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RELD Actions Pictures

RELD Actions Pictures. Adapted From: ESL Flashcards.com. Dancing. Crying. Diving. Drawing. Flying. Fishing. Jumping. Hugging. Riding. Pointing. Running. Singing. Skating. Water Skiing. Swimming. Skipping. Arguing. Biting. Building. Dribbling. Catching. Carrying. Shouting.

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RELD Actions Pictures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RELDActions Pictures Adapted From: ESL Flashcards.com

  2. Dancing Crying

  3. Diving Drawing

  4. Flying Fishing

  5. Jumping Hugging

  6. Riding Pointing

  7. Running Singing

  8. Skating Water Skiing

  9. Swimming Skipping

  10. Arguing Biting

  11. Building Dribbling

  12. Catching Carrying

  13. Shouting Driving

  14. Dropping Hopping

  15. Pointing Pulling

  16. Swinging Screaming

  17. Smiling Sitting

  18. Throwing Standing

  19. Closing Buying

  20. Crawling Leaving

  21. Fighting Digging

  22. Hiding Kissing

  23. Lifting Knocking

  24. Measuring Opening

  25. Picking up Shaking

  26. Yelling Snow Skiing

  27. Jogging Waving

  28. Writing Wrestling

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