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Coherent Multiple Scattering and Di-hadron Correlation in Heavy Ion Collisions. Jianwei Qiu Iowa State University. (in collaboration with Dr. Ivan Vitev). 32 nd International Conference on High Energy Physics August 16-22, 2004, Beijing, China. K.Filimonov, nucl-ex/0403060.
Coherent Multiple Scattering and Di-hadron Correlation in Heavy Ion Collisions Jianwei Qiu Iowa State University (in collaboration with Dr. Ivan Vitev) 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics August 16-22, 2004, Beijing, China Jianwei Qiu, ISU
K.Filimonov, nucl-ex/0403060 Nuclear dependence in d+A collisions J.Adams et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 91 (2003) • Small broadening (and/or attenuation) is • observed in d+Au • Large attenuation is observed in Au+Au • (sensitive to the orientation relative to the • reaction plane) – clearly a final state effect J.Rak, hep-ex/0403038 Jianwei Qiu, ISU
If Coherent vs incoherent scattering • Consider di-hadron correlations associated with hard (approximately) back-to-back scattering • Incoherent additional scattering does not change the production probability – area under the peak • Coherentinelastic scattering does change the total production probability If Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Size of the hard probes • Size of a hard probe is very localized and much smaller than a typical hadron at rest • But, it might be larger than a Lorentz contracted hadron: • low x: uncertainty in locating the parton is much larger than the size of the boosted hadron (a nucleon) If the active x is small enough a hard probe can cover more than one Lorentz contracted nucleon! Jianwei Qiu, ISU
+ + ≈ + + ≈ • For a nucleus, if , the probe cannot tell which nucleon the parton comes from Coherence for small x partons • IF x<xc, a hard probe can interact coherently with more than one low x partons at a same impact parameters Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Universal nuclear dependence • Scattering involves one active parton from a nucleus • Only single hard scattering and single PDF is involved! • Nuclear dependence in PDF does not interfere with the partonic hard collision – universal nuclear dependence Same factorized formula with nucleon PDF’s Replaced by effective nuclear PDF’s Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Leading twist contributions All power resummation Process dependent power corrections • power corrections are process dependent: • nonvanish parton transverse momentum • multiple scattering between partons • power corrections in collinear factorization: Jianwei Qiu, ISU
All power resummation needed Resummation of power corrections • Power corrections: Lower x larger power corrections Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Dynamical power corrections in DIS • Dynamical power corrections generated by the multiple final state scattering of the struck quark The probe, virtual photon, interacts with all nucleons at a given impact parameter coherently • Coherence: High twist shadowing – process dependent Jianwei Qiu, ISU
After integration over Leading power corrections in DIS • Quark propagator of momentum xip+q : • Gluons are transversely polarized in light-cone gauge: • Effective scalar interaction: Jianwei Qiu, ISU
+ • Leading power correction: • Medium length enhancement: Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Resummed A1/3-EnhancedPower Corrections • Results: • One parameter – scale of power corrections U-quark, CTEQ5 LO Upper limit of the saturation scale Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Scale for cold matter power corrections Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Power Corrections in p+A Collisions • Hadronic factorization fails for power corrections of the order of 1/Q4 and beyond • Medium size enhanced dynamical power corrections in p+A could be factorized to make predictions for p+A collisions • Single hadron inclusive production: Once we fix the incoming parton momentum from the beam and outgoing fragmentation parton, we uniquely fix the momentum exchange, qμ, and the probe size coherence along the direction of qμ - pμ Ivan Vitev, ISU Jianwei Qiu, ISU
p A “d” Starting Point: LO pQCD Resum the multiple final state scattering of the parton “d” with the remnants of the nucleus • Isolate all the xb dependence of the integrand: • Leading power nuclear dependence with the substitution: Cd = 1for quarks, 9/4 for gluons Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Numerical results for the power corrections • Similar power correction modification to single and double inclusive hadron production • increases with rapidity • increases with centrality • disappears at high pTin accord with • the QCD factorization theorems • single and double inclusive • shift in ~ 2 /t Small at mid-rapidity C.M. energy 200 GeV Even smaller at mid-rapidity C.M. energy 62 GeV Qiu and Vitev, hep-ph/0405068 Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Acoplanarity and power corrections • Consider di-hadron correlations associated with hard (approximately) back-to-back scattering • Coherent scattering reduces: • Incoherent scattering broadens: Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Only small broadening • versus centrality • Looks rather similar at • forward rapidity of 2 • The reduction of the area • is rather modest • Apparently broader • distribution • Even at midrapidity a small • reduction of the area • Factor of 2-3reduction of the • area at forward rapidity of 4 Dihadron Correlation Broadening and Attenuation Mid-rapidity and moderate pT J.Adams et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 91 (2003) Forward rapidity and small pT Trigger bias can also affect: Qiu and Vitev, Phys.Lett.B 570 (2003); hep-ph/0405068 Jianwei Qiu, ISU
Conclusions • Although hard partonic collisions are localized in space-time, comparing to the rest size of a nucleon, the interaction length could be larger than a size of a Lorentz contracted nucleon • Coherent multiple interactions lead to power corrections to physical cross sections: • Leading medium size enhanced power corrections are Infrared safe and can be systematically resummed into a translation operator acting on parton’s momentum fraction, which leads to a shift in parton’s momentum fraction without changing the leading twist factorized formula • Dynamical power corrections for p+A collisions lead to the centrality and rapidity dependent suppression of single inclusive spectra and the dihadron correlations • At very forward rapidity (y=4) and small pT the power corrections give a factor of 2-3 reduction of the area of the away side correlations Jianwei Qiu, ISU