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CAS. Introduction 1 st Marking Period Fall, Junior Year. Your CAS Coordinator:. Ms. Kathleen Tucky Email: ktucky@wmrhsd.org Webpage: access via Faculty Directory on Mendham High School homepage Classroom: Room 25 Main Office Mailbox Voicemail Extension: 5191.

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  1. CAS Introduction 1st Marking Period Fall, Junior Year

  2. Your CAS Coordinator: • Ms. Kathleen Tucky • Email: ktucky@wmrhsd.org • Webpage: access via Faculty Directory on Mendham High School homepage • Classroom: Room 25 • Main Office Mailbox • Voicemail Extension: 5191

  3. The center of the hexagon is what sets this program apart from others

  4. Purpose: Meet Learning Outcomes • Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth • Undertaking new challenges • Planned and initiated activities • Working collaboratively with others • Showing perseverance and commitment • Engaged with issues of global importance • Consideration of ethical implications • Developing new skills

  5. Result: Personal Growth

  6. Required in all CAS Activities: • Real, purposeful actions with significant outcomes • Requires meeting a personal challenge • Includes thoughtful consideration • Results in reflection on outcomes and personal growth

  7. Activities should: • Be collaborative • Be sustained • Be Creative, Active and/or Service oriented • Be chosen for their value to you and society • Be ‘volunteer’ activities (no payment!)

  8. Activities should result in personal growth

  9. What is a Creative Activity? • An activity that requires creativity, imagination and/or design • Examples include: • Learning a new skill such as playing a new musical instrument • Designing the set for a local theatre group • Volunteering to teach photography or another secular topic at a church/religious camp

  10. What is an Action Activity? • An activity that gets you moving, preferably sweating and/or focuses on a healthy lifestyle • Examples include: • Being part of a Varsity/JV sport for an entire season • Being part of marching band for the season • Teaching an aerobics class at a community center • Learning a new sport or taking on a new athletic challenge (rock-climbing, etc.)

  11. What is a Service Activity? • An activity that provides a helpful service and/or product for a person or organization. Your involvement must grow over time. • It must be a ‘two-way street’ • Examples include: • Reading the newspaper or teaching crafts to senior citizens at a rest home • Running a fundraiser to benefit a local charity or organization

  12. How much time? • It is the quality of a CAS activity that is the most important • The minimum amount of CAS activity is one ½ day (about 4 hours) per week • This should continue for about 18 months • Counting hours is discouraged

  13. Step 1: Before • Choose an activity or project • Join school organizations • Contact community organizations • Check your coordinator’s webpage • Ask other students

  14. Step 2: Before • Submit the Pre-Activity Form to your coordinator • Ms. Kathleen Tucky • Main office • Room 25 • ktucky@wmrhsd.org • Your coordinator will return the form to you

  15. Step 3: During • Reflect as you participate in the activity • Keep a journal, notebook, word document, email draft, etc. • Don’t forget to collect artifacts that demonstrate your involvement • Programs, photos, flyers, brochures, videos, etc.

  16. Step 4: After • Have your supervisor complete the Supervisor’s Verification Form and return it to you or to your coordinator

  17. Step 5: After • Complete the Post-Activity Form

  18. Step 6: Final • Turn in the Pre-Activity Form, Post-Activity Form, reflections, artifacts and Supervisor’s Verification Form for each activity. • You can turn in all the forms for all activities together prior to due date (April 1st2015). • Recommendation: Compile everything in a binder so it is neatly organized. Ideal for college interviews.

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