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Correlating impacts on life history aspects. In the context of the Dynamic Energy Budget theory. Bas Kooijman Dept of Theoretical Biology Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam http://www.bio.vu.nl/thb/deb/. embryo. adult. juvenile. Praha, 2004/04/18. Effects on organisms.
Correlating impacts on life history aspects In the context of the Dynamic Energy Budget theory Bas Kooijman Dept of Theoretical Biology Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam http://www.bio.vu.nl/thb/deb/ embryo adult juvenile Praha, 2004/04/18
Effects on organisms • Process-based perspective on disturbances • chemicals, temperature, parasites, noise • exposure-time explicit methods (response surface) • Primary target: individuals • some effects at sub-organismic level can be compensated • Effects on populations derived from individuals • energy budget basic to population dynamics • Parameters of budget model individual specific • and (partly) under genetic control
Concentration ranges of chemicals • too little • def: decrease in concentration comes with increase in effects • enough • def: variations in concentration within this range hardly affect • physiological behaviour of individuals • too much • def: increase in concentration comes with increase in effects • e.g. concentration of water can be too much, even for fish • no basic difference between toxic and non-toxic chemicals • “too little” and “enough” can have zero range for some chemicals • Implication: lower & upper NEC for each compound
Do No Effect Concentrations exist? • Essential component: compensation at individual level • Each molecule of any compound has an effect at the molecular level • These effects do not necessarily translate into • measurable effects at the individual level • Example: removal of a kidney in a healthy human body does not • result in health effects under conditions that are not extreme • NEC is specific for • species and chemical compound • endpoint (survival, reproduction) • one process (maintenance, reproduction, ..) is most sensitive • experimental/environmental conditions
Behaviour Energetics DEB fouraging module: time budgeting Fouraging: searching, feeding, digestion, food selection feeding surface area (intra-species), volume (inter-species) Sleeping: repair of damage by free radicals respiration respiration scales between surface area & volume Social interaction: feeding efficiency (schooling) resource partitioning (territory), parental care mate selection (gene quality energetic parameter values) Migration: traveling speed and distance: body size related spatial pattern in resource dynamics (seasonal effects) environmental constraints on reproduction
Modes of Action of Noise Effects on reproduction • blocking out fouraging time reduction feeding efficiency • disrupting social behaviour short/long term, partner choice Effects on survival • problems with orientation (migration) • permanent hearing damage • interaction with large-scale fishing
Effects of parasites Many parasites increase allocation to som maintenance + growth (chemical manipulation) harvest (all) allocation to develop. + reprod. Results larger body size higher food intake reduced reproduction
Models for toxic effects • Three model components: • kinetics • external concentration internal concentration • example: one-compartment kinetics • change in target parameter(s) • internal concentration value of target parameter(s) • example: linear relationship • physiology • value of parameter endpoint (survival, reproduction) • example: DEB model
Kinetics Simplest basis: one compartment kinetics • Correct for changes in • body size (growth) • lipid content (starvation) • concentration • (transformation)
Dilution by growth • Note: • elimination rate decreases with length of isomorph • exchange is across surface area • small changes in size already affect kinetics considerably
Dilution by growth ke/rB ke/rB 10 10 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 ratio internal/external conc 0.1 0.1 trB trB scaled body length of daphnid scaled reproduction rate ke elimination rate rB von Bert. growth rate
Change in lipid content • Note: • biomass should be • decomposed into • reserve & structure • applies for slowly changing • food densities only
Satiating excretion kinetics Elimination rate satiates as function of internal concentration Example: Removal of alcohol from blood by liver
Receptor mediated effects • Compound knocks out functional receptors • Total amount of receptors is constant • Hazard rate linear in non-functional receptors : no memory
Tasks of physiological module • in the specification of toxic effects of chemicals • identify potential target parameters • for toxic effects (e.g. max feeding rate, • specific maintenance and growth costs) • specify interrelationships between • the various physiological processes • (e.g. feeding, maintenance, maturation, • growth, reproduction) • quantify how endpoints depend on • values of target parameters • (e.g. how does cumulative number of • offspring depend on the specific growth costs?)
