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The Legacy of Churchill’s Sinews of Peace Speech 1946-1989

The Legacy of Churchill’s Sinews of Peace Speech 1946-1989. “The Sinews of Peace” Winston Churchill. To what extent did Winston Churchill’s Sinews of Peace speech define the Cold War? What was the goal of Churchill’s speech? What is the tone of his speech?

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The Legacy of Churchill’s Sinews of Peace Speech 1946-1989

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  1. The Legacy of Churchill’s Sinews of Peace Speech 1946-1989

  2. “The Sinews of Peace” Winston Churchill • To what extent did Winston Churchill’s Sinews of Peace speech define the Cold War? • What was the goal of Churchill’s speech? • What is the tone of his speech? • Identify passages that indicate Churchill’s views on peace and war http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.radiochemistry.org /speech_archives/text/churchill2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.radiochemistry.org/ speech_archives/text/churchill2.shtml&h=231&w=190&sz=6&hl=en&start=7&tbnid=CsPY_HE5_PFc9M:&tbnh=108&tbnw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3DWinston%2B Churchill%2B1946%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls%3DRNWE,RNWE:2004-50,RNWE:en%26sa%3DG

  3. Stalin’s Response • How does Stalin describe Winston Churchill? • What does he say are Churchill’s aims in his speech? • Why does Stalin compare Churchill to Hitler? To what effect? • What does he say is the goal of the Soviet Union? http://library.usu.edu/Specol/digitalexhibits/\masaryk/images/stalin.jpg

  4. The Truman Doctrine • Why does Truman want Congress to go to the aid of Greece? Turkey? • What does he want Congress to do? • Why does Truman say the United Nations can not help? • According to Truman, what is the significance of the geographic location of Greece and Turkey? • What does Truman say will happen if the United States does not intervene? • Find passages that reflect the ‘iron curtain’ imagery of Churchill’s speech http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dosiero:Harry-truman.jpg

  5. The Berlin Airlift • Research the Berlin Airlift at the following web site: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/berlin_airlift/large/docs.php?action=docs • Identify the actions of the Soviet Union that led to President Truman’s decision • Place the Berlin Airlift in the context of the Cold War • Assess the extent to which it demonstrates Winston Churchill’s description of the iron curtain in his “Sinews of Peace” speech http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/BERLIN_A/BAPIC_53.HTM

  6. Towards a Strategy of Peace • Define what peace means to President Kennedy • How does Kennedy describe American attitudes towards the Soviet Union? • What do Americans and Soviets have in common, according to Kennedy? • Describe the line that Kennedy draws in his quest for peace. • Assess the extent to which this speech demonstrates Winston Churchill’s description of the iron curtain in his “Sinews of Peace” speech http://www.lib.msu.edu/vincent/findaids/kennedy.jpg

  7. Gorbachev’s Speech to the UN • Describe the world that Gorbachev sees as emerging in 1988 • What are some of the revolutionary changes that Gorbachev describes? • What else does he say needs to be done? Why? • How has the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union changed over five and a half decades? • Assess the extent to which this speech demonstrates Winston Churchill’s description of the iron curtain in his “Sinews of Peace” speech http://pac.nevada.edu/PACINFO/gorbachev_mikhail(300).jpg

  8. “Tear Down That Wall” • Why does Reagan say he is drawn to Berlin? • What has the Berlin wall represented since it was erected? • How has West Berlin changed since 1947, according to Reagan? Why does he emphasize these changes? • How does he describe life in Eastern Europe by comparison? • What changes does he say are happening in Eastern Europe? • What does Reagan hope will happen as a result of his speech? • Assess the extent to which this speech demonstrates Winston Churchill’s description of the iron curtain in his “Sinews of Peace” speech http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image: ReaganBerlinWall.jpg#file

  9. Cold War Websites • The History Place - World War Two in Europe Timeline • http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/berlin_airlift/large/docs.php?action=docs

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