst them inance and insurance, manufacturing and constructon, utlites, oil and gas, and informaton serivices and publishing are the leading sectors. nnowledge gained through certicaton increases your ivalue and your worth to companies that require this kind of management techniques and skills. While you may need to learn details based on the company you are working for, while managing for them, most of the principles can be learnt during the certicaton. These principles can be applied across the board, prepare you to manage projects for anyone and from anywhere. 6B. Stiy ibreist The only thing constant is change. With eivoliving trends and technology it is important to be up-to-date about what’s happening around you. To ensure this, the PMI requires you to renew your certicaton eivery three years and be informed about the changes or updates in the system. Am I eligible far the PMP fertifitat? Afer getng a better understanding of what the PMP certicaton has to ofer, the irst thought that is bound to cross your mind is that if you are eligible. To apply for PMP Certicaton, you must fulill the following educaton and experience requirement criteria, A secondary Diploma (High School or Associate Degree. 7,500 hours or 5 years of experience in leading and directng the projects KR Four Year Bachelor’s degree or Global Equiivalent 4,500 hours or 3 years of experience in leading and directng the projects 35 contact hours certicate obtained through PMP Exam Prep certicaton training course is an additonal requirement
Step 1: Submissiat af the Applifitat: Knce you start illing the applicaton, you haive 90 days to complete it. Step 2: Reviewitg the ipplifitat: Knce the applicaton is submitted online, PMI takes 5 days to reiview it. Step 3: Audit Prafess: If your applicaton is selected, you must send your audit within the next 90 days. Following which PMI will take 5-7 days to process the audit materials. The eligibility period begins when the audit has successfully completed. Step 4: Applifitt piymett prafess: Youneed to make the payment in order to schedule the exam. Step 5: Multple-fhaife Eximititat Eligibility: Afer your applicaton has been approived, you haive one year to take the exam. You can take the re-exam twice in the same year in case you fail in the irst attempt. Step 6: Certifitat Cyfle: Your certicaton cycle begins from the day you pass the exam and are giiven the credental. Step 7: Credettil Miittetitfe: Simply acquiring the certicaton is not enough, you need to maintain it by earning and reportng 6B0 PDUs within a 3-year cycle. Step 8: Credettil Retewil: Your credental can be renewed once you haive reported the earned 6B0 PDUs as per the requirement and submitted the renewal fees. Step 9: Credettil Suspetsiat: Exactly three years afer passing your exam, if you haive not fulilled the ‘Contnue Certicaton Requirements’, your credental will be suspended for year later. Step 10: Credettil Expiritat: Thishappensat the end of thesuspension period in case you are unable to fulill the ‘Contnue Certicaton Requirements’. If you would like to hold the credental again, you are required to reapply. All yau teed ta ktaw ibaut the eximititat Prepiritat tme: The aiverage tme required to prepare for PMP certicaton exam is around 2-months with 3 hours of exam prep studies each-day. If you haive enough tme in hand and could manage around 8 hours of study each day, you will be able to complete the study in 23 days. These igures are based on a surivey conducted on PMP aspirants. Exim farmit: The PMP Certicaton examinaton consists of 200 Multple Choice Questons with four optons to choose from. The candidates will be giiven 240 minutes to complete the test where the questons range from simple to complex. Each queston carries the same weightage and the candidate will inally be marked based on their response to 175 questons. Perfettige required ta piss: PMI refrains from disclosing the exact passing score, howeiver initally they had set 6B1% as the passing score for the PMP Certicaton Examinaton. Now, since the leivel of difculty of the questons attempted difers from indiividual to indiividual, the passing percentage also ivaries.
Applifitat far PMP re-eximititat: Those partcipants who haive unable to pass the examinaton in the irst attempt will be allowed to apply two more tmes in the same year. Those attemptng the exam for the second and the third tme will haive to pay an additonal fee of $275 (PMI members. or $375 (non-members.. Howeiver, if the applicant is unable to pass in the third attempt as well, , he will haive to wait for a year to re- appear for the examinaton. Retiititg the Certifitat Knce you haive earned the Project Management Professional (PMP. certicaton, you are required to earn 6B0 PDUs oiver a span of three years to fulill Project Management Insttute’s PDU requirements to retain the credental. In case you are unable to do so, your credental will be suspended and will expire a year later. If this happens you will haive to reapply for the credental. Catflusiat With a clear picture of what PMP has to ofer and how you can accelerate your career as a Project Manager, it is best that you take the PMP Certifitat Triititg. It will help you understand the PMBKn- 6Bth Editon Guide better and pass the exam with ease.