Basic DEB scheme food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance growth
food faeces assimilation reserves somatic maintenance maturity maintenance 1- maturation reproduction growth Basic DEB scheme
assimilation maintenance costs food faeces growth costs assimilation reproduction costs reserves hazard to embryo somatic maintenance maturity maintenance 1- maturation reproduction growth Modes of Action of toxicants Lethal effects: hazard rate Mode of action affects translation to pop level
Change in target parameter Simplest basis: Change internal conc that exceeds internal NEC or with • Rationale • effective molecules • operate independently • approximation • for small effects
Hazard rate Definition: instantaneous death rate (dim: time-1) Interpretation of hazard rate times time increment: probability of death, given to be alive Relationship with survival probability for : Examples for :
Independent causes of death If causes of death by events 0 are independent of that by events 1 then hazard rate add and survival probabilities multiply Example of application: death by background mortality and by toxicant in short bioassays: background mortality is accidental which means that the hazard rate is constant
Effect on survival Effects of Dieldrin on survival of Poecilia killing rate 0.038 l g-1 d-1 elimination rate 0.712 d-1 NEC 4.49 g l-1
DEB-based effects on body growth • Indirect effects • indicator: effects on ultimate size at constant food • decrease of assimilation rate (food intake, digestion) • increase of specific maintenance costs • Direct effects • indicator: no effects on ultimate size at constant food • increase of costs for synthesis of biomass (structural)
Effect on assimilation weight1/3, mg1/3 time, d CuCl2 mg/kg Data from Klok & de Roos 1996 NEC = 4.45 mg CuCl2 /kg on Lumbricus rubellus
DEB-based effects on reproduction • Indirect effects • indicator: effects on onset of reproduction • decrease of assimilation rate (food intake, digestion) • increase of specific maintenance costs • increase of costs for synthesis of biomass (structural) • Direct effects • indicator: no effects on onset of reproduction • increase of costs for the synthesis of offspring • decrease of survival probability at birth
Direct effect on reproduction g Cd/l 0 0.2 0.4 cum. # young/female 0.8 1 2 Effect on hazard NEC = 0.023 g Cd/l time, d
energetics Free radicals and ageing feeding growth Respiration free radicals (internally generated) maintenance Oxidative damage tumour induction survival
Tumour inducing compounds Mode of action: genotoxic compounds: similar to (natural) free radicals enhance aging non-genotoxic compounds: hamper cell-cell communication Tumour growth dynamics similar to growth of body parts -rule for allocation of resources in DEB context growth depends on: physiology via nutrition (feeding conditions) body size (age): fast growth at young age Leeuwen, I. M. M. van 2003 Mathematical models in cancer risk assessment PhD-thesis, Vrije Universteit Amsterdam
Effect Concentration ECx(t): Concentration that gives x% effect at exposure time t, compared to the blank LCx(t) = ECx(t) in the case the endpoint is the survival probability (LC = lethal concentration) Generally: ECx(t) decreases in time the pattern depends on the properties of the chemical and of the test organism NEC = EC0()
Fast kinetics Effects on survival at instantaneous equilibrium
Effects on populations At constant food density: At variable food density: individual-based modelling of populations requires modelling of resources
Population effects can depend on food density 3,4-dichloroaniline direct effect on reproduction potassium metavanadate effect on maintenance Population growth of rotifer Brachionus rubens at 20˚C for different algal concentrations
Maintenance first Chlorella-fed batch cultures of Daphnia magna, 20°C neonates at 0 d: 10 winter eggs at 37 d: 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 38 Kooijman, 1985 Toxicity at population level. In: Cairns, J. (ed) Multispecies toxicity testing. Pergamon Press, New York, pp 143 - 164 30106 cells.day-1 400 Maitenance requirements: 6 cells.sec-1.daphnid-1 300 300 number of daphnids max number of daphnids 200 200 100 100 106 cells.day-1 0 0 6 12 30 60 120 8 11 15 18 21 24 28 32 35 37 30 time, d
Food intake at carrying capacity metavanadate sodium bromide 2,6-dimethylquinoline 103 cells/daphnid.d log mg Br/l log mg DMQ/l log mg V/l potassium dichromate colchicine 9-aminoacridine 103 cells/daphnid.d log mg AA/l log mg Col/l log mg K2Cr2O7/l