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The Most Common Mistakes when Cooking with Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis edibles have become increasingly popular over the last couple of decades. Check out this infographic to avoid some of the biggest and most basic cannabis edibles mistakes while cooking -Cooking with raw cannabis, Using high temperatures to decarboxylate and more. Visit - https://bit.ly/38tumWA

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The Most Common Mistakes when Cooking with Cannabis Edibles

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  1. GREENLEAFCBD COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN COOKING CANNABIS EDIBLES COOKING WITH RAW CANNABIS Rawcannabisneedsactivationto produceCBDorTHC, whichhas psychoactiveeffects. Addingnatural weedintoyourediblepreparation willhaveproducenoeffect. USING HIGH TEMPERATURES TO DECARBOXYLATE Ifyousetthewrong temperaturesontheoven, decarboxylationmighttakelong, oryourcannabutterburnsout. FAILING TO ADD WATER WHEN MAKING CANNABUTTER Don’tworryaboutdilutingthe potencyofthefinalproduct. Addanequalvolumeofwaterto theoiltopreventyour cannabutterfromburning. GRINDING CANNABIS INTO A POWDER Overgrindingyourcannabiswill reducepotencyandflavor. Usea handgrindertocoarsegrindyour cannabisafterithas decarboxylated. NOT MIXING CANNABUTTER WELL ENOUGH. Youdon’twantsomecannabis edibleshavingmore cannabinoidsportionthanothers. Stirwellandevenlytoget uniformlymixedcannabutter. Address: 9700N. KingsHwy. 29572 Tel: (843) 663-0437 Source: https://greenleafcbd.shop/

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