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Insights from 2007 Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance Coordination Action meeting emphasizing global VO development, standards adoption, user engagement, and lessons for data providers.
Concluding remarks F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
Why this meeting? • Discussion at the kick-off meeting of the Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance Coordination Action: topics of interest for several partners >>> Spectroscopy • Organised jointly by the EuroVO DCA and Facility Centre F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
The VO development began not so long ago (~2001) • Interoperability is the key, and the VO has to be world-wide > mandatory to agree on common standards • A huge amount of work at the international level and in the national projects and VO teams to build the standards Some standards have been adopted a few years ago already, the first version of the others ~ ready • The next phase (uptake by data providers/widespread usage by the community) is beginning • Need to have a direct contact between the VO community and the users/data providers for information and feedback • VO events in large astronomy meetings (e.g., IAU) useful for general information but frustrating (not focussed enough?) • thus this Workshop F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
Lessons learnt (1) • Not only for the VO teams: the VO increases the incentive on data producers to provide the proper data characterization and ‘science ready’ data • Likely to increase the impact of data centres and services by allowing seamless access and access combined with access to other data and services • A huge diversity in data and service providers, from large organisations to small teams willing to share their expertise (‘niche’ data or services) with not much manpower, and in the data volume/service scope F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
Lessons learnt (2) • Two fundamental aspects for the VO teams: • Help the data and service providers to publish their data and services in the VO, taking into account their specificities • Take into account the science needs (yes, the VO IS science driven) • More has to be done on providing templates for data providers, information on available tools, on-line tutorials, … • Workshop in June at ESAC, another one in 2008 at ESO • DCA can provide travel money for discussion with VO specialists from another country F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
Among key topics (1) • Easy basic implementation and usage – more advanced layer for advanced functionalities but limited overhead for providing and using ‘simple’ access • We need the standards NOW • Proper data characterization, including • Information on data quality, incl. errors, propagation of this information, usage it in tools • Proper description and propagation of producer and curator information (so that they get proper credit) F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
Among key topics (2) • Scalability, incl. data mining in large surveys • Allow different levels of compliance, full characterization information not necessary for some bona fide usages • Pressure of users on data providers to get the proper metadata • Communication between tools (PLASTIC, workflows) • Wrapping of legacy services would help community acceptance – but good new tools should be given a chance! • Many tools and services with nearby aims > how to help users to choose the proper ones (the best for his/her specific needs, ‘the best one’) ? F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
Conclusions (1) • Seen from the VO teams, the discussions have been very useful • There will be a report to EuroVO and IVOA on the community needs and feedback • The VO will not do everything but can do a lot • Lots of expectations (which reinforces our motivation), not so bad standards and first tools, lots remain to be done, and now we know more about it F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007
Conclusions (2) • In some countries significant triggering work on the topic beforehand • More interest from the community than we expected, well beyond the usual ‘VO-addicts’ • Seems to be a good format • New roles for IVOA and the VO projects • Many thanks to the invited reviewers and to all participants for their commitment, and to our colleagues from Japan and USA F. Genova, Spectroscopy & VO Workshop, Madrid, March 2007