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Welcome!. Miss Lynch’s Class Room 20. Who am I?. Siobhan Lynch 3 rd year teaching in North Hanover Taught/subbed for K-5, 1 st , and 2 nd I live in Bordentown, born and raised. Played softball at UMASS I have 2 small dogs I love nautical everything .
Welcome! Miss Lynch’s Class Room 20
Who am I?.... • Siobhan Lynch • 3rdyearteaching in North Hanover • Taught/subbed for K-5, 1st, and 2nd • I live in Bordentown, born and raised. • Played softball at UMASS • I have 2 small dogs • I love nautical everything
Second Grade Curriculum Mathematics • Unit 1: Add and Subtract within 100 and Understand Place-Value to 1000 • Unit 2: Understand the Meaning and Application of Addition and Subtraction • Unit 3: Compare Lengths-Measures in Standard Units-Foundations of Multiplication • Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction Using Place-Value, and Measurement • Unit 5: Represent Data and Recognize Shapes and Their Attributes
Second Grade Curriculum Social Studies • Unit 1: Our Citizenship • Unit 2: Maps (Basic Map Skills) • Unit 3: Community Wants and Needs • Unit 4: American Symbols and Celebrations Science • Unit B: Environments and Energy • Unit D: Patterns in the Sky • Unit F: Motion and Forces Students will demonstrate an understanding of concepts and participate in class activities
HOMEWORK • Reading = Read 20 minutes • Parent chooses strategies • Log should be filled out and signed • Math= Study math facts • Varied math skill sheets/review
Websites to Explore • www.nhanover.com – our school district website- has links to tons of information. You can also pay for breakfast/lunch online. • www.spellingcity.com- Site to study spelling words! • www.pearsonsuccessnet.com – Has our texts for math and LAL on it. • www.iknowthat.com – reinforces all subject areas • www.starfall.com- Very good for struggling readers or those who want to reinforce reading skills. • GameGoo - Educational Games • http://www.earobics.com/gamegoo/gooey.html • reading and language skills • Second Grade Websites math skills • http://www2.allentownsd.org/EETT/secondgrade.htm
Class Information • North Hanover District Link • Classroom Rules Rules, Rewards, Consequences
General School begins at 8:00a.m. (please do not arrive before 7:40a.m., as there will be no supervision) Lunch 10:45-11:30 (lunch money/snack) Dismissal is at 2:45p.m. Homework The children are responsible for all assignments. Homework is written on the board each day. Students copy the assignments into their planner. **Please sign/initial your child’s book every night.** No written homework is given on Fridays.
Materials Needed Dear Parents, To make sure that we get off to a safe and healthy year our class will need a few supplies. If you could donate any of the following items we would greatly appreciate it! Thank you! • Tissues, tissues, tissues, and more tissues (Pencils, erasers, glue sticks) Thank you again for your continued support! Miss Lynch’s Class
Other • When absent or leaving early, please send in a note or email. • When your child will be absent, please notify the nurse at 723- 5612 • Scholastic Book Club information will be sent home about once a month • Please notify me in writing when there is a change in your home or work phone numbers. This guarantees that I can reach you should any emergency arise. • If you are able to volunteer for any classroom activities (parties, crafts, etc.) please sign your name and phone number to the list
Lastly, Thank YOU! An apple for the teacher, Is really nothing new, Except when you remember Parents are teachers too! Kid President Thank you for all of your support, I am looking forward to a wonderful second grade school year!!